
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Dreams Of Being Teacher

sitting at a campfire, Sora used a stick to move around the firewood, everyone sat around the fire on top of logs, taking this time to rest. the old man calmly sat there while looking at Sora skillfully move, though this, he could tell that Sora was some kind of person who lived outdoors.

while Sora made his campfire, everyone took turns to go bathe in the river. they stopped here because there was a river nearby where they could take a bath. the masked woman and the other kid were tired and covered in sweat; a bath was greatly needed.

the masked woman was the first to go, ladies first. and while she was taking a bath, Sora whose eyes were still closed could see her clearly within his mind map. since his mind map now had color, although not a perfect color of the outside world, it was close enough.

Sora of course was not some pervert, but he wanted to see her face. yet, after taking off all of her clothing, she strangely didn't take off her mask. Sora was confused while looking at this, was so pretty that even in the middle of the night she kept her face on. the thirst to know what was behind that mask only grew.

to have such a perfect figure, along with some beautiful eyes. Sora could understand why she hide her face. the image of Sora walking down a street with heavenly beauty flashed across his mind, just how much attention would he draw to himself?

Shaking his head, Sora shook off the thoughts. collecting SP points was not that hard, as he go to bigger cities, there would be more and more gathering of people. maybe there will be a day when he is surrounded by millions of people,

Sora sat the closest to the fire, he didn't have to worry about smoke getting into his eyes, so stayed near it. at the same time, the heart from the fire did burn slightly, which in return gave him SP for his [Toughness].

'if I can get stronger like this, is there a point to be cultivating? wait, there might be skills for the realm above the body tempering. I should at least level up my cultivation talent to level 10 or something, I would need auto cultivation.' Sora thought to himself.

the more Sora fought, the stronger he would become. the more Sora is hit, the greater his [thoughtfulness] would be. this is of course if there is a limit to how high he could level up these skills, or if he is limiting these skills by being too low in cultivation, and cultivation could allow him to bring out the full potential of these skills.

cultivation was slow, but I brought many benefits. like the story of the cat and the turtle, fast doesn't always win... or was it a dog and a cat?

to reach perfection, Sora will be aiming to use everything he had to reach the peak, so he began setting up a schedule for himself. starting at night, he should stay up all night cultivating, upon morning he does some martial art training, before moving on to weight training where he would pick up the heavy things he could find, before eating a huge meal, and the rest should be free time or training in any other skill he sees fit.

doing this would greatly increase his [recovery] as one he would no longer be sleeping and two, he would be pushing his body to its limit

[Endurance] [Power] [Dexterity] [Martial Arts] [Cultivation] and [movement] would also be getting XP, the only one Sora didn't know about was [toughness] if he destroy his body, would he get XP, or could he only get XP form something other than working out and harming himself?

there were just so many things to go, at the beginning, Sora knows that leveling these skills up would be easy, but as the requirement for XP increased, the hard it would be. reaching level 4 is easy, but what about level 5 when you need 10,000 XP or level 6 which would be 100,000 XP, and so on?

soon the masked woman came back and the other kid lit the orb up by 7% also went, once he came back, the old man looked at everyone before speaking.

"So, what is your goal in cultivating? those who cultivate without a sad goal would not get far, it's best you set a goal for yourself, and not only aim for it but surpass it." He said calmly while looking at the two masked people among them.

Sora hearing his words fell into deep thought, what was his goal right now? he currently only had 5 goals. the first was not really because of him but because the past owner of the body emotions beats the living shit out of the women who played him.

the second was also thanks to the former owner of this body's emotions, when he saw the hole in his father's chest, Sora sensed that a part of that guy was still there. although they couldn't speak, Sora knew that he wanted to get revenge for his father, which Sora of course didn't mind doing.

the third was Sora's personal goal. he wanted to see how far his creation could take him. he wanted to know more about his A.I. just how did he end up in this world, how did his A.I. turn into a system, was this how all systems were created? the thought of one day gaining the capability to recreate something like this made Sora's blood boil

the 4th was the mayor, he, of course, going to beat the person who he dared to kill him and still seek trouble after everything was over. Sora was not some pushover,

the 5th, return to earth and make those who killed him pay. do they think because he died that it was over? do they think because he is in another world that he would ignore it? fuck them, they should have eaten his soul or whatever that man said before he was killed.

Sora's attention was caught by the woman who began making hand seals, and what saw said was pretty much gain immortality. but Sora didn't believe this, through her heart he knew she was lying, and after a moment he stopped and tried listening to her thoughts.

'find them... I have to find my mother and baby sister.' a sweet heavenly voice made Sora's mind go blink entered Sora's mind. Sora a 13-year-old suddenly felt lust, shocking him but he quickly stopped listening to her thoughts. this woman had a perfect figure, beautiful eyes, and such a lovely voice.

no wonder she had a masked on, but the hunger to see what was behind her mask only grew, but he was also curious about her past. as he took a deep breath, Sora was shocked to see this [toughness] had gained a new sub ability [though mind] but it was locked and needed him to reach a higher cultivation realm which was unknown to the system just yet.

[Endurance] also got a new skill, [resistance] as he managed to resist something like that, no matter how tempting it was.

Sora sighed softly, but he realized the old man was looking at him so he spoke of his dream, using his hands. which was to become a powerful expert who could one day before a sect elder.

the old man looked at the two before nodding, if things went well, Sora and the masked woman would become elders one day, and if they show the capability needed, they could even become grand elders, which had a higher status than outer elders like himself.

"I wish to gain strength to support my family and village." the young man said softly after seeing the old man look towards him. he had the lowest talent here, but he had the simplest goal. he just wants to gain the power needed to protect his home and family.

"In my many years of cultivation, here is a bit of small knowledge that I have collected. there is no such thing as right and wrong. only the strong are right, and the weak is wrong. you can enter the sect, and someone could do you wrong, but unless your talent, power, or backing is greater than the others, you would be in the wrong for even fighting back." He said calmly while looking at them

"There are always goods and back to everything. you have high talent, so many elders would be drawn to you, but many jealous eyes would also be drawn over. everything is a risk, this is the cultivation world, and no one goes around giving stuff for free. we take from the heavens, and in return resources are low. those who give for nothing are fools or have a hidden plan. you all should be on guard against everyone." He said softly

"In this world, people would eat their children for a chance at a breath though. humans' souls can be refined into pills. keep an open mind, because twists and turns are hiding everywhere." he said softly to which everyone nodded slightly. he didn't have anything to say, so he allowed them all to go to sleep.

Sora wanted to cultivate, but he found that the Qi here was too low. it was like taking a breath, but the air is so small you end up coughing, this was Sora, he couldn't believe just how small the energy here was. he wanted to return to the forest, there he could cultivate as he wishes.

shaking his head, Sora just stayed up. the old man watched Sora who remained by the fire the whole time for some time, while everyone else was asleep.

"Are you not tired?" he asked calmly, Sora hearing his words froze slightly. it was just now that he indeed found that he was not tired at all, and only extremely hungry. this confused him, but he shook his head slightly before turning to look at his abilities, and his eyes quickly landed on his [recovery] ability had improved. its sub-ability [energy recovery] was at level 4,

all this time Sora was using a lot of energy, yet it was recovered. since [recovery] was not one of the abilities he was looking for improvement at the moment, he ignored it.

he had a new sub-ability, [Accelerated recovery] [Exterior recovery] and [Internal recovery] were the new sub-abilities he had gotten.

[accelerated recovery] was based on the speed he recovers, currently at level 3. normal humans would need a few days to recover from a small cut, Sora would recover at a rate 10 times that, so only hours or more depending on the cut

[Exterior recovery] this sub ability would increase the capability of Sora recovery capabilities on exterior injuries. it was harder for Sora to now get scars, or injuries leaving behind any form of damage. this ability was only at level 1

[Internal recovery] this sub ability would increase the capability of Sora's recovery capabilities with internal injuries. as it leveled up, Sora can regrow things like eyes, the heart, the brain, and even lost memories and be recovered. the speed of which depends on [accelerated recovery]. this ability was only at level 1

Sora guessed how he managed to get these skills, the mind map might have used up a lot of energy which he didn't notice. as he used energy usage, as he used up so much energy, and recovered it, that energy had to draw from somewhere.

so, [Exterior recovery] and [Internal recovery] sub-abilities were discovered. this was great, at first, Sora wanted to endure the hunger to level up his [Endurance], but now he was having second thoughts about this.

'I should not eat until tomorrow morning, if I can stay up to feel the hunger it would increase the XP.' Sora thought as he took out some food, which he placed in front of him, and simply looked at it, this was torture. he was extremely hungry, yet for that more XP, Sora was willing to push through this.

So, under the confused eyes of the old man, Sora stayed up for hours while looking at the food, while his stomach cried up. he was sleepy, but he forced himself to remain awake,

[Survivability] [Pain Suppression] [Performance] [Internal recovery] [Exterior recovery] [accelerated recovery] and [energy recovery] all got a huge amount of XP, and they all leveled up.

[recovery] reached level 2, [Endurance] reached level 3, and all of which came at a huge prince, but the gains were great. for one, Sora found that even after staying up for so long and being so hungry, he would act and do things as if he was in a normal condition.

soon, morning came, and Sora began eating, Sora wanted to see what his body could recover from and what he could handle. as Sora eat, he found that his body broke down the food at a shocking speed,

'I should buy stamina, if I could get it then the energy my body would have would be far greater than others' Sora thought as he felt how much energy he had, luckily, the more skilled he became, the less energy he would use up.

getting up, Sora went to the forest where he did some martial art training, thanks to his already high level of martial arts thanks to his father, he quickly got a huge amount of XP. he quickly leveled up his [attack] [counter] [block] and [dodging sub-abilities.

[Martial Art] improved to level 3 in no time, which was the same level at which Sora showed his martial art skills. but [Martial Art] hit parts of martial; arts that Sora couldn't even think of, his instinct became sharper, clearer, and more refined.

with a look, Sora could read a person and know their fighting style, personality, and many things from studying a person. of course, the speed needed for this was long, but it could be done, and if Sora know a person well enough, he could even guess a person's next move, know what they would do, and even think of ways to counter them.

with this done, Sora went to wash up before returning to the group. with everyone awake, they quickly eat, Sora tried to see the masked woman eat, yet she didn't remove the mask, she lifted it slightly, enough for her two to eat without showing anyone a hint of her flesh.

Sora was not the only one who was disappointed, everyone here was looking towards her, only Sora wasn't looking as he was looking at her in her mind map, the old man even threw a look over from the corner of his eyes, he didn't want to lose face.

Sora noticed that the young man was not eating, it's not like he brought any food with him, so he could only watch everyone else eat. Shaking his head, Sora threw something toward the kid to eat, Sora didn't see himself as some good guy or something like that, but he wasn't a dick. if he lost nothing, so he would help, but if he lost something, he would watch you die of hunger. he was not some guy who went around trying to lose things, he looked at the profit,

"f-for me?" the young man asked, moved at Sora's actions. Sora nodded slightly as he made some hand seals. and what they said was simple, follow me and in return, your dreams will become a reality.

the young man although wasn't too skilled and reading hand signs, understood what Sora meant, he quickly nodded agreeing to follow Sora. the old man watched this before high, no one gave stuff away for free. one should avoid taking in favors as they might return to bite you.

this young man just solid himself, he had to admit, Sora was sharp to pick this kid. although not talented. this kid was from a poor background and had the determination to help his family and home. he was someone who could be trusted, through his eyes the old man could tell that this kid wasn't the type of person who could betray a friend for his benefit. in total, he was the best person here for Sora to take in.

"... my name is Tiger." The young man said making Sora and everyone's eyebrow raise at this guy's name, the young man lowered his head in embarrassment,

"When I was born, a tiger attacked the village I was from. but it died from the injuries when it was paid by where I was born. so, my dad calls me little tiger." he said weakly, it was a joke for some time around the village as they said stuff like him being the reincarnation of the tiger and stuff, but the name stuck after some time.

Sora thought for a moment before he listened into this guy's body if had read many novels back on earth to know that sometimes strange people might be talented. Sora listened in, and slowly his eyebrow raised. this guy's muscles were in deep power, and his heartbeat had power far above those of a normal person.

'is he not talented in cultivation but body tempering?' Sora thought in confusion, the orb only looked at Qi base cultivation, but there were many paths a person could walk down. thier are some who put all of their attention on cultivating the mind, allowing their mind to affect the outside world in many ways.

thier are people who cultivate the soul, allowing their soul to have unmatched power and even affect the outside world. the soul could even do things like take over bodies attack souls or reform a new body if it's destroyed.

there was the body tempering path, where a person put all of their attention on strengthening the body, making it the most powerful weapon under the heaven.

but there was a last and enough path. there are talents within this world that ignore cultivation and only force something like the sword. this being could use their knowledge of the way of the sword to do things like fighting the strongest cultivator without having a hint of cultivation.

some simply use the way of fire, lightning, and so on. so, Qi base talent is just one of the many forms of talent out there. some talents would go on noticed,

Sora nodded towards Tiger, the reason why he took this guy in was guessed by the old man, but it went deeper. Sora wanted to use the system to its best, so he was planning on teaching and having over 500 students. just the thought of respect they would be throwing at him, which would turn into SP made Sora smile.

Hell, Sora was planning on building a whole origination of simply his students. the number of points he would have is a lot. he could see himself standing on stage and talking to thousands of people, all looking at him with all kinds of emotions,