
Imposter System

(Volume 1 Complete!) What's worse than waking up in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar time? Perhaps it's realizing that you are no longer human? Or that you must keep your identity secret or you will be eliminated? Perhaps even worse, you will be captured and studied-- or tortured. Matt O'Connely, or rather, the parasite that controls him, comes from modern day. After a night of gaming, he found himself in a world very similar to the game. But this was real, not a game!

Pill_Guy · Sci-fi
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126 Chs

Final Countdown

The setup was actually very simple. The captain had an engineering team bring over a holographic projection device from one of the combat simulation military bays. With enough raw material, the machine was able to accurately reproduce a scenic outdoor wedding. The decision on venue was decided on by Alexis without Matt's knowledge, so when he stepped out of the rest room, he was shocked with what he saw.

This was a near perfect replica of the wedding from their dream. He had to hand it to Alexis for being very detail oriented in this matter. The guests flooded in, but only a tenth of the crowd were actually invited. Therefore, there were several people watching the wedding from large monitors outside. Although the act of marriage wasn't very common, people loved big events regardless of their content. Some even made side gambles of various improbable things like the groom tripping or the bride's clothes spontaneously combusting.