
imperial nine days

Wang Feng created a game "Royal nine days", in the near success, to the peak of life, through the "nine days of the world". But what about the auxiliary systems needed to cross? Not rich handsome also just, after all, the Wang brother is a talented person, but, dungeon small whip opening is what ghost? No external hanging, no crossing, facing the torture from the soul, the old Wang of the three views began the second struggle of life. Brothers, the old king is back!

wudi_daji8 · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 35 This is the best Brother

Uncle Sam's hot dog in front of Rose College.

The treat was proposed by Wang Feng, but it was also Fan Texi who promised to pay the bill, after all, he found all his teammates and kept the number of students in the academy, and he was particularly happy.

But when watching these guys eat their food in front of them, Fancy regretted it, and wanted to die.

It's not three fucking teammates, it's three starving guys, right?

Two orcs are naturally needless to say, orcs is a capital word "poor", two orcs, this is deadly ah, it is said that there are orcs who can eat the energy needed for a winter like a bear, and then go to hibernate.

There is also the wizard who clearly looks like he has not grown up and lacks intelligence, although he is very cute, which makes Fantacy still bright at first, but when he really starts to eat... This cat's belly is definitely not a stomach, is it a black hole?

Fancy was giddy at the three dozen empty boxes stacked in front of her. It was thirty hot dogs on toast!

This bitch can eat more than he can, and this little girl has already eaten more than 30? The fighting power is not inferior to those two orcs!

"Boss." Winnie's small mouth is swollen, full of butter, did not expect a fly house hot dog hamburger actually do very distinctive, these days she can only eat the spare money, really put her worry bad: "Ten more!"

"We..." Cora pushed her remaining portion in front of the voracious Udi. "Let's have ten more, too."

Fantersi felt his blood pressure a little high, and it was not easy to hold the corner of the chair.

One counts as three leos. That's 300 leos, enough for a month of living expenses, and you eat meat every day.

You can eat it all in one meal? I don't waste my stock like this!

"Ah Feng... Noooo! Wang Feng! You know, I don't think this team is going anywhere, so why don't we just break up? If we can't graduate because of this, it's not harmful..."

"Ashish, Ashish, look into my eyes!" Lao Wang looked at him seriously: "Our team is destined to become the kind of existence sung by poets on the mainland in the future, how can you be so unsure of yourself?" Graduation or something? Isn't that easy? Besides, we know each other so well, one brother and two brothers, you don't trust me, but you have to trust yourself, right? As a vice-captain, it is your mission to lead everyone to progress and graduate together! How could you abandon your mission? If you think we eat too much, just say so."

Both Orcs looked up, and Udi stopped stuffing his mouth, wondering whether he should eat more.

"Am I such a stingy person? It's not a matter of eating," Fantersi blushed, and he still wanted to face.

"Startled me, I knew that the elder brother is not such a stingy person," Winnie held the small chest continuously, and said sweetly: "In fact, when I look at the elder brother, I know that you are a very broad-minded, very responsible person, giving people a very reliable feeling, there must be many girls like it."

Such a pure little lovely said the truth of the moment to penetrate the heart of Fantexi, Xi eight felt a little expanded, "Ha ha, I am indeed such a person, accidentally found by you, eat it, no matter!"

Udi breathed a sigh of relief and shoved half of the burger into his mouth.

"I have heard that you are from the Monastery?" Cora looked at Fancy, looking up and down, looking in pretty good shape.

There is a saying among the orcs that they do not lose strength, that muscles are not necessarily better than fat in many cases, after all, orcs never pay much attention to dexterity.

Moreover, being fat in the orc tribe is a symbol of wealth, proving that he has no shortage of food, so it is also the most admired beauty: "Good body, but can you fight?"

This is the first time ever to hear people say that their body is good, looking at the front of this need to look up to their own, one meter nine women that no deception in the eyes, Fantersi is also a little excited, today's meal is not white please.

"I am not blowing, as far as I Fantexi this body of horizontal training of flesh kung fu, really not ordinary people can play, before the college and others to train against what, I do not need to hand, to stand there, let him play can give him tired half dead!" Don't believe me? If you don't believe me, ask around in the Martial arts Department of the college, who doesn't know the prestige of my iron armor invincible little steel cannon?"

Wang Feng on the side just smiled, Ah Xi really has been beaten, it is because he can not hit people.

"Ashi eight brother, your nickname sounds very powerful!" Winnie looked at him up and down, his eyes shining, the fat man's meat is good, needle up must be very feeling, or you can use fried, oil and water must be more!

Feeling the girl's hot and adoring gaze, Fantesi drifted away, completely drifted away.

Just now the orcs said so, even such a cute said so, it is almost instant to feel that all the pores of their bodies have been opened.

Unfortunately, his heart already belongs to Rachel, he will never betray Lei Lei!

Alas, the original popularity is also a very troublesome thing, sorry, Winnie sister, Ah Xi eight brother can only live up to your love!

Fantesi finally realized that being too handsome is also a problem.

Cora nodded and turned her head to look at Wang Feng next to her. Although she was attracted by this person, this human gave her a very weak feeling compared with Fanteci. She came to the Church to become a real "hero", and only by using human ways can humans change their views on orcs.

All eyes are locked on Wang Feng.

From the information we have just filled in together, we can see that this is a rune artist part-time potions, obviously not fighting type.

As we all know from the chat just now, as a rune who does not have to take part in the assessment, in order to help brothers form a team, throwing himself into a tiger, this behavior is still very much appreciated by everyone, but appreciation is appreciated, and it cannot be eaten.

In the future, once the actual combat assessment, it is five people have to play, less a combatant, it has to eat how much loss?

Feeling the doubts from his teammates, Lao Wang calmly said: "I am a genius and part-time magic pharmacist, can provide you with logistical help!" I am also a good tactician, can make overall plans, is definitely a very good qualified leader..."

"So you still can't fight?" Cora's eyes burned.

Orcs don't know the art of euphemism.

"Ahem." Lao Wang could only nod humiliatingly: "Don't worry, I will recruit another person, if it is not possible, I still have the bottom of the pressure box, in fact, I am still a gunner!"

"Wha? Can you use a gun?" Fancy's meal almost spilled out.

"SHH, it's a secret, I'm not blowing, give me a six-eye revolver, I can shoot the whole gun yard Call Daddy, boss, give me another crab leg burger with extra chili."

In the area of braggadocio, Lao Wang is always in the right place.

Lao Wang came to class again, of course, class is not the purpose, the key is the last potion, this has been several days, and there is no reaction at all, according to common sense, this time should not be crying for their own chain of the second and third?

Wang Feng decided to wait and see for two days, after all, this kind of thing is not good by themselves, it will appear that things are too cheap to sell in a hurry, and what you need is a natural reaction.

"Good morning, Brother Wang Feng." Seeing Wang Feng come in, he greeted him with a sweet note, followed by closing the book and coming over: "Brother, did you sell me that potion last time?"

Lao Wang's heart suddenly decided, not easy ah, this sentence is really waiting for his thirst.

"No, this potion is too difficult to make, and it's too much trouble just getting the ingredients together." Lao Wang is adjusting his expression, trying to appear sincere and frank.

"How much for materials? All the materials cost me out, "Mo boy also red face came over, auspicious day is impossible, what is not the general feeling, this messy stuff can give the princess to eat?

Black Wu Kai to eat, the result said quite good, but also closed his eyes to the magic child beat a meal, make him now heart itching, this potion can not only enhance the visual effect, mainly to enhance the deeper insight of the outside world, the real good things, sure enough is a very general feeling.

If you have this potion, black Wukai does not, maybe you can kill back, think about the thief stimulation: "Help me to cultivate a few more, money is not a problem."

"Brother Mo Tong, do you think potions are stewed cabbage?" Lao Wang will not cherish what is easy to get.

Mo child's face a little twitch, can let black wood armor this guy said well, is definitely a good thing, who can think of Wang Feng this goods have such a hand, can only look at the notes.

"Brother, the motorcycle boy has recently reached the bottleneck, you can help him." She knew that the talented potions of mankind were in fact very temperamentous, and that only the elder brother had no dignity and gave them the latest potions with enthusiasm.

"Since it is my sister's need, it is a different matter, anything can be released, how much is needed?"

"Fifty, is that all right?" Note was a little embarrassed, she knew that potions were a waste of time, and Brother had runes to conquer.

"Thirty, but only first class potions, excessive use will develop resistance, the effect will be greatly reduced, and one or two doses a day is the best effect." Wang Feng said patiently.

"Ok, listen to my brother." Note slightly bit the lip, the elder brother is really too kind, just Mo child also said what the elder brother will lion big mouth, she knew absolutely not.

This is the best brother in the world.