
imperial nine days

Wang Feng created a game "Royal nine days", in the near success, to the peak of life, through the "nine days of the world". But what about the auxiliary systems needed to cross? Not rich handsome also just, after all, the Wang brother is a talented person, but, dungeon small whip opening is what ghost? No external hanging, no crossing, facing the torture from the soul, the old Wang of the three views began the second struggle of life. Brothers, the old king is back!

wudi_daji8 · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 A Small White Lotus Flower

"Yes, yes." Lao Wang was not looking at all, just staring at the students coming and going in the square.

We're not done yet. Four to go, one to go, but this one's gonna be really hard.

After all, he and Fancy already had considerable persuasive power in the academy, and now with the addition of two orcs, God knows if this assembled group of four has more than 100 persuasive power.

You can't pick the one that looks smart, you can't pick the one that looks good.

The object must be precise, and the mouth must be careful, although the orc brothers can be beaten first when they are beaten, but after all, they have just entered the team, at least to give them a little buffer to adapt to the time.

Damn it, why doesn't that little girl Kalida use her philanthropic spirit a little more thoroughly, and the orc brothers need to be cared for, but the mentally handicapped in society don't need to be cared for?

Retarded people are people too. Why doesn't she recruit some of them to the academy?


Lao Wang's eyes brightened and he saw a delicate little white flower, standing alone and dazed in the square.

A weak white lotus flower, it is she!

"I found our next teammate." Lao Wang's voice was full of joy, "You tidy up here first, I'll come back soon!"

Be a good judge of character, and a bad one!


Winnie felt very sore. She had heard that Kalida was a psychopath for a long time, but now it seemed to be true.

Making a team? You don't think that little pussy is about me, do you?

Kalida must have known that she had been skipping classes since the beginning of the semester, and that no one in the college knew herself, and there was no one to team up with, so she came up with such a bad move.

With her past "record", Kalida definitely has this motive, clearly not good at fighting the face of the family, but want to use a negative move, this little niang skin absolutely do it!

MD, if I didn't get her, I'd go down to the principal's office right now, strip that little bitch naked and whip it on a hanger!

Winnie had been wandering around the square all morning, and had indeed encountered several people who had sought her out, but their purpose was rather impure.

It's not money, it's all about the body, and it's hard to resist the urge to crush these bedbugs.

Moreover, she really hates team, Li family people like to work alone, the most hated is the team, pig teammates are far more terrible than the enemy.

But now that we have to team up, it's always better to find someone who doesn't throw up.

But after all this stuff for so long, she felt she could hardly bear it.

No, no, no. No more deaths. She doesn't want to go to a pervert convent.

And these idiots are blind, rare mother today specially dressed so pure, there is no eye a little normal to find her? Just a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates.

Dammit! Why is it so hard for me?

Winnie kicked a small stone on the side of the road, suddenly felt the eyes staring at her, yes, she was very keen, this is definitely someone watching her, and soon found a rather obscene guy, staring at himself with a skitty brain, straight running over.

Winnie was feeling like her anger was about to explode, and it was finally here.

MD, a look at that wretched look will know that it is also a blind, if you dare to collect their own protection money, that mother must put his light to squeeze out today.

Don't kill anyone! Beat them half to death!

This wretched guy can only be Lao Wang, the moment he saw Winnie, he already identified her.

The girl's head and shoes are also one meter five, wearing a white pleated princess skirt, black bangs are meticulously pinned by a pink hair pressure circle, the white jade like small face set off pure and lovely.

She stood at a loss in the square, listening to the shouts of the students around the team, but she did not dare to go up to chat up, just like a small sheep that was scared and shivering in the wild wolves in the square.

This is her!

What's better than a little sheep? This is the second small note ah, weak and easy to push down!

This kind of thought is very evil, and Lao Wang hates it deeply, but there is no way, after all, the reality is in front of us, in addition to such a serious person who will agree to him?

"Hello, classmate!" Lao Wang excitedly came over, and held out his left hand to Winnie with great enthusiasm.

Winnie, of course, was not going to shake his hand; she wanted to see the wretched man embarrassed.

But Lao Wang was not embarrassed at all, and his outstretched hand turned directly into a fist, and he waved it powerfully on his chest: "Classmate, sorry, too enthusiastic, mainly you look too much like my hometown sister, first introduce yourself, my name is Wang Feng, with the sage teacher is the home, this year's rune department of only three freshmen, the other two are eight of the genius, I formed a team, do you want to join?"

Winnie's big eyes rolled, yes, all over her body except for one place, which was bigger and smaller.

The master of this kind of home has hundreds of thousands of it, it seems to be a beatable, come on, I accompany you to have a good time!

"It was Brother Wang Feng," the small hand in the pocket of his pants is storing energy and burning, but the big eyes of his watery eyes have been tender, and they are almost ready to release light: "Do you want to charge, I am very weak, I am afraid that I will drag you back, or what other needs do you have?" I, I will do my best to satisfy you..."

I have to say, this sweet, slightly shaky voice is very capable of arousing evil desires, and fishing law enforcement is also Winnie's favorite game.

Unfortunately, I met Lao Wang, a man of three views.

"You are insulting me, we are all classmates, what money is not money, there is no requirement, as long as you join my team, it is a family, you are my sister, do big brother must take care of you!" Lao Wang's chest beat.

Winnie's got a black line on her forehead, and she doesn't take it. Oh, my God, I've got my pants down and you're telling me that. Is that a fucking man?

"But I'm a weak wizard..." Winnie continued.

Wang Feng's face showed a huge and brilliant smile, "Rest assured, join the Lao Wang team, I protect you, I swear to you with the life of my best brother and vice captain Fan Texi, but in the future, if someone dares to bully you, we will help you beat him, you want to bully, we will help you beat him, in a word, believe Lao Wang, heroes will become!"

Winnie was dumbfounded... Where does this fool come out, have seen strange, never seen this kind of ah, Lao Wang... Clan? Is that a fucking name?

At this time, Cora and Udi had packed up their things and came over, and the old King saw a bad thing, but at this time, he could only face it: "Look, this is our teammate, the brother from the royal Orc family, is he tall?" Is it mighty? Ten of them at random! How about, join my old King team, you are the only girl in the academy who can walk sideways!"

Winnie totally opened her mouth wide, damn it, there are bigger ones than her, even the orcs take?? Play that hard?

I love it!

Udi, who was hugged by the old king, was a little embarrassed, "I am not an aristocrat."

"What are you afraid of? The king would rather have a kind of... Well, I mean even if our royal brother, oh, even the most holy teacher, he was just an ordinary person at the beginning, you must have a dream, otherwise it is no different from your salty jerky, you should have confidence, maybe in a few years you will become a hero of the mainland, and it is very easy to become a noble."

Udi's eyes were also a little enthusiastic by what the old King said.

"In short, the world is big, and my brother is the biggest and has thousands of gold, which is not as good as my heart for my brother." Wang Feng made an impassioned final statement: "Believe me, old Wang Team, you definitely deserve it!"

An impassioned statement, no need to hit the belly, so that Lao Wang himself is quite satisfied, when the worst of the mix, pulling a rich woman to death for a month, is relying on this three-inch not rotten tongue, he can make money at the same time also keep virginity.

Looking at the shocked look on the little girl's face, Lao Wang knew he had succeeded.

The white rabbit type needs to feel safe, and a touching statement, plus two big, powerful orcs standing next to him, is just a sense of security, and this girl is definitely not running.

The dull Winnie suddenly smiled, and the small hands in the pockets of her pants finally pulled out, and the smile was quite pure and lovely: "Brother Wang Feng, you are really a good man!" My name is Winnie, and I want to join you!"

"Ha ha! Sister Winnie, what a lovely name, all right, welcome to the Lao Wang team!" Lao Wang laughed, sure enough, everything is in control, this bronze five small strong will all come together, the task is successfully completed, little niangpi is no chance to ask yourself to go to the following tea: "Then hurry to fill out the registration form!"

"Ok, brother Wang Feng!" Winnie said sweetly, smiling brightly.

I've been waiting all morning for something interesting.

Although there is no feeling about this college, out of the habits of the Li family, before coming here, she still roughly looked at the relevant information of the college, which is the information sorted out by the owl of the Li family's intelligence department, which is the person who needs attention.

Winnie think of it, remember is to see a guy called Wang Feng, actually in the college of aphrodisiacs, the key is to return to the chain exploded by Kalida caught, leading to stay level, it seems that the brain is not good at the moment of the funny force.

As for the Rune house, ha ha, this guy may have some background, Kalida is trying to make him quit and drop out of school, unfortunately, she underestimated the honey confidence and skin thickness of the person in front of her.

Such a funny, plus two orcs, this strange combination feels very exciting to look at, should be very fun.

"Brother Wang Feng, have you had lunch yet?" Winnie filled out the registration form and asked miserably, "I'm hungry, but the food in the canteen tastes terrible."

"Not yet." Lao Wang looked at the registration form, tut tut, look at the people's little cute words, written is more beautiful than orcs, a look is cultured, "rest assured, we have a deputy captain, happy today, let him treat!" He has plenty of money!"

'That's wonderful! Winnie clapped her hands happily.

Cora and Udi looked at each other.

Another weak looking guy, join such a team, and finally really won't be persuaded to leave?

After many years, the reporter of "the light of the Church" finally interviewed Winnie and how to evaluate Wang Feng.

At that time, still not much taller, but the more mature Winnie only dropped two words: bitch.

Let countless people feel, this is how deep friendship ah, maybe mixed with some other feelings in it, heroes always such unusual, informal.