
Imperfect Reincarnation

23 year old shut-in Declan Maupin is killed after saving a woman from an attack. He is brought to a new world and is forced to learn more about himself and others to grasp the life he wants.

venichonz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


I stared blankly at the the direction of the voice for a few seconds. It came from a maid who seemed oddly familiar.

She repeated herself. "Good morning, Lord Altair." I didn't know how to respond to this lady who was talking to me in a language that definitely wasn't English.

Despite never hearing this language before, I was able to understand her. It wasn't as if I could understand the words, however, what she said seemed to paint a perfect picture in my brain.

Certainly the best way to picture it would be to watch a movie in a different language—without subtitles of course. You can't understand what the cast is saying, but you can feel the emotion of the actors. You can understand what the director wanted to portray.

I dare to say that I could even 'see' what I was hearing.

Ahh, that's right. My senses in that infinite blackness were super enhanced. It seems like that OP cheat carried over.

I looked back at the maid and tried to say 'Good morning, Avery.' in the native tongue. I assumed since I could understand them, they could understand me. I wasn't sure how I knew her name was Avery, but it just seemed right for some reason.

I was horribly wrong. She gave me a dumbfounded, wide-eyed stare like I'd just drop kicked a little girl in the face for no apparent reason.

The panic started to kick in, I wasn't sure how she'd respond to me. Maybe she thought it was a declaration of war, or perhaps I wanted to bring her into bed.

I snuck a peak at the maid while considering this possibility. I managed to get a good look at her while she was stuck in that trance.

She was decorated in rich, crimson hair that was swaying freely all the way down to her waist. She had a gentle, round face, with deep blue eyes, a straight nose, and a smile that left me captivated.

For some odd reason, I felt like I needed to kiss her. Of course, I wouldn't actually do that. I would never have my way with a lady without her consent. I was even sent to this hospital because the oh-so righteous me stopped a lady from being attacked.

However, something in my brain was telling me that it was the natural order of things for me and her to kiss. I pondered over what to do next, when a deep, authoritative voice repeated in my head.

[Make sure to use your brain. All of it, hehe.]

It was what the beautiful desk lady told me right before I left the blackness.

Something clicked in my head, and I could feel a very tiny electric shock make its way through each and every nerve connecting my brain and my mouth.

"Good morning, Avery." I finally managed to spit out something, words that seemed like absolute gibberish to me.

A few guttural sounds that didn't exist in English also came out.

They came from so deep within that even Arabic speakers would be foaming at the mouth attempting to pronounce this.

She produced a smile that went from ear-to-ear as she jumped in the air and landed on top of me. She grasped me in her arms gave me a peck on the lips.

"Did you have a nightmare, Lord Altair? You seemed to look terrified when I walked into your room just now."

Then it hit me. This lady had called me 'Lord Altair' three times already. Was she seriously talking to me?

If so, I'm glad. They chose a badass nickname for me. I'm also relieved that they didn't choose something lame like 'Ezekiel' or 'Albert'.

Now that I thought about it, Avery the Maid just kissed me on the lips. So I was right about it being the natural order of things?

Maybe I had another OP cheat skill like precognition or future sight.

Either way, this beautiful maid wanted to hop in bed with me. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly to refuse such a lovely lady who was basically throwing herself onto me.

So why should I refuse!

I wasn't a virgin, but I never considered myself a stud when it came to the ladies. Just to make certain of my deduction, I boldly asked "Avery, can I take you under the covers?"

I cringed super hard thinking about that phrase in English. It seemed like this language was pretty straightforward.

Her face turned as red as her hair as she hesitated to respond. She managed a faint "O-Of course you can, Lord Altair."

I flashily jumped out of bed in an instant, like a cartoon character who was late for school. I was able to take off my pants and let the boys hang free—something I'd failed to do in the blackness.

I was about to grasp her waist and bring her to pound town when I looked down and noticed an absurd appendage sticking out from my lower body.

I rubbed my eyes, blinked profusely, and tried to clear my vision over and over. But it wouldn't leave my frame of sight.

I finally stopped and managed to get a clear view of the piece of meat hanging between my legs.

My baby making machine was absurdly massive. I almost said out loud 'Did you guys give me penis surgery for my good deed?!' but kept that inside. This monster of a wiener would put my forearm to shame.

After a while of complimenting myself, I noticed something else that was different than usual.

My skin was deathly pale. I was a white American, but I had never become this pale. My skin was almost milk white, and I inwardly compared myself to a certain friendly ghost.

Apart from my skin tone, something else was different. My arms were carved beautifully, each and every muscle having its fair share of showing off. From my biceps to my flexors, I looked like an Ancient Greek sculpture.

I observed the rest of my body, and found that my chest and legs perfectly matched my arms. I had a good feeling, and made my way to a mirror on the other side of the room.

My body came into full view, and an unbelievable sight appeared before my eyes.

I was probably around 190 centimeters. I was donning a head full of platinum white, wavy hair that reached my shoulders. My face resembled something that only appeared in movies. I was certainly high up on the beautiful spectrum.

More importantly, I realized why I had been called 'Lord Altair'.

I was definitely not in my own body!