
Imperfect Reincarnation

23 year old shut-in Declan Maupin is killed after saving a woman from an attack. He is brought to a new world and is forced to learn more about himself and others to grasp the life he wants.

venichonz · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I continued to stare at the new, beautiful version of myself in the mirror. Part of me was shaking from the disbelief. And part of me was very excited.

The reason why I was so excited was because I had never been more than 'decent' before.

I was never seen as an attractive man, but was never seen as an ugly man. Personally I believed I was rarely seen as a ''man' at all. I had always been seen as just 'present'.

Seeing the new me in the mirror was indescribable. It didn't feel like I was more 'attractive'. It felt like I had evolved.

Saying I went from decent to exceptionally beautiful was an understatement. It was more like I went from a bottom-of-the-barrel subhuman to a cream of the crop of supermodels across the galaxy.

After a few minutes of engaging in productive self-examination, I started to question a few things. 'Where am I? What am I doing in this body that isn't mine? How do I get out of this situation?'

I deliberated for a while.

After failing to come to any conclusions I almost called it quits, but I suddenly felt a pop in my ears, like I was chewing gum on an airplane.

That single pop in my ears started a tingling sensation that cascaded downwards from the top of my head down into each of my fingertips and toes.

At the same time, like a tsunami, a wave of information rapidly flooded across my entire body.

I could begin to remember everything that went missing in my memory before.

But the biggest difference was that I wasn't exactly remembering with my 'head'.

It felt like I was remembering it with my entire body.

I was thinking. I was remembering. I was doing tasks left to my brain. With. My. Entire. Body.

I want to say the blood rushed to my head, but it felt like blood rushed everywhere, and I passed out face first onto the floor.

As I dreamt, I began to piece together all the information I had gained before I passed out.

My name is Altair Arasmas.

I'm the first born son of the Duke of Arasmas, Jesse Arasmas, a noble whose family was distantly related to the current Queen of the Chonzlo Empire.

With our territory spanning thousands of kilometers across the southern region of the Empire, we are considered the head family of the south.

It had been a thought I'd thrown away as long as possible, but now I couldn't run away from it anymore.

I was undeniably in another world. I was isekai'd, like I had dreamed about all of my previous life.

It seems I was born with an extreme amount of good luck. I was now rich and attractive.

What more could I ask for at this point?

Bang. Bang. Bang.

I was jolted awake by a heavy knock at the door. Muscle memory from the previous owner of this body recognized the knock, and I quickly sat up to greet him.

A tall, neatly groomed man with a mature aura and sharp, moon white hair with a color similar similar to mine walked in.

I was nervous, hoping he wouldn't ask me any questions I didn't have the answer to yet. But he stood in front of the bed, and solely asked "Where?"

I loosely grasped the essence of his question. And I knew from the memory fragments floating around my body that my father was a weak man who was extremely devoted towards having a strong heir.

So I responded with a devilish expression, a shit-eating grin that seemed to cover my entire face. A face that would give most people a chill down their back. "Everywhere."

He paused for second, as if he couldn't believe it, before he let out a loud hearty laugh. "Hahahahaha. Excellent." It seemed to shake the floor of this mega mansion.

A fraction of a second passed and the reverberation attacking the wall died down.

Jesse Arasmas grinned at me in satisfaction, before tossing me a pair of earrings.

With the help of the previous Altair, I was able to quickly deduce what these earrings were.

They were known as the 'Earrings of Completion'. It was an artifact that had been passed down through the Arasmus family for centuries.

Originally, they were created with the ability to complete anything they wanted 10 different times.

Over the years, the Arasmus family used it sparingly, only when the safety of the family was concerned. Unfortunately, as our family was distantly related to the Queen, it was an inevitable fact that we would come into large amounts of trouble.

I was finally given the jewelry with only 4 completions left.

Duke Arasmus smiled back at me, with the same air of evil that I was exhibiting, before leaving the room covered in beautiful white furniture.

I quickly stood in front of the mirror to attach these earrings. It really fucking hurt. I hated feeling pain, but oddly enough the sensation of 'feeling pain but having no reaction' I had felt in the blackness was somehow still lingering in my body.

After putting on the earrings, I draped a long, white robe lined with gold over my naked body.

Usually you were supposed to wear clothing underneath robes worn outside, but I was rich and powerful, with an OP secret ability, reincarnated into another world.

For the first time in my life, I felt a desire, a need, to do things without holding anything back.

I walked out of the door and lampooned myself inwardly. 'Time to 'meet' my family.'