
Immune to the parasite that took over the world

Hito, a teenager struggling with a rare and debilitating disease, has always felt like an outcast. Relentlessly bullied and ostracized, his life takes a tragic turn when he slips into a coma. But the world he wakes up to is far from the one he left behind. Months later, Hito regains consciousness in a hospital, only to find the world has been ravaged by an insidious parasite that has taken control of the human population. Confused and terrified, he discovers that society as he knew it has collapsed. The parasite turns its hosts into mindless drones, and pockets of uninfected survivors are scattered and desperate. Just as Hito begins to grapple with his new reality, he is saved from a parasitic attack by a mysterious girl named Sakura. She is part of a small but determined resistance group, one of the few remaining sanctuaries of human life. Sakura takes Hito to their headquarters, hidden deep within the ruins of the city. At the headquarters, Hito is astonished to find a highly advanced, fortified base equipped with cutting-edge technology. The resistance group is led by Ashita, a visionary and charismatic leader who has managed to create a haven where they can live and strategize safely. Ashita has brought together a mix of scientists, former soldiers, and everyday people who have all banded together to fight for humanity's survival. As Hito integrates into the group, he learns that his unique condition makes him immune to the parasite. This immunity makes him a crucial asset to the resistance. Under Ashita’s inspiring leadership, Hito joins their mission to develop a cure and reclaim the world from the parasitic threat. Together, they embark on perilous missions to gather supplies, rescue other survivors, and confront the relentless waves of infected. Along the way, Hito confronts his own fears and insecurities, finding courage he never knew he had. As the group gets closer to discovering a potential cure, they must also face internal conflicts, treachery, and the ever-present danger of the parasites. "Immune to the parasite that took over the world" is a gripping tale of resilience, courage, and the unbreakable spirit of humanity in the face of overwhelming odds. Hito's journey from a bullied, sickly teen to a vital member of the resistance captures the essence of hope and the fight for a better future.

Origami_image · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

First mission

Everywhere suddenly became dark as Hito closed his eyes, thoughts racing through his mind about how he would die on his first mission. "I wonder why I accepted this mission when I'm still a newbie," he thought, waiting for the infected to take his life. The sound of something charging up grew louder, a high-pitched whine that filled the air. Fear tightened his chest, but curiosity pried his eyes open just in time to see a massive beam of yellow laser streak past him, disintegrating the parasite that had cornered him.

A figure immediately burst into the scene, the sound of the Sythe-Unit's mechanics whirring in the chaos. The figure began ripping the infected apart with his bare hands, moving with a speed and precision that seemed almost inhuman. Each infected fell in turn, punched and torn apart by his sheer strength. After clearing the area, the figure approached Hito. It was Jin.

Jin stood tall and muscular, his build a testament to the rigorous training and augmentation he had undergone. His eyes, a striking electric blue, seemed to glow with an inner light, and his dark hair was cropped short, giving him a no-nonsense appearance. His Sythe-Unit, a sleek exoskeleton that enhanced his physical abilities, gleamed under the harsh lights.

"You're lucky, bro. Let's get out of here," Jin said, reaching out his hand for Hito to grab. As Hito took Jin's hand, he couldn't help but question the scene he had just witnessed.

"Is this guy human?" Hito asked himself, still stunned by Jin's prowess. "Are you human?" he finally asked Jin out loud as they walked through the deserted streets back to the headquarters.

"Of course!" Jin replied, laughing at Hito's incredulity. "You can be like me. Just be strong, no matter what happens," he said, placing a reassuring hand on Hito's head.

Back at the headquarters, an emergency meeting was convened. All the members of the squad were present, gathered in a large, well-lit room filled with advanced technology. Screens displayed maps, and holographic projectors cast detailed images of the parasites. Ashita, their visionary leader, addressed the group with a tone of concern.

Ashita was a figure of calm authority, his presence commanding respect. He was tall and lean, with sharp, intelligent eyes and silver hair that lent him an air of wisdom. Dressed in the tactical uniform of the resistance, he exuded an aura of determination and strategic brilliance.

"They are becoming more numerous," Ashita said, looking at each of them. His eyes lingered on the newer members, assessing their readiness. "There are only two headquarters in the whole of Asia—one in China and here in Japan."

Hito, still new to the group and the situation, had no idea what was going on and asked, "There are other headquarters?" He looked around, hoping for more information. His eyes met with Itachi's, who nodded, confirming that there were indeed other strongholds.

Itachi was a seasoned warrior, his face marked by scars that told of countless battles. His eyes were cold and calculating, a stark contrast to his otherwise youthful appearance. He carried himself with a quiet confidence, his movements precise and deliberate.

Ashita continued, "It seems that the parasites can sense the uninfected, which makes them move towards our location. All we can do is hold them off until we find a solution."

Jin, showing his authority as the captain, added, "We need to hold our ground. We can't let them overrun us."

"You are soooo cool!" piped up a small voice. The comment came from Komi Umeda, a twelve-year-old prodigy who controlled the drones and robots from the safety of the headquarters. She was not allowed to leave for her personal safety, her brilliance confined to the control room.

Komi was a small girl with bright eyes and a sharp mind. Her petite frame was often overshadowed by the massive machines she controlled with ease. Despite her young age, her tactical acumen was unmatched, making her an invaluable asset to the team.

"There is a facility that the parasites are particularly attracted to, so I will assign the majority of the group there," Ashita said, pointing to a map of the area. The facility was a sprawling complex, one that had drawn the parasites like moths to a flame. "Hondo," he called out, and a man covered in grenades stepped forward. Hondo Abe was an explosives specialist, adept at demolishing buildings with his arsenal of rocket launchers, mines, and grenades.

Hondo was a burly man with a rugged appearance, his body adorned with various types of explosives. His hands were calloused from years of handling dangerous materials, and his eyes held a mischievous glint, hinting at his love for controlled chaos.

"Make sure the buildings come down," Ashita instructed.

"You can count on me!" Hondo replied confidently as he left to prepare.

Ashita continued assigning roles. "Gorai, Itachi, Komi, and Sakura, you will join Hondo. Mikasa, you will also join them." Each member acknowledged their orders with a crisp, "Yes, sir!"

Mikasa, whose last name was unknown, was a slim girl with a piercing gaze. She wielded a robotic spear and rarely showed any emotion. Her stoic presence was intimidating, even to seasoned fighters.

Mikasa's appearance was almost ethereal, her slender frame and delicate features contrasting sharply with her deadly proficiency in combat. Her robotic spear, an extension of her will, moved with a fluid grace that belied its lethal capability.

"She sure is scary," Ichiro commented under his breath. Ichiro Sasaki, a skilled dual knife user, was smaller than Hito but highly efficient in combat.

Ichiro had a wiry build and a quick, agile demeanor. His eyes were sharp, constantly scanning his surroundings for any threat. He was known for his speed and precision, his dual knives flashing like silver streaks in the heat of battle.

"Ichiro, you are with Mikasa and the rest," Ashita said with a grin.

"Oh my god! Yes, sir," Ichiro said, trying to mask his excitement as he left with the group. "I should have just kept quiet," he muttered to himself.

As the team assigned to the facility mission prepared to leave, Ashita grabbed Sakura's hand. "I know you have a history with this facility," he said, looking into her eyes with a mix of empathy and determination.

Sakura, a young woman with striking features and an air of quiet strength, had long, flowing hair and eyes that reflected a deep resolve. Her past was a closely guarded secret, known only to a few. She carried a pair of pistols at her waist, her proficiency with them unmatched.

"Trust me, I've always wanted to destroy that place," Sakura replied, gripping the pistols holstered at her waist. Her voice carried the weight of unresolved memories and a burning desire for closure.

"I trust you," Ashita said, hugging her briefly before she left to prepare. The embrace was more than just a gesture of comfort; it was a pledge of solidarity and faith in her strength.

"Jin, you will handle the south of the facility alone," Ashita said next.

"Yes, sir! At your service," Jin responded, then added, "I would like to ask if Makami can join me?"

"Not this time. He will work with Namra and Hito," Ashita said. Jin left the scene, slightly disappointed but understanding the strategic necessity.

Namra Fujigawa, an expert with katanas, joined the team. Her technologically advanced laser blades could cut through virtually anything. She was a formidable presence, her movements a blend of grace and lethal precision.

Namra had an enigmatic presence, her dark hair tied back in a sleek ponytail. Her eyes were like molten steel, reflecting her unyielding spirit. Her katana, a masterpiece of technology and craftsmanship, was an extension of her very being.

Everyone finally left, ready to take their roles in the mission.

Sakura stood at the front of the facility, memories of her past flooding back. The facility loomed like a monolith of her nightmares, each shadowed corner a reminder of pain and loss.