
Immune to the parasite that took over the world

Hito, a teenager struggling with a rare and debilitating disease, has always felt like an outcast. Relentlessly bullied and ostracized, his life takes a tragic turn when he slips into a coma. But the world he wakes up to is far from the one he left behind. Months later, Hito regains consciousness in a hospital, only to find the world has been ravaged by an insidious parasite that has taken control of the human population. Confused and terrified, he discovers that society as he knew it has collapsed. The parasite turns its hosts into mindless drones, and pockets of uninfected survivors are scattered and desperate. Just as Hito begins to grapple with his new reality, he is saved from a parasitic attack by a mysterious girl named Sakura. She is part of a small but determined resistance group, one of the few remaining sanctuaries of human life. Sakura takes Hito to their headquarters, hidden deep within the ruins of the city. At the headquarters, Hito is astonished to find a highly advanced, fortified base equipped with cutting-edge technology. The resistance group is led by Ashita, a visionary and charismatic leader who has managed to create a haven where they can live and strategize safely. Ashita has brought together a mix of scientists, former soldiers, and everyday people who have all banded together to fight for humanity's survival. As Hito integrates into the group, he learns that his unique condition makes him immune to the parasite. This immunity makes him a crucial asset to the resistance. Under Ashita’s inspiring leadership, Hito joins their mission to develop a cure and reclaim the world from the parasitic threat. Together, they embark on perilous missions to gather supplies, rescue other survivors, and confront the relentless waves of infected. Along the way, Hito confronts his own fears and insecurities, finding courage he never knew he had. As the group gets closer to discovering a potential cure, they must also face internal conflicts, treachery, and the ever-present danger of the parasites. "Immune to the parasite that took over the world" is a gripping tale of resilience, courage, and the unbreakable spirit of humanity in the face of overwhelming odds. Hito's journey from a bullied, sickly teen to a vital member of the resistance captures the essence of hope and the fight for a better future.

Origami_image · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Another survivor

It had been about two weeks since the incident, and Hito had just discovered that there were still people in the world who survived. The problem was that they weren't immune to the parasites, so they had to remain in hiding. "That's why we keep the power in the city going, to make sure they can live," Ashita said, trying to assure Hito that everything was alright.


The incident opened Hito's eyes to just how lucky he was to have the sickness. His immunity, which he once saw as a curse, had now become his salvation. He looked across the room at the newest arrival in their lab—Shina Toriyama, a blonde girl in tattered clothes who looked like she hadn't eaten in days as she devoured the bowl of rice given to her. She was a normal human girl without the sickness, which meant she was not immune to the parasites.


"Why is she in the lab?" Hito asked Ashita, trying to figure out why she was locked up and not allowed to roam around.


"Some of them pretend to be our friends but are bandits trying to rob us. We still need to run some experiments on her," Ashita explained, ensuring Hito didn't feel unsafe.


During the two weeks, Shina was free to roam around the facility as she had no trace of being affiliated with bandits. Shina and Hito shared a bond, forged from the pain and shock they both experienced from the event. "It all happened suddenly," Shina began, explaining what happened on the day of the parasites. "Everything was normal until we heard people screaming. I quickly closed the doors and windows. My mother was there with me." Tears ran down her eyes as she tried to hold everything back.


Hito began to remember his own mother, trying not to think of the horrific things that might have happened to her. "I still don't have any idea of where my mother is. Is she still alive?" He looked at Shina as she continued her story.


"Things began flying into the house like multiple stones thrown. They broke through the walls and even the windows." Hito remembered when Ashita told him that the parasites, in their true form, were indestructible. She was talking about the parasites. "My mother's appearance changed; she had purple veins on her face and was acting mindless. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. Then the gas in our kitchen exploded."


This time, it was not only Hito listening. Jin, Makami, and Ashita were present. "I was in my bathroom for two days before I got the courage to come out. The house was burnt, and so was my mother. She was lying on the floor lifeless without any proof to show it was her." She sobbed and ran away from the scene.


Hito stood up and followed her, catching up to her, holding her hands. "I am here for you," he said. She reached in for a hug and kissed Hito. Confused and excited at the same time, he touched his lips to confirm it wasn't a dream. Since this happened, they became very close because of the trauma they shared.


But everything was about to fall apart. Hito heard his name on the comms, "Hito, come over to the surveillance room." It was Ashita. What does he want? Hito wondered, hoping everything was well. As he was walking to the room, he met one of the squad members he hadn't met before—Gorai Inoue. Gorai was of average height and looked like he was in his early 30s. What caught Hito's eyes were his arms. He had gauntlets attached to them, his custom weapons that granted him immense strength and punching power. Both he and Hito were wearing Sythe-units, specialized boots that allowed them to jump high and run faster.


"What's up? You must be Hito, the new guy. Hope you are ready to work with me?" Gorai said with a big grin on his face.


"Look at the screen," Ashita said, pointing to the monitor. Hito looked and noticed the number of parasites had increased dramatically. "A new kind of parasite. Look closely." He urged Gorai to observe.


"There are some with blue veins," Gorai pointed out, indicating the screen. The blue parasites were stronger, moving cars and large bricks that obstructed them.


"Hito, you and Gorai will clear the area close to the base," Ashita ordered, telling Hito to get guns for the mission. This was Hito's first mission, and he wasn't prepared. He was really nervous.


"I got you, bro! You won't die, trust me," Gorai assured Hito with a reassuring smile.


Armed and ready, they ventured out of the base. The streets were eerily silent except for the occasional distant wail of the wind through broken windows. The city, once bustling with life, now stood as a decayed testament to the catastrophe that had befallen humanity. Buildings were covered in ash, and vehicles lay overturned, some still smoldering from past fires.


Gorai led the way with the confidence of a seasoned warrior, his gauntlets gleaming in the dim light. Hito followed, clutching his rifle tightly, his heart pounding in his chest. Every shadow seemed to harbor danger, every sound set his nerves on edge.


"Stay close and keep your eyes peeled," Gorai said, his voice calm and steady. "The blue-veined parasites are tougher, but we can take them down if we work together."


As they moved through the debris-strewn streets, they encountered their first group of parasites. The creatures were grotesque, humanoid forms with twisted limbs and glowing blue veins pulsating beneath their translucent skin. Hito's breath caught in his throat at the sight.


"Now, Hito!" Gorai shouted, launching himself at the nearest parasite. His gauntlets whirred to life, emitting a low hum as they activated. He swung a powerful punch, and the parasite's head exploded in a spray of ichor.


Hito took aim and fired his rifle, the bullets tearing through the parasites' bodies. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he watched the creatures fall, his fear giving way to a fierce determination. But the parasites kept coming, their numbers seemingly endless.


Gorai fought with a savage grace, his gauntlets a blur as he dispatched parasite after parasite. "Don't lose focus, Hito! Keep moving!" he yelled over the din of battle.


Hito nodded, his eyes darting around for any sign of an opening. They had to clear this area, but the blue-veined parasites were stronger and more resilient. As he fired at another parasite, he felt a sudden impact on his side. A parasite had lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. Its fetid breath washed over him as it snarled, trying to bite his face.


Panic surged through Hito as he struggled to push the creature off. His rifle was pinned under his body, and he couldn't reach his knife. Just as the parasite's jaws snapped closer, Gorai's gauntlet crashed into its skull, sending it flying off Hito.


"Get up! We can't stop now!" Gorai shouted, helping Hito to his feet. Blood splattered across both of them, but there was no time to think about it. More parasites were converging on their position.


Hito grabbed his rifle, his hands shaking. He fired at the approaching horde, each shot finding its mark. He could see the parasites' numbers thinning, but there were still too many. Gorai was a whirlwind of destruction, but even he couldn't be everywhere at once.


Suddenly, a high-pitched screech filled the air, and the parasites paused. Hito glanced around, trying to locate the source. Emerging from the shadows was a massive parasite, its blue veins glowing brighter than the others. It towered over them, its eyes fixed on Hito with a predatory intelligence.


"Shit, that's a big one," Gorai muttered, his expression grim. "Stay back, Hito. I'll handle this."


But the massive parasite was faster than they anticipated. It lunged at Gorai with surprising speed, its claws slashing through the air. Gorai dodged, his Sythe-units allowing him to leap high into the air. He came down with a thunderous punch, but the creature shrugged off the blow and countered, forcing Gorai to defend rather than attack.


Hito watched in horror as Gorai struggled against the monster. He couldn't just stand there. Summoning his courage, Hito aimed his rifle at the creature's head and fired. The bullet struck home, but it only seemed to enrage the beast. It turned its gaze towards Hito, its eyes burning with hatred.


"Run, Hito!" Gorai shouted, trying to draw the creature's attention back to himself. But it was too late. The massive parasite charged at Hito, its claws outstretched.


Hito sprinted down a narrow alley, the creature hot on his heels. He could hear its heavy breathing and the sound of its claws scraping against the pavement. He activated his Sythe-units, leaping over debris and sprinting faster than he ever had before. He had to find a way to lose it, to regroup with Gorai.


He turned a corner and found himself in a dead-end street. Panic set in as he realized he had nowhere to go. The massive parasite rounded the corner, its mouth twisted into a grotesque grin. It advanced slowly, savoring the moment.


Hito backed against the wall, his rifle empty. He drew his knife, knowing it was a futile gesture. The creature loomed over him, raising its clawed hand for the final strike.


In that moment