
Immortals of Tomorrow

What happens when a Immortal from the Highlander universe meets a Vampire from the Underworld Universe?

GreenZ · Movies
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Chapter One: The Change

(Disclaimer: All knowledge of the two universes are either from media or the fandom wiki. If you want to add something or wish for me to edit something, please comment. Also this first chapter will go fast and feature some time jumps)

In the year 1202 AD, near a village in the Carpathian Mountains...

The village was in ruins and on fire as Death Dealers who were Vampires trained to hunt Lycans(Werewolves) came out of the forest. In front of them were three people wearing armor on horseback, the one on the far right took her helmet off. This was Amelia and on her left was Marcus and Viktor. They were the three Elders of the Vampire clans with Marcus being the oldest, followed by Viktor then Amelia. They talked amongst themselves as Viktor berated Marcus about his brother William who was the first Lycan before Viktor ordered them to search the buildings and burn the bodies. Marcus was about to ride into the village but Viktor told Marcus to stay with him as Amelia rode into the village when she heard something coming from a small hut. She dismounted and drew her sword as she kicked down the door. Inside, everything was thrown around the place and broken into pieces. There were also three bodies, a man, a woman, and a child that wasn't even older than 12 winters. She felt guilt, looking at the child when she heard a shout from outside. "THEY'RE TURNING"! Shouted a Death Dealer as the man stood up and bared his fangs. She pushed the table with her foot but the man jumped over it and rushed at her. Amelia cut his head off with one slice as the woman got up and tackled her onto the ground. When they fell, Amelia heard something below the floor let out a small squeal as her sword clattered to the side.

But the woman on top of her was trying to claw her eyes out as Amelia held her at bay with a hand. The other hand was trying to reach for her sword as the child got up and gave her a look of bestial fury before running out of the hut. Amelia abandoned the sword and punched the woman which knocked her back, giving Amelia a window to get her sword and plunge it into the woman's chest. She let out a cry of pain before being shot in the head with a silver tipped bolt. She looked to the side to see a Death Dealer with a crossbow. She got her sword and got up, she was about to leave before remembering the sound she heard. She turned around and looked around the floor before finding a trapdoor that was partially covered by a rug. She opened it to see a trembling girl that seemed to be an adult. She was covered in blood and her clothes were ripped, showing most of her slim figure. Her skin was pale as white with red hair. She looked up at Amelia with brown eyes that screamed fear.

Amelia looked at her with pity as she pulled her up. The girl tried to resist but could do nothing. Amelia stood her up and looked all over her body, when she turned the girl around. The girl nearly puked from seeing the dead body in front of her which the Death Dealer with the crossbow had lit on fire with a torch. Amelia didn't see any bite marks so she grabbed a nearby blanket and covered the girl with it. She led her outside where the other Death Dealers were still burning bodies and killing the newly turned Lycans. She saw Marcus still a ways away when Viktor rode up next to her. He said that William was located and he wanted her to take care of it. She nodded as Viktor noticed the girl next to her. He looked at her and she gave him a look that he seemed to understand. He told the Death Dealer that existed the house to keep a eye on the girl and that she was for Amelia. The girl panicked at hearing this and was confused so she tried to run away but Amelia stopped her. She said that she would be fine but the girl kept resisting when Amelia growled, and the girl's eye widened at seeing the fangs in Amelia's mouth. The next thing she recalled was Amelia biting her neck and her vision turning to darkness. When she passed out, Amelia handed her to the Death Dealer before getting on a horse and riding into the woods where she heard the roaring.

Meanwhile, some distance away, in the woods...

Amongst the snow, there was barely anything stirring when suddenly from behind some snow-covered branches, a man emerged causing some of the snow to fall off. He was a burly man who wore a set of old Viking armor with a fur cloak and helm. He had a blood covered axe with a old wooden shield. He had a long messy beard that went down to his chest and black teeth. He ran through the snow as he heard the branches move behind him. He spun around to see nothing but the snow falling off the branches. He started to panic as he looked around for his pursuer. But then he heard him, his voice seemed to be carried by the wind, making it hard to tell where it came from.

"Why bother running, Ofeig...we both know the rules". Said the voice as Ofeig started to shout out a curse in Old Norse. "Now, now...no reason to be nasty...you're the one who made me chase you all the way here". Ofeig kept looking around when he heard the sound of footsteps in the snow behind him. He turned around to see an average size man in plate armor, running towards him with a longsword drawn. The knight also wore a fur cloak that was tied onto him by a gilded rope. Ofeig let out a war cry before rushing the knight. He tried to bash the knight with the shield but the knight simply stepped to the side as the Viking tried to turn around but slipped. He raised his shield in time to block the sword strike that was aimed for his head. He used the axe to grapple the knight's arm as he pulled himself up. The knight managed to get free as they fought in the snow. They slipped, tackled, and used their environment to their advantage.

Then the knight pushed the Viking into a tree and impaled him on a branch. The Viking dropped his shield and axe to his sides as the knight aimed for his head but Viking pushed himself off the branch and tackled the knight. The knight's sword was knocked to the side as they both fell to the ground. The Viking started to pummel the knight despite the wound in his stomach. It seemed to not affect him as he grasped his hands around the knight's neck. As they struggled in the ground, the knight managed to grip a rock that was covered in snow and used it to hit the Viking right in the face. It broke his nose as he recoiled in pain while the knight got his sword back. As the Viking let out a war cry and rushed the knight. The last thing he saw was a flash of steel as the knight spun around and decapitated the Viking. He watched as the Viking's lifeless body dropped to the ground and the head rolled in the snow, spurting blood into the snow.

The knight stood there as a strong wind started to blow the snow around the Viking's body. The knight held up his sword in a salute as his whole body shook then bits of lightning started to flow around him and the dead Viking. Then he swooshed his sword through the air to where it was by his side. As it rested there, bits of lightning sparked off it and started to burn the bits of leaves on the ground. With a free hand, the knight took his helmet off to reveal a man who seemed to be no older than 27 years old. He had one scar that was vertical on his left eye. His eyes were light blue and he had black hair that went down to his neck. His skin was white with red cheeks due to the cold. He looked up at the sky and uttered one sentence. "There can only be one". He said as he threw his arms out, lightning arced out and when it touched the trees. They blew apart all around him and the snow was blown away as if by a powerful gust of wind.

It lasted for a few seconds before the knight fell to his knees and the lightning dissipated. The trees around him were all in pieces and charred while the ground was uncovered in a large circle. The knight stood up and sheathed his sword as he looked at the Viking's body. He thought about the first time he met Ofeig. It was 136 years ago when the last of the Viking kings were killed. The knight was a Immortal at the time, he was at a small hamlet that was recently raided by Vikings. Ofeig was killed by a soldier that passed through and was left for dead. He had entered the hamlet just as Ofeig had come back to life. He looked around in confusion and was shouting in Old Norse. The knight knew a little Old Norse from his travels but when Ofeig saw the knight, he grabbed the nearest weapon and swung it at him. The knight managed to dodge the attacks as Ofeig kept shouting different things.

Apparently, he thought that he was in Hel despite the knight trying to tell him what happened. In the end, Ofeig ran away and the knight hadn't seen him for a while till a few years later when he found Ofeig in a fishing village. The knight managed to talk with him as the Viking said that someone had managed to tell him of what he was and what his new life would be. They talked for a while as the knight bid him farewell till they met again in 1202 ad. Ofeig had raided some carriages and the knight who served no king at the time had caught him. So he chased him all the way to the Carpathian Mountains.

As the knight finished reminiscing, he put his helmet back on when he heard roaring. He followed the sounds till he saw a huge white Lycan being restrained by Death Dealers. To the knight, they were just soldiers trying to capture the Lycan. The knight watched from behind a tree as he watched them wrap the chain around the trees. The knight was aware of the supernatural world but had few interactions with it. He knew of Lycans, Vampires, and other supernatural beings. He wasn't aware that these were Vampires so when Marcus arrived to try and stop them. He saw that one of the Death Dealers were thrown aside and a chain was loose. So while Marcus was arguing with Amelia and Viktor had shown up. The knight ran over and picked up a sword from the Death Dealer. He wrapped it with chain and slammed it into the ground.

Being a Immortal, his strength and other attributes were higher than a mortal due to his many years and the amount of people he had killed. This also gave him some special powers that he barely knew how to control. The Death Dealers didn't think much of him as they continued to restrain William, Marcus had just agreed to Viktor's terms of imprisoning William when he looked over at the knight who was helping the Death Dealer up. He told Amelia and the others and they changed their eye colors from bright blue to the ones they had as humans as to hide their true nature. Viktor walked over to the knight and thanked him for his assistance. He inquired about where he came from and who he served. The knight managed to come up with a lie that he was a travelling warrior who chased a man for revenge. Viktor gave him a look of suspicion as he seemed to accept it.

"What is your name"? Asked Amelia as she came up behind Viktor while Marcus watched his brother get dragged away. The knight took his helmet off and introduced himself as Willelmus. Both Viktor and Amelia felt something strange when they looked into his eyes. The roars of William distracted them as Viktor invited him to Castle Corvinus for a meal to celebrate this capture. Willelmus accepted the offer as everyone made their way back to Castle Corvinus. This journey took a while as Willelmus walked with the Death Dealers while the others rode on horseback.

A few hours later, at Castle Corvinus...

Willelmus was in the dining hall, eating at a long table with

Viktor. He saw that the others were eating various bloody meats while Viktor seemed to just drink from a chalice. He along with the other Elders swapped their armor for regal outfits. Next to him was a woman with black hair who he introduced to me as Ilona, his wife. While I sat there, Viktor stood up and held up his chalice. "A toast to Willelmus...for aiding in the capture of the most dangerous Lycan ever to exist". Said Viktor as everyone but Marcus all raised a cup and cheered. I raised a glass as we kept eating while music was playing. As I sat there, Amelia had left the room and walked through the halls of Castle Corvinus. She walked through the halls and passed some of the other Vampire nobles, some of whom were being intimate in their rooms. Amelia ignored as she made her way to her chambers where the girl from the village was resting on her bed. Her skin was now cold to the touch as Amelia gently woke her up.

She started to stir and open her eyes which were blue now instead of brown. Once she saw Amelia, she tried to run away but Amelia held her down as the girl noticed her new fangs. "What did you do to me"? Asked the girl as Amelia explained very quickly to her what her new life would be like. The girl was breathing heavily as Amelia asked if the people in the hut were her family. She said that she was a cousin who lived with them after her parents died when she was a child. As she recalled what happened, she started to cry as Amelia felt bad but didn't show it as she sat on the bed. After a while, she seemed to calm down as Amelia went to the door and asked a passing servant to get some refreshments for them.

A hour later, in the dining hall...

Everyone was singing and dancing as some of the Death Dealers acted drunk. Willelmus had drank a lot and was full as he told Viktor that he was gonna leave. Viktor asked if he would stay but Willelmus said that it was a long journey back home. Viktor asked that he come back to visit but in his mind, he expected Willelmus to be killed by Lycans or something else when he leaves. So they gave each other farewells as Willelmus left the dining hall. On his way out, he happened to pass Amelia who was walking with a girl by her side who wore a light blue dress. As the two met eyes, they were engrossed with each other. Amelia was confused as she snapped Willelmus out of his dazed state. He told her that he was leaving as he kept looking back at the girl. He gave her a bow as he asked for a name. She stared at him shyly before answering. "Ni...Ni...Nicolette". Willelmus gave her a smile as he gave her his name before walking away. Before he fully left, he turned back to lock eyes with her again.

Nicolette was asking Amelia about who Willelmus was but she told him to forget about him since she would never age and he would, not knowing Willelmus's true nature. Amelia took her into the dining hall as Nicolette kept thinking about the handsome man with the scar.

1220 AD, in Castle Corvinus...

Nicolette had stayed with Viktor's Coven since Amelia went to sleep. She had come to terms with her immortality and learned how to live as a Vampire from Viktor and the others in the Coven. Currently, she was in a study with Sonja who was 10 at the time, helping her study various topics of history. Viktor was watching from a balcony; he had let out a slight smile as he was proud when a Vampire came up to him to announce the arrival of a convoy of silver. He went to the front gates to meet them when the Death Dealers on the wall said the convoy was being chased by Lycans. Viktor went to the wall as the Death Dealers were shooting silver tipped bolts at them. Then he saw something unusual, one lone guard on a horse was behind the convoy and was fending off the Lycan. This guard only had a steel sword so the Lycans weren't harmed severely.

But he was still impressed as the Lycans couldn't get close without being slashed at. Then as the convoy got closer, the Lycans were retreating after narrow misses from the silver bolts. But one Lycan kept chasing the guard as it lunged forward and managed to knock him off his horse. The guard recovered quickly and as the Lycan lunged forward, the guard cleaved it's head clean off. Viktor was surprised as the guard's horse came back to him. Viktor went down as he wanted to meet this mysterious guard. He went down the stairs and changed his eye color as he greeted the other people on the convoy. The guard came through and dismounted while taking his helmet off to reveal that it was Willelmus.

Viktor was shocked as he expected him to be dead but more so that the only change to him was a longer beard. He was shocked but just assumed that he was a very healthy man. He went up to Willelmus and greeted him warmly which was returned by Willelmus. They got to talking as the convoy of silver was unloaded. As it was unloaded, Nicolette had come outside with Sonja to see what was happening and saw Willelmus. She stopped in her tracks upon seeing him again and just watched as Sonja went over to them. Willelmus had noticed the girl walking up to them which Viktor also saw as he turned around. She stood next to her father as Viktor introduced her to him. Willelmus asked what happened to her mother and Sonja just looked down while Viktor told him that she passed while giving birth to Sonja.

Willelmus introduced himself as Nicolette managed to regain her composure and walk over to them. Once she did, Willelmus noticed her and had a slight smile as he bowed before her. Viktor went off with Sonja as Willelmus and Nicolette went off for a walk around the castle. They talked about various things as both were careful to keep their secrets to each other. Nicolette was happy with the talking as she never thought about her thirst. Willelmus was enjoying it since he had been alone for a long time. He had previous lovers but never felt what he felt with Nicolette. Almost like she would be around forever which was a strange feeling for him as he put it off his mind for now. He wanted to enjoy this before he had to leave. Some of the other Vampires just passed them without so much as a glance at them. Willelmus was too engrossed in Nicolette beauty that he was unable to notice the blue eyes in the Vampire's eyes.

Then what was meant to be a single visit ended up turning into a string of visits over weeks where they would meet outside of the castle. They often embraced each other but Nicolette wasn't comfortable enough to fully be with him intimately. Willelmus was fine with this since sex became meaningless to him over the years. But then came the day that Willelmus had to move on before she noticed that he wasn't aging. She also was told by Viktor that she couldn't see him any more so they parted ways, unaware that the other was planning their departure. Willelmus planned to leave a corpse similar to him near the woods so it looked like he was killed by Lycans. Nicolette was planning to say that she was being forced to marry a nobleman and wrote a letter. But neither news reached the other as they went their own ways.