
Immortals: A mortal's journey

Dating from ancient times, immortals have marked their name in history. Being known for their heaven defying abilities, they could easily trample over anyone against them. These beings of power reigned, they stole and brought nothing but pain and suffering to others. The mortals were effortlessly become mystified by their esoteric power. However, their existence didn't come without its calamities. Entire nations getting erased off the face of the world, over the whims of those considered as god-like by the people. Being considered as below ants, used as disposable and never given the slightest hint of mercy. "Then I as a mortal will end their reign." This was Zhang Tian's journey on bringing a new era of choas and destruction —to create a better world from the ashes.

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Chapter 2

'Immortal 'was an intriguing story, Zhang Tian was constantly eager to know the motives and find out who invented that story. Numerous parents from Zhang's village would recite the same story to their children countless times.

The youngsters would instantly be overwrought when such stories were recited to them. Even adults were fully aware of this tale, there was absolutely no one who wasn't aware of that story.

People were after the story, they were keen to discover the roots of this tale. But strangely, despite its universal popularity, no person to this day knows who wrote this story, where it originated from, or even if it was a true story or not.

People continue to spread the word from generation to generation without knowing from where the story derives from.

The book was recited time and time again that in order to become a true immortal and to ascend beyond the 9 heavens one must sever all their connections and ties from the mortal world and all of its material possessions.

Usually, during Zhang Tian's free time, he'd also read the same story over and over again. Quite uncommon for someone to read a story over and over again. Perhaps he was the bibliophile of his village, he was completely dedicated the book he read. He was crazy about any stories especially when it concerned Immortals. He didn't remember how many times he re-read the content of the book.

The rest of the village peoples and youngsters would simply be lost in the admiration of these illustrating figures of Immortals, who have achieved things humans couldn't even dream about in their wildest imagination.

Zhang Tian began wandering around, it was rather dark outside.

He had already most of the remaining chores at home, he eventually started having some rather unusual reflections concerning that book. He couldn't help himself but felt a complete form of indifference towards the book and the unending quest towards immortality.

"Why would people even want to sever all the connections with their birthplace?" He murmured.

Thoughts kept on piling up and began thinking deeply into that mysterious book.

Zhang Tian rather found it odd, why would someone want to abandon their loved ones.

Especially those loved ones who constantly provided their genuine love and care.

On certain occasions, he even imagined himself being placed in the path of an immortal.

He was probably the only person in his village who thought of such absurdity. Whenever Zhang Tian was mentioning immortals, no one really liked paying attention to what he was saying.

Although he had a rather unique manner of thinking about certain things, no one from that village could deny the fact that he was an amiable person.

He adored working in the field somewhere in those misty up hills with his father.

The thought of leaving behind his father who gave all of his effort to raise his children in a comfortable home despite having lacked the presence of a mother figure.

The thought of leaving his still very young brother facing the outside world without him by his side to protect him like a big brother should and lastly forgetting all the help the villagers provided to him and his family.

Cutting any of them out of his circle made him feel utterly disgusted and impossible to achieve. This path seemed to him like a lonely path, where only the person itself mattered and nobody else did. He was fairly polite, though whenever it came up to sharing his thoughts about certain things, he'd unexpectedly be ruthless.

" This is pure insanity!"he said whilst nodding and completely agreeing with what he had just said.

It was getting late, his family were all asleep by then… However, he suddenly heard his parents squeaky door opening. Literally anyone from the hallway could tell that the shadow was Zhang Tian's father himself.

He was petrified, his father hated seeing his children awake when he was asleep. They had a little household policy that both of the boys should be asleep before their parents.

Zhang Tian came up with a good idea, of, well basically pretending to be asleep in his room just in case his father came up to check up on him and his brother. They all had to be awake early the next for whatever reason. There were always some sort of functions or gatherings in that village.

Zhang Tian was somewhat pumped up for the next day, thus he woke up well before the sunrise. At least he wouldn't get in trouble for waking up early.

" Why would someone get in trouble for waking up early? Isn't that every parents' wish to see their children waking up early with no hassle?" He murmured.

He heard a few footsteps, and his father was awake. He was aware that his father was coming towards his room. He promptly woke his brother up before his father came into the room. Zhang Chang wasn't adamant, he was fairly self-disciplined for a kid of his age. Something he should be proud of.

"Good morning kids, Wake up, quickly fresh up, we've got to attend a small gathering at the village hall." We've got about one hour, so hurry up!"said Zhang Tian's father.

A few yawns were released later, and both Zhang Tian and Zhang Chan proceeded to take their showers under freezing cold water.

Zhang Chan rarely complained, but whenever it came up to showering under cold water, he would grumble. Being the oldest, his brother had to convince him to shower without complaining a lot.

"Okay, okay, I understand, but you've got no choice so shower quickly otherwise I'll tell dad about it!" Zhang Tian warned his younger sibling.

" Okay, stop scaring me, I'm no longer a kid" responded Zhang Chang.

They were both ready, Zhang Tian's father called the both of them to have breakfast.

They'd usually eat whatever their mother would freshly prepare for them from that mystical kitchen.

Zhang Tian's mother stayed back home, only men had to attend the gathering. The three of them were reasonably energized for the gathering.

They had high hopes to hear something positive occurring in their village.

"We have a festival coming soon!" Informed the village chief. This time around, most of the villagers weren't very excited for this upcoming festival. However, both Zhang Tian and his father were delighted to hear that there was a festival approaching in the village. They were eager to volunteer to organize the festival.

During festivals, most of the inhabitants would purchase all of the vegetables and fruits from Zhang Tian's father. Basically festivals meant business for Zhang Tian's father and family. Zhang Chang was quite young enough, so such things didn't really bother him.

Everyone proceeded to return back home to their homes or shops

Yao Tian immediately followed his father for the preparations. As they had a short time to fully help with the organization of the upcoming festival.

Usually that specific event would be celebrated extraordinarily with shows and happy faces all around. However, over the years it all went down the drain, as something happened a few years ago during that event.

It was a prestigious event without a doubt, as the main motive of this festival was to unite all the people from myriad tribes and races.

They considered it as a major event in that village as they had to host countless people from different tribes for that event.

People from Zhang Tian's village were rather anti- social when it came to hosting people from other villages. Indeed, they all had a generous heart but only for their little Empire.

The Kings were the ones who successfully managed to establish this festival and people had to obey their orders. The Kings of those were even more superstitious as they picked a particular date for that event.

They picked the 12th date of that month. It wasn't any ordinary number that got picked out of the blue. Whenever someone even the number 12, it would mean a lot to them.

People had to be cautious even while uttering the number 12, the number itself was significantly well-respected.

People of the village would celebrate it in grandioseness, the whole village would fully be transformed into a party just for that occasion. Usually the event would last a few days, however on the 12th, that's the day no one would want to miss out.

Zhang Tian was already involved in helping to arrange everything for that upcoming festival.

" Oiii! kid! Be careful, who do you think you are!" yelled the old lady when she saw Zhang Tian clumsily lifting those fragile boxes.

The old lady was rather like a witch, which may perhaps be offensive enough but that's who most of the villagers described that woman of theirs. She wore very unpleasant dark outfits and her hair was unpleasant to watch. She walked around with dark weird strings attached to it.

Zhang Tian, was convinced that he was carrying those boxes safely. He just aired what the woman had told him.

" Phweet, Phweeet!" Whistled Zhang Tian whilst receding from her sights.

" Zhang Tian, Ahh! Where are you?"asked his father ,who already seemed depleted by just lifting a few boxes. " Don't you wanna have some rest for a bit under a shed?* Zhang Tian asked his father.

" Nahhh, there's no need to rest my son, let's finish up the work quickly and then I'll rest as much as I want to."responded his father.

" Be careful not to drop those boxes!" Said the shopkeeper. " Don't worry Mister, my muscles are strong enough to withstand these heavy boxes." Assured Zhang Tian.

Though Zhang Tian couldn't resist and all of sudden, he halted his work. He found himself a stick, which helped him to pluck a few mangoes from that massive old tree.

He couldn't wait any further and began snacking on those fresh mangoes without even washing them. They were surely quite dusty or contaminated by some germs present in the air.

On the other hand Zhang Tian's father was rather exhausted already, sweat was dropping."Zhang Tian, meanwhile you are eating those mangoes, I'll go and a few snacks just at a nearby shop." Said Zhang Tian's father.


Zhang Tian simply nodded his head and the both of them parted ways. Zhang Tian was tired from lifting those boxes, he simply wanted the day to finish so that he could return back home and enjoy the night in peace with his brother.

As much as they loved, fighting with each other, Zhang Tian certainly had a lot of affection for his younger sibling, Zhang Chang.

As Zhang Tian was walking around with those massive boxes of candles, he bumped into one of his childhood friends. Weirdly, his childhood friend wasn't living any longer at the village. " Probably he has just come back for this festive period."Zhang Tian murmured.

" Well, you don't even greet or inform your old pal about your visit here?" Said Zhang Tian jokingly.

"Yeah well, I'm just here for the upcoming festival, then I shall return back to my village." He proceeded to respond.

" Zhang, would you mind if I helped you lift those boxes?" He asked Zhang Tian.

That was the kind of question someone would ask when they're guilty about something.

Zhang Tian agreed and both of them continued carrying those boxes. Zhang Tian quickly informed his father that he will continue to work with the help of his friend.

The both preferred chit chatting with each other whilst doing their work. Zhang Tian and Hai Rong decided to pass by Zhang Tian's uncle's shop.

That's where they had to drop off those boxes. Zhang Tian would also ask his Uncle a few questions concerning the upcoming festival.

Indeed Zhang Tian was very excited about the festival as it was the only time of the year where he could spar with other members of the village as well as others from the nearby villages and settlements.

For the past few years, Zhang Tian had been well reputed for his 'friendly' sparing ability. In no shape of form, people misunderstood him as a 'bad' boy. Having a little spar from here and about was actually very common in his village.

So Zhang Tian's uncle was the one who usually was the 'go-to guy when it came up to organizing those little sparring fights during any festivals.

" Ohh Hai Rong, What a pleasant surprise!" Exclaimed Zhang Tian's uncle, who seemingly knew Hai Rong quite well." What brings you here after such a long time?" Asked Zhang Tian's uncle laughingly.

" Finally the so-called 'brotherhood' is back!"he further added.

"I still remember that the both of you were quite close to each other." " Zhang Tian, what are you doing? Hehe, go show him around the village, catch up with him." Said Zhang Tian's uncle.

Zhang Tian's was the kind of uncle, who wasn't mean but was rather at times quite tedious enough. He loved having a long chat and sitting by the window whilst sipping on some warm tea.

Zhang Tian politely responded to his uncle, however, he was surely irked as he completely had ignored Zhang Tian's visit there. He was there just for one reason and it was definitely not about 'reintroducing' Hai Rong to his uncle. But it was rather for the upcoming sparring contest.

"Well, I'll return back here another time. He was probably so ebullient that he even forgot the reason for my visit." Zhang Tian added.

But in all fairness, both Zhang Tian and Hai Rong had spent a lot of time together, especially during most evenings, they used to roam around the entire village all by themselves. At times with the company of a few other youngsters from the village or nearby towns.

Matter of fact, they still were talking to each other nonstop. Mostly about the good moments they had shared and spent together. In fact, Hai Rong was present when Zhang Chang was born. He was certainly considered as a family member and still is.

They indeed had a few arguments throughout their friendship, but somehow things had never escalated as such. Both enjoyed talking to each other whilst helping

In all fairness, catching up with an old friend is an incredible feeling, particularly when you bump into a person you've last met years ago. That day had passed by in a flash. The night was commencing and the preparations were going on quite well for the first day.

A rather satisfied father and son had returned back from a tiring day. Zhang Tian decided to invite Hai Rong to his place for dinner. That would be the best time for Hai Rong to catch up with Zhang Chang and his mother.

The whole family finished up having dinner, the gathering went on pretty much well.

The person who was delighted to see Hai Rong was Zhang Tian's mother more than anyone else. Surprisingly the whole family was stunned when they saw how Zhang Tian's mom wholeheartedly welcomed Hai Rong.

And it was the next morning, most of the boys were tired from that last night's dinner.

Hai Rong had to stay back at Zhang Tian's parents' place for that night.

The three of them were all sleeping in one room, so they managed to wake up early and continue with those preparations.

And so that was how three days passed by like. In the blink of an eye, most of the things were ready; despite the large amount of work needed to arrange and build for the festival.

They indeed managed to work with each other. The three of them were quite supportive too, speaking of the three. That was Zhang Tian, Zhang Tian's father and Hai Rong.

The small trio was divided into two groups, which included Zhang Tian, Hai Rong whilst Zhang Tian's father was on his own. He was busy talking with shopkeepers of the village concerning the upcoming sales and how much vegetables people will buy from his plantation for the upcoming festival.

Both Zhang Tian and Hai Rong, as they were both walking, multitasking activities, they were frequently given refreshments throughout the whole duration. A last push was needed from everyone working for the organization of the festival.

The Festival day was nearing, however a lot needed to be finished. The whole village gave it their whole for the last few hours remaining before the festival.

" And there you go! We're finally ready for the festival,I really can't wait for tomorrow!"exclaimed Zhan Tian with delight.

Both the son and father returned home and prepared themselves for the hectic day upcoming.

It was finally the next day! Zhang Tian and Zhang Chong both couldn't sleep throughout, as they were overly excited for the festival. They woke way earlier than usual.

Zhang Tian and his father got ready before everyone else in their family, as they had to prepare the vegetables and crops for the festival.

A busy business day was awaiting them. As they were both finally ready, they commenced their journey on a good note.

They got the news that the demand has increased therefore Zhang Tian's father will sell more of his crops and vegetables.

That grin was finally back on both of their faces.

If not hundreds of people from the surrounding villages were seen approaching the village for the festival. Groups of people were seen carrying numerous items for this festival. It became quite worrying for Zhang Tian's father as the demand got high for vegetables.

He reached a wall on ways of obtaining sufficient quantities for his clients.People were continuously coming and attending the festival which was about to commence shortly.

A few warriors, priests and performers were seen preparing themselves for the tournament. Amongst the warriors, one of the warriors really caught Zhang Tian's attention.

" Hai Rong, hurry up, come here! Look at this beast!" Exclaimed Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian was very fond of fictional characters so such things were really exciting and would instantly trigger his adrenaline rush.

" What are you on about Zhang?"responded Hai Rong.

" Look at this warrior or something resembling a horrifying warrior," said Zhang Tian.

Instantly you could notice fear in Hai Rong's eyes. He was appalled or rather speechless. A few other young boys had noticed that massive shadow and people assumed it was just a rare bulky warrior. However, Zhang Tian was certain that it wasn't any ordinary warrior.

"Imagine if that was the return of an Immortal!? It can't be! A young boy laughingly said.

And that sentence instantly triggered Zhang Tian's excitement and curiosity.

No one would dare to utter such things about immortals.

They were idolized, so no one would even want to utter a single word about them.

" Don't pay attention to what the little boy just said, he's just blabbering." Said Hai Rong.

" Let's just proceed our day with the festival, Zhang Tian, Come on!" Exclaimed Hai Rong.

" Yeah, Yeah! Go ahead, I'll follow you in a bit."

" I'm just amazed by that figure, especially from what the little boy uttered." Zhang Tian responded.

" Hai Rong, what do you think, if we approached that figure a bit and could see with our own eyes whether he's an immortal or not?" Asked Zhang Tian all curiously.

" You're out of your mind!" Exclaimed Hai Rong.

" The festival has barely begun and you want to create a ruckus just because of what you heard from that little boy." Said Hai Rong with hostility.

" Alright, however later on we will have to return here and approach that figure," said Zhang Tian.

" Yeah, Yeah!" Responded Hai Rong with great sarcasm.


