
Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

Lin Fei, who had mediocre martial arts talent, unexpectedly acquired a martial arts system. All of his martial arts skills could be self-cultivated. "Your Giant Whale Body Refining Technique has increased by 50% due to its observation of the 'Long Whale Under the Moon' diagram, which enabled it to comprehend the essence of the technique." Despite not putting in much effort, Lin Fei's martial arts skills were too diligent... I am also posting this story on Royal Road. Here is the link to my profile:https://www.royalroad.com/profile/303843 Ko-fi and Patreon provide more chapters. https://ko-fi.com/bandefry patreon.com/righteousegg

Bande_Fry · Fantasy
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200 Chs

6. Second Young Master Is Back

Finally came down the mountain.

Lin Fei wore the outfit of a disciple of the Nine Profound Sect, with a sturdy and thick-backed broad blade strapped to his back, and rode a fast horse between his legs. A standard dress of a Jianghu person.

The horse was rented at the sect and needed to be returned when he back.

There was something meaning about this outfit of a disciple from the Nine Profound Sect.

The Nine Profound Sect was undoubtedly a behemoth within a few hundred miles around, and both the underworld and the legal circle were afraid to provoke them easily.

Therefore, Lin Fei could avoid many troubles by wearing this outfit.

Following the remembered route, Lin Fei walked on the official road all the way, even if he had to take a longer route, he would still choose to take the official road.

Nowadays, the world was not peaceful, and if he took a shortcut or a small road, he might encounter many robbers.

This was Lin Fei's first time down the mountain, and he was still cautious.

During the day, Lin Fei rushed on the official road and rested in an inn in a large town at night.

Therefore, this journey really didn't encounter any trouble with Lin Fei's steady behavior.

Soon, Lin Fei returned to Zhou Mountain Mansion City. He remembered that the Lin family was in Zhou Mountain Mansion City, and they were wealthy merchants.

He quickly galloped all the way and arrived directly at the Lin Mansion.

"Finally back."

Lin Fei looked at the Lin Mansion in front of him and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been nervous on the road these past few days. He could only truly relax when he got home.

"You... Are you the second young master?"

The servant of the Lin family carefully looked at Lin Fei and finally recognized him.

"Lin Eleven, why, don't you recognize this young master?"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

This servant was a family-born child of the Lin family and had been a servant of the Lin family for generations. He grew up with Lin Fei since childhood, so of course Lin Fei knew him.

"Ah? It's really the second young master. You... You really came back?"

Lin Eleven was pleasantly surprised.

Immediately, he rushed into the Lin Mansion, shouting loudly, "Master, madam, eldest young master, second young master is back."

"What? My bro is back?"

"Is it Fei?"

For a while, Lin's father and mother both rushed over upon hearing the news.

Lin Fei came to the living room and saw his parents.

Lin's father had gained some weight and looks a bit chubby. Lin's mother was dressed as a noblewoman.

Lin Fei knelt down in front of his parents and respectfully paid his respects, "I'm not a good son. Father, mother."

Lin's mother shed some tears and said, "It's been three years. It's good, it's good to be back."

However, in the midst of his father's excitement, there was a hint of worry in his brows.

"Brother, you've finally come back."

At this time, a young man dressed in a refined manner walked in from outside.

Beside the young man was a beautiful young woman.

"Big brother!"

Lin Fei respectfully called out.

This refined young man is Lin Wen, Lin Fei's older brother from the same mother, who was a few years older than him and helps Lin's father manage the family business.

"And who is this..."

Lin Fei couldn't help but ask the young woman besides his brother, "Big bro, is this your wife?"

"It's your sister-in-law," he replied.

Lin Fei understood. This was his eldest brother's wife.

"Big brother, when did you get married? Why didn't you let me know?" Lin Fei was surprised. His eldest brother was not much older than him.

Father Lin coughed lightly and said, "Fei, you were cultivating at Nine Profound Sect, and we didn't want to disturb you, so we didn't tell you about your eldest brother's marriage. Your eldest brother just got married six months ago. Your sister-in-law is the legitimate daughter of Landlord Lu in Zhou Mountain Mansion City."

Lin Fei nodded. Landlord Lu was a scholar who turned to business after failing the imperial examinations. He was quite wealthy in Zhou Mountain Mansion City.

"Fei, I have something to ask you. According to the rules of the Nine Profound Sect, if you do not meet their requirements within three years, you will be expelled from the sect. And now, you have left the sect. Is it because..."

As Father Lin spoke, the atmosphere in the hall became tense. This was a big issue!

Nine Profound Sect was a true behemoth. In this era where martial arts were supreme, even government officials had to show respect to the Nine Profound Sect. Many things in Zhou Mountain Mansion City also required the help of the Nine Profound Sect.

Being able to stay in Nine Profound Sect was a big deal for the Lin family, a wealthy merchant family. They had high hopes for Lin Fei when they sent him to Nine Profound Sect. If he was expelled from the sect, it would not be a good thing for the Lin family.

Even Lin Fei's eldest brother's smile looked strained.

It was only then that Lin Fei realized that his eldest brother, who was only three years older than him, looked much older. There was a hint of weariness in his eyes.

"Dad, big bro, is something wrong with our family?" Lin Fei didn't answer immediately but asked.

"Nothing serious," his eldest brother said with a smile. But Father Lin waved his hand and sat down wearily on the chair.

He slowly said, "Wen, Fei is your younger brother. This time he can help you with our business after leaving the Nine Profound Sect."

"Fei, my health and energy are not what they used to be in the past three years. So, I have gradually handed over the business to your eldest brother."

Lin Fei remained silent. He understood what his father meant. It was a clear indication that his eldest brother, Lin Wen, was the successor to the Lin family business.