
Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

Lin Fei, who had mediocre martial arts talent, unexpectedly acquired a martial arts system. All of his martial arts skills could be self-cultivated. "Your Giant Whale Body Refining Technique has increased by 50% due to its observation of the 'Long Whale Under the Moon' diagram, which enabled it to comprehend the essence of the technique." Despite not putting in much effort, Lin Fei's martial arts skills were too diligent... I am also posting this story on Royal Road. Here is the link to my profile:https://www.royalroad.com/profile/303843 Ko-fi and Patreon provide more chapters. https://ko-fi.com/bandefry patreon.com/righteousegg

Bande_Fry · Fantasy
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200 Chs

5. Pick Up The Task

Lin Fei had a courtyard of his own.

The reason why outer disciples were able to have courtyards was simple: wealth.

In Lin Fei's memory, his family was considered wealthy, indeed.

Hence, he was able to buy a courtyard in the Nine Profound Sect.

Inside the courtyard, Lin Fei heated water himself and poured the purchased medicinal herbs into a wooden barrel.

He jumped directly into the barrel and immediately felt as if all his pores had opened up.

A warm current flowed throughout his body, making him feel extremely comfortable.

"Your Vajra Iron Cloth has detected the medicinal bath and has started to practice."

Lin Fei also felt itchy and painful skin with red dots at times, which was due to the cultivation of his Vajra Iron Cloth.

"Your Vajra Iron Cloth is in a great mood, and the cultivation speed has doubled.

"Your Vajra Iron Cloth has reached the second level."


Lin Fei stood up from the hot water barrel.

He glanced at the skin on his arm, which felt rough but resilient.

"Vajra Iron Cloth has reached the second level just like that?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

He had practiced the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique before and was aware of how difficult it was to cultivate body refining martial arts.

It took him two years to learn the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique.

And now? In just one day, his Vajra Iron Cloth had reached the second level.

This must be related to the vigorous blood of the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique. Of course, the Vajra Iron Cloth was also quite diligent.

The more characterful the martial arts, the more diligent they were in reality.

It all depended on whether Lin Fei could satisfy all these martial arts.

Only then would these martial arts "work hard to cultivate."

So, for the next few days, Lin Fei worked hard to find ways to satisfy all his martial arts.

Lin Fei discovered that the most stable techniques were the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique and Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist.

Every day he did nothing, yet these techniques were able to self-cultivate and their progress steadily improved, even though they were not able to achieve instant success.

The Nine Shadow Saber Technique and Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique had the quirkiest personalities.

Without Buddhist or Taoist scriptures, the Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique hardly showed any progress.

The Nine Shadow Saber Technique had become proficient with the saber, but then it stopped progressing.

The Nine Profound Sect had some elders who were able to impart some martial arts experience, but this required contribution points.

If Lin Fei had enough contribution points, he could even request a specific elder to come and give him guidance on the Nine Shadow Saber Technique.

Lin Fei believed that if he could invite a master from the Nine Shadow Saber Technique to guide him, his Nine Shadow Saber Technique would definitely make rapid progress. Unfortunately, he didn't have any contribution points.

As for using money? Lin Fei's money was not enough now. Almost all of it was used to cultivate martial arts and buy medicinal baths. A few days passed, and Lin Fei's medicinal baths had also been depleted.


Lin Fei brought up the system panel.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Arts Realm: Body Refining Fourth Level

Giant Whale Body Refining Technique: Fourth Level (31% progress)

Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist: Beginner (61% progress)

Nine Shadow Saber Technique: Proficient (1% progress)

Vajra Iron Cloth: Third Level (16% progress)

Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique: First Level (5% progress)

Among all of Lin Fei's martial arts techniques, the Vajra Iron Cloth had made the most progress. It was very comfortable to have large amounts of medicinal baths every day, which helped with the cultivation of the Vajra Iron Cloth.

In just a few days, Lin Fei had already reached the third level. However, his progress had slowed down since then. The most critical issue was that Lin Fei had not had any medicinal baths.

"No contribution points, no silver, no medicinal baths. If I continue to stay on the mountain, the rate of improvement in my martial arts skills will be very slow."

After considering it for a while, Lin Fei decided to descend the mountain. Staying on the mountain would limit his progress each day. However, if he descended the mountain, he could earn contribution points and even go home to collect silver. With resources, he could soar to new heights.

"So, should I go home to get silver, or descend the mountain and complete tasks to earn contribution points?"

Lin Fei was more inclined to descend the mountain to get silver, despite the fact that buying things within the sect with silver would be very expensive. However, completing tasks was risky, and Lin Fei was still weak.

He didn't have to rush into dangerous tasks. Nevertheless, Lin Fei went to the task hall.

He looked at the various tasks available and his eyes shone slightly. Most of the tasks within the task hall were to support certain areas. In fact, this was the Nine Profound Sect's influence.

The Nine Profound Sect was a martial arts sect, not a charitable organization. They held a vast territory, with halls and branches established on these territories for business purposes, among other things. In this way, they could obtain a large amount of resources.

However, wherever there are people, there are conflicts. With conflicts came fighting and killing. These support tasks could earn a large amount of contribution points, but they were too dangerous. Lin Fei thought that he should prioritize caution at present.

"If there are no suitable tasks, I will just descend the mountain to get silver. Although exchanging silver for contribution points is very disadvantageous, it's better than taking risks."

"However, disciples below the seventh level of body refining can't descend the mountain easily, unless they have a task..."Lin Fei felt a headache coming on.

He had to take on a task to make progress. Otherwise, it would be a luxury even to descend the mountain.

"Lu Mountain, collect ten black-backed centipedes. Deadline: two months."

Lin Fei's eyes brightened when he saw this task.

"Lu Mountain, isn't it the mountain range where Lu Mountain County is located? My family's ancestral home is in Lu Mountain County. Although we moved to the capital city later on, the capital city isn't far from Lu Mountain. Moreover, this task is only a collection task and not a support task, so it shouldn't be too dangerous. But a hundred contribution points is really too little...Whatever, it's better than nothing."

After some thought, Lin Fei accepted the task. More accurately, he was going home to get silver while completing this task.