
Immortal With A System?

Akemi was the most powerful immortal of another world. Why did I say "was"? Oh because he's been reincarnated into the body of a powerless 15 year old high school boy named Lian Xu, after being betrayed by his best friend Toru. Upon waking up into his new body Akemi saw a strange window that called him a "player" that only he can see. Follow Akemi as he is reborn into a new world where Lian Xu has been abandoned, used and mistreated by everyone, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are thrown away, What will Akemi the former immortal do?

DrEver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Class Examination Pt.2

Doi clenches his right fist and smiles as the crowd cheers "I win" he looks at the students

Doi's Thoughts: "Did you see that Akemi!?"

Akemi stares at Doi

Doi walks down from the arena proudly then walks past Akemi

Announcer: "For the next match, we have Yuki Ayaka Vs Kina Mora"

Kaori: "Ayaka is going against Kina? Aren't they both lighting users?"

Shinjiro: "Yes, that's what might make this match up a little interesting"

Ayaka walks on stage and stands to the right, a boy with blonde hair and green eyes walks on stage then stands across from her

Kina smiles slightly "I never thought I'd see the day where I would fight the class prez"

Ayaka looks at Kina without saying a word

Announcer: "BEGIN!"

Kina jumps back "let's see who's lighting is stronger" his right hand twitches and yellow lighting surrounds his hand

A white book appears in Ayaka's left hand

Kina cocks his right hand back and throws a lightning bolt at Ayaka

Ayaka jumps to the right and starts running while looking at Kina

Kina keeps firing lighting at Ayaka

Ayaka throws a bolt of lightning at Kina's feet

Kina: "Oop" he jumps into the air

Ayaka throws another bolt at Kina while he's in the air

Kina: "something like that isn't going to work" he flips backward and kicks the bolt into the sky then hold his left hand out toward Ayaka

Ayaka raises her right hand to the sky

Kina: "what?"

The bolt in the sky turns into six lighting shards and flies towards Kina

Kina's eyes widen "They multiplied?" he raises his arms trying to block

The shards miss Ayaka and flies into the ground

Kina's Thoughts: "They missed?" he looks at Ayaka as she stares at him "maybe it was a mistake, in any case I should make the most of this" he hold both his hands out towards Ayaka

Kina: "Try this!" a big ball of lighting appears in front of his hands "Electric ball!"

The ball flight towards Ayaka

Ayaka holds out her right hand then the ball explodes creating a smokescreen

Kina lands on the ground "did I get her?"

The shards below Kina in the ground stretches towards the sky and connects with the bolt in the sky, creating a cage made of lightning

Kina looks around "What?"

The smokescreen clears from around Ayaka and reveals a light blue shield around her body

Kina: "How!?" his eyes widen as he remembers him kicking the bolt of lighting into the sky and the shards of lightning falling past him

Kina's thoughts: "Wait, the lightning was never meant to hit me? It was to set up a trap...And I played right into her hand!"

Ayaka stares at him as the shield disappears

Lighting forms around Ayaka

Ayaka: "Lightning form: Disc-"

Kina raises both his hand "Whoa whoa you got me, I give up you can stop now"

Kaori: "He gave up!"

Shinjiro: "This outcome was to be expected, but the way she led him into her trap like that...That takes talent"

Kaori: "That is why she is at the top of her class"

Shinjiro crosses his legs "Yes, but this year may be a little different" he looks down at Akemi

Akemi watches Ayaka and puts his right hand on his chin then smirks "not bad"

Announcer: "THE WINNER IS, Yuki Ayaka"

The cage made of lightning disappears from around Kina

Kina let's out a sigh of relief and closes his eyes "jeez, you were seriously going to kill me there" he opens his eyes slowly

Ayaka closes her book and walks away

Announcer: What an unbelievable match we just witnessed...Now for the next match, Yuuto Ayase vs Len Amora

Yuuto: "Finally, it's my turn" he walks up the stairs to the arena with his rapier on the left side of his hip

A girl with black hair and black eyes follows him

Yuuto and Len stands across from each other

Yuuto looks at Akemi and his eyes sparkles

Yuuto's Thoughts: "Please make sure you're watching!"

Akemi crosses his arms and tilts his head to the right "hm?"

Announcer: "Now...BEGIN"

Yuuto stands still and closes his eyes then takes a deep breath

Len jumps backward and flicks her right wrist them four small knifes appear in her hand

Ken: "Throwing knifes?"

Haru: "It's quick and good for keeping distance but"

Yuuto draws his rapier with his right hand

Len throws the knifes Yuuto

The knifes fly towards Yuuto's head

Ken: "Huuh? Is he planning to deflect them with the thin sword"

Haru: "I doubt it"

Fumiko: "What do you mean?"

Haru: "Well, from what I'm told a rapier is not mean for deflecting and cutting unlike other sword, a rapier specializes in..."

Yuuto opens his eyes revealing his narrow eyes

Len eyes widen "his eyes changed!"

Yuuto disappears and appears in front of Len with his right arm cocked back

Haru: "Mobility and thrusting"

Yuuto thrusts his rapier towards Len's head

The rapier makes a hole in the right side of Len's hair

Yuuto pulls the rapier back and thrusts it quickly towards Len's head but stops the rapier in front of her face when he notices Len's face

Len stares at Yuuto with a blank stare and drool coming from her mouth

Yuuto lowers his rapier then sheaths it and closes his eyes

Len faints and falls to the ground

Yuuto opens his eyes and they become full of life again then he looks at Akemi with his eyes sparkling brightly

Yuuto's Thoughts: "Did you see? Did you see?"

Akemi looks confused

Akemi's Thoughts: "Why does he keep looking directly at me? Does he want to fight me too?" he looks to the left and sees Doi talking to three girls and one boy while smiling

Akemi: "Hmm?"

Announcer: "Now for the next match..."

Akemi: "Already?"

Announcer: "Doi Araki Vs Hina Anari"

Doi walks on stage and a girl with light brown hair and black eyes follows him

Doi and Hina stands across from each other "Now...Begin"

They stand in place for a moment then Hina raises her left hand

Hina: "I surrender"

Announcer: "Huh?"

The audience eyes widens "HUUUUH?"

Shinjiro: "Oh?"


Announcer: "T-the winner by forfeit, Doi Araki"

Doi walks off stage while Hina follows him

Announcer: "Um...Ok? The next match then Akemi Haruki vs Hana Minish-"

A girl with light green eyes and light green hair " I'm sorry but I surrender as well"

Announcer: "What!?"

Akemi looks at Doi

Doi looks to the right and give Akemi a sly smile

Announcer: "Unbelievable ladies and gentleman two surrenders in a row!"

The audience look at each other while mumbling

Shinjiro: "So that's what he's playing at"

Kaori looks at Shinjiro "Who? What's happening?"

Announcer: "The next match Yuki Ayaka Vs Saki Ri-"

Girl: "I surrender"

Announcer: "Yuuto -"

A boy raises his hand "I surrender as well"

Announcer: "What is going on!?"

Ms.Taka crosses her legs while sitting in a chair "that is what's happening huh?" she looks at Doi "Doi, that sly child"

Announcer: "U-um" he clears his throat "Ladies and gentleman are you ready for the first match of the semi-finaaaalllllllssss!"

The crowd cheers hesitantly

Announcer: "Here are the two contestants, Doi Araki vs...Akemi Haruki!"

Akemi looks up at the announcer "What?"

Doi walks past Akemi then walks up the stairs to the arena and turns around while smiling "what's the matter? Scared?"

Akemi: "...." he follows Doi and walks to the arena

Doi stands to the left and Akemi stands to across from him

Akemi: "So, this was what you were doing"

Doi: "Well...I did tell you that I would teach you a lesson didn't I?" he remembers Akemi kicking his foot and ignoring him

Akemi stares at Doi

Doi holds out his hands to his sides "and what better time to do it than here, when I won't be stopped until you give up or knocked out?" he looks at Akemi with a disgusting smile "and I won't allow you two do neither"

Akemi: "Oh? I never took you for such a sadist"

Doi: "don't worry about such things, when you wake up you will be a log with a new face"

(I.E: By log he means a person with no arms or legs)

Akemi: "....Ha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Doi: "Huh? What's so funny?"

Akemi: "HAHAHAHAhaha..." he looks at Doi while smiling "I don't take kindly to threats"

A burst of energy comes from Akemi and the arena under him cracks

Akemi stops smiling and stares at Doi with an emotionless face "even if they are empty"

Announcer: "Here...We...Go" he takes a deep breath "BEGIN"