
Immortal With A System?

Akemi was the most powerful immortal of another world. Why did I say "was"? Oh because he's been reincarnated into the body of a powerless 15 year old high school boy named Lian Xu, after being betrayed by his best friend Toru. Upon waking up into his new body Akemi saw a strange window that called him a "player" that only he can see. Follow Akemi as he is reborn into a new world where Lian Xu has been abandoned, used and mistreated by everyone, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are thrown away, What will Akemi the former immortal do?

DrEver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Class Examination Pt.1

The students looks around at the people cheering from the seats

Kana looks from one of the seats and stares at Akemi "...It's that guy" she remembers Akemi's face from two months ago "Akemi wasn't it?"

Mio looks up at Kana "Hm?"

Student 1: "This examination thing is bigger than I expected"

Student 2: "I know right? I thought it was a private thing"

Student 3: "Hey isn't that"

Student 1: "No way! Haru Kanai"

Student 4: "Looks behind him, it's Ken Kanai"

Student 5: "Oh my god, they look so good!"

Student 1: "Their younger sister Fumiko Kanai is here as well, she is so beautiful"

Student 2: "I think I'm going to pass out"

Student 5: "I want their autograph"

Student 3: "Yeah, just in two months they raised from C rank to B, they're really strong"

Akemi looks slightly behind him

Akemi's Thoughts: "Are they really that popular?"

Fumiko looks around then sees Akemi and smiles

Students: "She's looking this way, oh my god, be calm be calm"

Haru walking with his eyes closes "Remember Fumi don't go running off anywhere even if you see him, we must act wi-" he opens his eyes and notices Fumiko gone

Haru: "Huh?" he looks to his left and sees Fumiko running


Akemi: "Hm?"

Fumiko jumps into the air and hugs Akemi, wrapping her arms around his neck

The student eyes widen as they give off a shocked look "WHHHAAATTTT"

Haru and Ken walks to Akemi

Haru sighs "I knew this would happen"

Fumiko rubs her cheek against Akemi's

Ken raises his right hand "yo"

Akemi: "Why are you guys here?"

Haru: "That's a harsh way of saying hi" he smiles "we're here to watch the class examination obviously"

Akemi: "Oh?"

Ken shrugs "we come every year, though the winner this year is pretty obvious"

Akemi puts his left hand on Fumiko's face and pushes her while holding his arm out "as it should be" he looks at around at the people in the seats "did Ming Bao not come with you guys?"

Ken: "That bastard said he was busy so he couldn't make it"

Fumiko: "He did say congratulations on your victory though"

Akemi: "Hmm, well that sounds like fatty"

Student 1: "He is just having a casual conversation with them"

Student 2: "I know right, even the hug with Fumiko"

A man with a black and white suit walks into the ring

Akemi looks at the stage "it's about to start" he shoos Ken, Fumiko and Ken "go to your seats"

Ken and Haru walks away "we'll be watching from the stands"

Fumiko runs away while waving "after this let's go out to eat to celebrate okay~?

Akemi waves with his left hand "she is always so noisy" he turns around and notices all the student starting at him

Students: "What the hell was that about? How does that useless waste know the Kanai siblings? Out to eat huh!?"

Akemi sighs

Announcer puts the mic to his mouth "LAADDIIIEEESSS AAANNDDD GENTLEMAAAAN! Welcome to Minha Academy's 10th annual class examination"

The crowd cheers loudly

Announcer: "Now, just in case this is your first time here I will explain the rules, first these students will be placed against an opponent at random in a tournament fashion. Second when the match begins they will step into this ring and fight until one of them surrenders, is incapacitated, or knocked out of the ring"

Dai: "Huuh, so it's basically just a tournament "

Announcer: "To be sure there are no sever injuries we will have teachers standing by to stop the match if necessary, also those pillars will create a barrier once the match begins to protect the audience members so you guys can enjoy yourselves without worry" he points to the sky "based on the students performance during the examination they will be ranked in their class accordingly, the winner of the examination is guaranteed the top rank"

The students stare at the announcer

Announcer: "Now without further ado let's get the class examination started!"

The crowd cheers

Announcer: "Now for the first match, it is Akemi Haruki Vs Sakura Amari"

Akemi: "Oh? I'm first" he walks to the ring

A girl with pink hair and pink eyes walks behind him

Student 1: "It's only natural the weakest goes first right?"

Student 2: "When he loses he'll go right back to the bottom, where he belongs"

Student 1: "Right? I wish I was the one doing it instead"

Akemi and Sakura stand on each side of the ring across from each other

Kaori sitting next to Shinjiro

Kaori: "So Akemi is going against Sakura Amari hmm?"

Shinjiro: "What is it?"

Kaori: "Sakura is from a pretty famous family of illusionists right?"

Shinjiro: "right, the Amari family...What about it?"

Kaori: "Nothing, I am just thinking how he can win this match without any notable feats"

Shinjiro folds his arms "you will see, just watch"

The announcer jumps out of the ring "let the first match begin"

Sakura smiles widely "this will be over nice and quick"

Akemi stares at Sakura

Sakura raises her right hand and points at Akemi then her eyes flash bright "why don't you take a nice nap"

Kaori: "Don't look in to her eyes idiot!"

Akemi eyes turns lifeless

Kaori facepalms "god"

Student 2 snickers "and just like that it's over"

Sakura walks slowly towards Akemi "don't worry, when you wake up you will be in a cozy bed in the infirmary" she gets in front of Akemi and waves her hand in front of his face

Akemi doesn't move and keeps looking ahead with lifeless eyes

Fumiko: "Why isn't he moving?"

Haru: "Hmm it seems to be some kind of illusion technique"

Fumiko looks at Haru "Illusion?"

Ken: "He's right, the moment she pointed at Akemi and he looked into that Sakura girl's eyes his eyes changed. He must be trapped inside his own mind"

Haru: "And it doesn't look like he is responding to anything" he looks at Sakura tapping Akemi on the head

Sakura: "Whoa, really soft"

Haru: "As it stands now she can just eliminate Akemi and he wouldn't be able to do anything"

Fumiko looks at Akemi: "no way"

Haru smirks "that's what I would have said..."

Sakura bends down in front of Akemi "time to end this, bye bye~" she look up at Akemi while smiling then her smile fades and her eyes widen as she stops moving then sweat drops from her face

Student 1: "Hey! Why did you stop!?"

Student 3:" Hurry it up!"

Haru: "If I didn't know how strong Akemi was"

Sakura looks into Akemi's eyes as she sees him looking down at her

Sakura: "Wha-"

Akemi grabs her face with his left hand then sweeps her legs with his left leg and slams her head into the ground making a small crater in the ring

Sakura's eyes turn white

Intermission: BADABOW

Akemi stands up straight while looking down at Sakura "All of that talking, just for disappointment" he turns around and walks away "I even let you make the first move"

Everyone stares at Akemi with a shocked look

Announcer: "T-the winner is Akemi Haruki"



Shinjiro claps his hands

Kaori looks at Shinjiro "w-what just happened"

Shinjiro scoffs "there is one very important rule in the world of magic"

Kaori: "A rule?"

Shinjiro: "Yes, a person with the weaker magic won't have any effect on someone stronger"

Kaori: "What?"

Shinjiro: "For instance, say me and you are having a battle and you throw a fireball at me. What do you think will happen to the fireball"

Kaori: "If I threw one at you? Hmm, it will be ineffective"

Shinjiro: "Correct...But why would it be ineffective?"

Kaori: "Grandpa, do you know how much stronger you are than I am"

Shinjiro: "That is the correct answer because I am stronger than you, it's like the legendary sword excaliber cutting through a wooden shield like a hot knife through butter. The weaker one will be completely neutralized

Kaori: "I see" she looks back at Akemi "but two months ago wasn't he totally weak"

People in white outfits get into the ring and puts Sakura on a stretcher

Kaori: "He must have been hiding his strength this entire time"

Akemi walks down the stairs of ring

The student stare at Akemi as he walks past him

Doi steps in front of Akemi "Hey! What the hell was that just now? What trick did you just use to beat Sakura?"

Akemi walks past him ignoring him

Doi looks back at Akemi "you little piece of shit, you must have grew a lot of balls to ignore me"

Dai: "Stop it Doi"

Doi looks back at Dai "Why should I-"

Dai point over his left should with his left thump "look"

Announcer: "A-alright guys, time for the next match! Doi Araki Vs Ren Mori

Doi: "Tch!" he turns around and walks into the ring

A big bulky boy with black hair and black eyes walks into the ring

Ren: "well well, look who we have here?"

Doi puts his right hand on his hip "didn't expect to fight you so early"

Ren laughs "neither did I" he bends his legs and puts both of his hands out "just because we're friends, don't expect me to take it easy on you"

Doi: "You took the words right out of my mouth"

Shinjiro: "Hmm, this will be a interesting fight"

Kaori: "I agree, Doi controls plants but Ren is an expert in Judo and with his large physique he can easily rip apart Doi's plants...This might be a bad match up for him"

Shinjiro: "Plants isn't all Doi controls, he can also control the earth"

Kaori: "Oh, I see then with that knowledge he can probably stand a chance"

Announcer: "BEGIN!"

Ren takes off from standing and charges at Doi "The first to make a move always win" he cocks back his right arm

Doi raises his left arm

Ren starts to throw a punch but stops "huh?" he looks back and notices vines wrapped around his arm

Doi: "Heh" he jumps towards Ren then spins and kicks him in the face with his left leg

Ren head turns to the left

Haru: "A clean hit"

Ken: "Yeah, but it didn't seem to have any effect"

Ren smiles and grabs Doi's leg

Doi: "Oh sh-"

Ren throws Doi to his right onto the ground

Doi hits the ground and bounces up "ACK!"

Ren breaks the vine then jumps into the sky above Doi

Doi rolls to his left and flips to his feet

Ren stomps the ground leaving a small crater in the ground

Doi: "Almost had me there" he lifts his hands and throws rocks at Ren

Ren: "I'll get you next time" he runs towards Doi and throws punches at Doi breaking the rocks

Doi jumps back to dodge the punches "it's a shame you're so slow" he jumps into the air

Ren grabs Doi's right arm

Doi: "What?"

Ren "I told you, I'll get ya" he pulls Doi to him then starts to slam him but stops

Doi raises his left hand

Vines with thorns on them come from the ground and wraps around Ren's arms and legs tightly

Blood comes Ren's shoulders

Kaori: "he's using the vines to stop Ren from throwing him around, not bad"

Doi: "good, now let me go" he closes left hand and the vines tighten

Ren: "AAHHH" he looks at Doi "t-this won't stop me"

Doi: "Huh?"

Ren tightens his grip on Doi's arm "HAAAAAAAA" he muscles expands ripping the vines

Doi: "Ouch! You damn gorilla"

Ren swings Doi and slams into the ground

Doi: "Ack!"

Ren doesn't let go of Doi's arm then lifts him up and slams him into the ground again

Doi: "AHHH!"

Ren keeps lifting him up and slamming Doi repeatedly

Doi stops yelling after being slammed 10 times

Ren lifts Doi up and stares at him

Doi doesn't responds as his face is covered in blood

Ren: "I told you that I wouldn't hold back" he throws Doi across the stage

Doi rolls across the ring to the edge while laying on his stomach

Ren: "I'm not going to add insult to injury, so I'll end this here" he runs toward Doi and cocks his left leg back getting ready to kick him

Doi smirks

Ren: "What?"

Doi rolls out of the way and reveals a ditch made of sand where he was laying

Ken: "What?"

Fumiko: "He turned the ring into sand?"

Ren runs into the sand and leans outside of the ring "no no no no, I won't fall"

Doi jumps into the air and cocks back his right arm covered in rock "HAAAA! FALL DOWN DICKHEAD" he punches Ren in the back of the head

Ren: "AHH!" he falls out of the ring onto the ground

Doi pants while holding his right arm with his left hand "even with the rock armor I still hurt my hand...Well, You always were hard headed"

Announcer: "And the winner by ring out, Doi Araki!"