
Immortal Saga

Xiao Chen wants to protect his parents from their enemies and in order to do that he started to cultivate madly. but he finds that he is unable to cultivate. until he encounters an opportunity that allows him to cultivate a mysterious technic. As he starts his journey to become a hegemon with his loved ones.

Firoz_Mansoori_5921 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

8. Su Jia Hao and Su Xinyi

As the lifeless body of Xiao Chen sank deeper into the murky depths of the Moon Shadow River, a faint glimmer of light emerged from his pocket. The source of this light was the mysterious Black Bead, which had accompanied Xiao Chen on his ill-fated journey. Floating near his chest, it seemed to be drawn to the small wound where blood slowly seeped out.

With a nearly ethereal glow, the Black Bead began to soak up the red droplets, as though it possessed a thirst for the life essence contained inside. As the blood became eaten up, a profound transformation took place inside the bead itself. Its surface shimmered with an otherworldly radiance, emanating a palpable aura of power.

Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the Black Bead vanished, merging seamlessly into Xiao Chen's chest. The spot where it had been was now adorned with a mark, a symbol of the bead appeared on his chest.


Su Jiahao with a wrinkled face and white hair, set out in his wooden boat for a day of fishing with his 10-year-old granddaughter, Su Xinyi. Su Xinyi, the 10-year-old girl, had a fair complexion that would brighten up when she smiled, revealing charming dimples on her cheeks. With her hair neatly tied in a ponytail, she wore a sky-blue skirt that swayed with her every step. Around her neck, she proudly wore a locket made of an unknown metallic material, shaped like a fish. They were a poor family, struggling to survive in Blue Pearl City. The whole day, they seemed to have bad luck as they failed to catch enough fish for selling. Disappointed, Su Jiahao decided to return home. However, Su Xinyi pleaded with her grandfather to give it one last try. She had a feeling that this final attempt would yield a surprise.

After listening to Su Xinyi's request Su Jiahao threw the fish net one last time. after waiting for some time he pulls the net and they feel it heavy.

As Su Jiahao and Su Xinyi pulled the net onto their small fishing boat, their eyes widened in astonishment. Among the fish they had hoped for, they discovered something entirely unexpected—an unconscious boy, aged around 11 or 12, completely naked. His eyes were closed, leaving them uncertain if he was still alive.

Overwhelmed by the sight of the bare boy within the fishing net, Su Xinyi let out a startled scream and quickly covered her eyes with her small hands. Su Jiahao carefully lifted the unconscious boy out of the fishing net. He placed him gently on the wooden deck of the boat and checked for any signs of life. He detected a faint but steady heartbeat, indicating that the boy was still alive. Swiftly, Su Jiahao took out a blanket from his bag and, carefully covered the boy in it.

Su Jia Hao was examining the boy's body for hidden injuries on his body. While Su Xinyi was looking at the boy's face through her fingers with curiosity. When she sees the boy covered in the blanket she removes her hands from her eyes and walks up to the boy.

She couldn't resist the urge to get a closer look at his face, which was now partially covered by the blanket. Slowly, she extended her hand and gently brushed aside a strand of hair that had fallen across his forehead. Su Xinyi couldn't help but notice the boy's features, so different from anyone she had ever seen before. His peaceful expression and delicate features sparked a sense of intrigue within her. She couldn't comprehend how a person, seemingly her age, could end up in such a peculiar situation. As she studied his face, a sense of compassion swelled within her, and she silently vowed to do whatever she could to help him

As the boy's eyes fluttered open, he found himself staring into the curious face of Su Xinyi. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. The boy's gaze held a mix of confusion and gratitude, while Su Xinyi's eyes sparkled with innocence and compassion.

Xiao Chen slowly sat up covering himself with a blanket tightly, still feeling weak, and looked at Su Jiahao and Su Xinyi with a grateful smile. He gathered his strength and spoke softly, "Thank you for saving me. My name is Xiao Chen."

Su Jiahao nodded with a kind smile, "You're welcome, Xiao Chen. I'm Su Jiahao, and this is my granddaughter, Su Xinyi."

Su Xinyi, her eyes wide with curiosity, chimed in, "Nice to meet you, Brother Xiao Chen! You can call me Big sister Xinyi. How did you end up in this situation?

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, his voice filled with sadness. "I remember... I remember my father falling unconscious, and I was determined to take him to Green Ox Village for help. But on our way, we encountered a group of people. They attacked us without any reason, without provocation. I tried to defend myself and protect my father, but the next thing I knew, I felt a searing pain in my back. I was stabbed with a saber. The rain was pouring heavily, and I was desperately trying to wake up my father, but then... everything went blank. And now, here I am, with you."

Su Jiahao's face grew solemn, his eyes reflecting the pain in Xiao Chen's words. "Such cruelty... It's unimaginable. You've been through so much, Xiao Chen."

Su Xinyi came forward and held Xiao Chen's hand tightly, tears brimming in her eyes after listening to his story, her voice filled with compassion. "We can't change what has happened, but we can offer you our support and help you heal. One day you will definitely find your father."

On the side, Su Jia Hao was stunned to see Su Xinyi taking the hands of a stranger in her hands because she never allows anyone to touch herself. Not to mention her taking someone else hand in her hands.

Xiao Chen was also taken aback by his hands being held in a gentle manner by a girl. Other than her mother there was not a single woman who had ever touched him. Then he slowly and in a graceful manner took back his hands from her hold.

After a moment of awkward silence, Xiao Chen gathered his courage and spoke to Su Jiahao and Su Xinyi, "I am grateful for everything you have done for me, but I don't want to burden you any longer. I want to find work. If you could assist me with finding a job, I would truly appreciate it."

Su Xinyi suddenly run up to Su Jia Hao and held a corner of his robe and said in a pleading voice," Grandfather why don't we help little brother Chen? He can help you in catching fish and selling them."

Su Xinyi's plea tugged at Su Jiahao's heartstrings. He looked down at his granddaughter with a gentle smile and patted her head lovingly. "My dear Xinyi, your compassion and kindness are truly admirable," he said, his voice filled with warmth.

He turned his gaze to Xiao Chen, who stood nearby, and spoke, "Why don't you stay with us? You can work on our boat and help in selling fish. This way you don't have to find any work in the city."

Xiao Chen thought for some time and he bowed, "Thank you, senior Hao. I will definitely repay your kindness."

Su Jia Hao smiled, "You can call me Grandpa Hao. Don't call me any senior. I will call you little Chen."

Xiao Chen smiled at him, "Okay, Grandpa Hao."

Listening to Xiao Chen's response Su Jia Hao Broke into laughter and patted his shoulder, " Hahaha.... Good, good ... let's return home early. After all, you can't stay without clothes in front of my granddaughter.....hahaha."

Suddenly, the sky darkened and raindrops began to fall, the atmosphere grew heavy with an eerie sense of foreboding. The once tranquil surroundings transformed into a tempestuous scene, with thunder rumbling in the dark sky.

Su Jia Hao said in a serious way, "Let's go perhaps there will be a storm today." Then he started to walk toward the boat controlling formation. As he put two spirit stones in the formation the formation lit up and he controlled it and sped up toward the Blue Pearl City.