
Immortal master Karan

Karan is the main character in this story, and the plot mostly surrounds his personality. He is one of the greatest Scientist from Earth. He is a very skillful and educated individual with vast experience and knowledge on different matters including Yoga , Ayurveda and has been a Wrestler However ,During an Experiment which could have opened a new door for Science . But due to some obvious reason an accident happend during the Procedure causing , Earth’s top Scientist’s soul crossed over to an alternate world, where Strength is everything ,Spiritual Energy are much more abundant compared to Earth .Here Strong prays on weak ,reborn as his 14 year old self, Karan was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his beloved wife and friends . Later he merged with Great Thief God’s memories, cultivating Three Dragon Clone Technique, sweeping through all opposition with invincible might! Able to refine medicine, capable of crafting weapons, and knows the art of inscription&h.e.l.lip;. Being skilled in all professions is the way of kings! “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the G.o.ds that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

Twilight_RainGod0 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter-15(Final Fight)

People were quite amased by Karan's performance . No one would have thought that a Good for Nothing can progress so much in such a period of time . Some senior member and elders even suspect that Karan has always been hidding his Strength from the very beginning to become a blockbuster in a Single night. .

" Elder uncle , Third Uncle and both of their sons were sitting in a room talking about the Tournament , Both of you here me out clearly ,"Don't take this Karan fellow lightly ,a person who can hide tolerate criticism and disdain and yet can hid his strength so deeply must not be taken lightly. I even suspect that he has not used his full strength till now .So ,when fighting always remember to be vigilant toward him ,if possible two of you knock him out of the Tournament directly with your full blow ."

Elder Brother you are taking him too seriously .Do you really think only he is hidding his real Strength ? Sun show them your Strength . As if we have to fear a trash now .

" Boom " a fist blasted out .

Both of the person were surprised ,this Strength clearly shows Strength of 7 Body Tempering Realm . Both of Their mouth remained agap with shock and surprise .

Karan quickly finished up the rest of his meal before returning to his room. Today he saw Second uncle son Sharma Di Liang ,and Eldest uncle son Sharma Di Qiuli .

Casually sweeping away the dust in his room, Karan climbed onto the bed and began to cultivate once more, as per accordance to the Three Dragon Clone Technique .

The second day of the compet.i.tion quickly progressed. Because there were less and less people, the top 8 were quickly decided by the end of the day.

Other than that, Karan had ran into something expected. Of the 6 children who reached the top 8 , 2 of them were his cousion brothers ,he had ran into yesterday: Sharma Di Qiuli and Sharma Di Yun. Although Karan had yet to fight against the two, he felt that each time he saw them, there was a hidden air of provocation between them.

Regarding the two siblings' disdain toward himself , Karan paid no heed to them.

The final matches were to be held tomorrow, and by the end of that, the winner would be announced.

Leaving the sports grounds, Karan immediately headed towards the dining hall.

The next morning, Karan finished his breakfast quickly before arriving at the compet.i.tion. Perhaps it was because today was the final day of the compet.i.tion, but a lot more people came today than the two previous days combined. Many of these people came to see the result and know about the winner .

The fighting grounds had been fully fixed last night, and the original five arenas had been changed to four. However, the four arenas were now larger than before; the arenas from yesterday were on a completely different level that couldn't be compared with the new sizes.

At this moment, Karan felt something behind him. Turning around, he saw his father .

Taking note of Karan's stare, Sharma Rambalak smiled widely. Karan quickly detaching himself from the crowd, he ran up to Rambalak's side . You naughty boy, you only know to give headache to you father ,you even dare to fool your father . I was always worried that you were not able to cultivate properly and here you are always hidding it even from me ,see How I clean you up after the competetion .

" you must work hard today. Your father won't demand of you to get the number one spot; getting into the top 3 is good enough!"

Karan laughed and said, " Father, you don't have to worry. I definitely will not let you down."

The time of the compet.i.tion came quickly. This time, the top 8 would fight it out in the semi finals. After drawing lots to decide their opponents, Karan immediately walked onto the arena. Not long after, Karan's opponent slowly came up into the arena, but to Karan's surprise, his opponent was a Elder Uncle son .

More precisely, his opponent was – Sharma Di Qiuli.

Sharma Di Qiuli was wearing a dark red style of clothing, and although he was only 15 or 16 years old, he was quite famous among girls in the Clan .

Karan and Di Qiuli stood empty handed on top of the arena. The reason why They were empty handed was because of the clan rules. They believed that the best way to judge a person's strength was by empty handed combat, and so any weapons were not allowed ,all of the children were forced to fight without weapons.

Sharma Di Qiuli looked at Karan with a haughty look, "You really didn't let us down. For your arrogance , I'll be sure to teach you a lesson today." Sharma Di Qiuli's voice carried a sharp but clear sounding tone.

Hearing this Karan's face revealed a grin of disdain. Within the people who were born within prestigious clan , many of them truly did not know how vast the heavens and earth were.


A loud sound rung throughout the arena, signalling the start of the match.

Because all four of the arenas were in the same place, the moment the gong was heard, all 8 partic.i.p.ants simultaneously started to move and began to fight.

Sharma Di Qiuli quickly strode towards Karan, but when he was within 3 meters from him, he suddenly jumped up into the air to deliver a flying jump kick towards his face. Although Sharma Di Qiuli was a little old, he was fairly strong since he was already at the 5th Body Tempering Realm .

Karan stood in place without moving a single step. As Sharma Di Qiuli's foot got closer to his face, he tilted his neck sideways, allowing the kick to merely graze past the side of his head.

Sharma Di Qiuli's reaction speed was fairly fast, the moment he realized his kick didn't connect, he swung out at his nose with a spiritual energy enhanced fist. Not only was his fist coming in at rapid speeds, but with a huge amount of energy stored within his fist, any normal person would come out with serious injuries after being hit by that. As far as Karan was concerned, he would not hold back. No matter if he ended up defeating Karan and moving on into the top 4, or if he was just teaching Karan a lesson, he would definitely not allow himself to hold back.

Karan dealt with Sharma Di Qiuli's attack with ease, and although his opponent was one layer higher than him, Karan was not like an average child. His battle experiences from were abundant, so if he wanted to continue this match without fighting back, then Sharma Di Qiuli wouldn't even be able to touch his clothes, much less beat him within five rounds.

After Sharma Di Qiuli had tried to attack him a few dozen times without even being able to even touch Karan's clothes, he grew extremely annoyed and stopped his barrage of blows. Panting slightly, he glared at Karan, "Hey, are you going to actually fight or not? If you're not going to fight, then get off the arena instead of jumping around all over the place."

Karan laughed as he looked at the fuming Sharma Di Qiuli and said, "The person that'll be leaving the arena will be you, not me. How do you plan to beat me if you can't even touch my clothes?"

"Y-you…" Sharma Di Qiuli's naturally face grew red with shame and anger as he pointed at him with his finger, and he was momentarily unable to speak. But then he grew calm and he rolled his eyes, sneering, "So what if I can't touch you? You can't even stand to fight me head on, and can only dodge my blows like a little coward."

"Eh, is that right?" Karan's face revealed a hint of a smile as he looked at him with a strange expression.

Sharma Di Qiuli looked on haughtily, speaking with complete conviction, "Of course. If you aren't a coward, then you'd better try actually fighting me."

Karan glanced over at the other 3 rings and saw that the other matches were beginning to wrap up. Turning his head back to look at Sharma Di Qiuli again, he laughed, "If you really want to fight me head on, then fine, I'll grant you your wish."

Hearing Karan words, Sharma Di Qiuli's eyes brightened, "You said so yourself, so don't you dare try to say otherwise later!" Sharma Di Qiuli clearly had no desire to let Karan prepare himself, so before he could even finish his sentence, he had already started to dash towards him. Just like the first blow, he leapt up into the air and lashed his leg out to kick him in the face, but this time the speed of his kick was much faster than his original one.

Karan gave an odd smile as the kick came closer. Just like he said earlier, Karan didn't bother to dodge, but instead, as the kick was right in front of his face, both of his hands lashed out and grabbed onto Sharma Di Qiuli's calf. Exerting a decent amount of strength while twisting around, he whirled hIm around in one smooth motion. As he threw him, Sharma Di Qiuli cried out in panic as he was spun around by Karan.

Many of the surrounding students watching the event became dumbstruck ,he had also defeated the last 6 opponents in the same manner.

Under the arena, Sharma Di Yun felt the veins in his forehead throb as he watched Sharma Di Qiuli get thrown in such a way. A murderous intent was focused on Karan as he watched him; if it weren't for the Great Elder presiding over the match nearby, then Sharma Di Yun would have charged onto the arena long ago to teach Karan a lesson.

Karan's two arms were almost like strong pincers, clamping down onto his legs, as he spun him around twice before finally letting go. At that moment, one could only see Sharma Di Qiuli's body streak across the sky in an arc, before finally flying out of the arena, and cras.h.i.+ng into a group of people in the audience.

With only a tiny bit of disdain for the people in the audience who helped Sharma Di Qiuli back to his feet, Karan smirked as the referee proclaimed him the winner, before walking off the stage slowly.

Sharma Di Yun gave a cold smile yet his heart at this moment was suppressing his anger. He did not expect that the trash would dare to beat Sharma Di Qiuli and dares to not put him into his eye.

Watching Karan walk farther and farther away from him, Sharma Di Yun's own face grew even more somber.

With the end of Karan's match, the final 4 names were called out. In the end one of the name called was Sharma Di Yun .

After announcing the four remaining students, they were given an hour of rest before continuing on with the compet.i.tion. Karan opponent this time was a 6th Body Tempering Realm cultivator Sharma Po Jing .

Soon, Karan and Sharma Po Jing both walked onto the arena, and waited for the start of the match. Right as the gong sounded, Sharma Po Jing dashed towards Karan and tried to slam his fist into Karan's stomach.

Karan nimbly dodged Sharma Po Jing's attack, while returning the blow with his own fist that was even faster than his opponent's.


Before Sharma Po Jing could even respond, Karan's fist had already made contact with his back. The force of his punch was so strong, it forced Sharma Po Jing to stagger backwards, before falling to his knees.

After one blow, Karan didn't bother to hold back. Both of his legs went into motion as he quickly ran towards where Sharma Po Jing was kneeling. All of a sudden, the originally staggering Sharma Po Jing suddenly lost his footing once more and was sent flying again. After being hit, he flew two meters towards the edge of the ring, and fell down the ring

Watching this display of might, every student watching Karan all cried out in surprise. They had never imagined that in a single engagement, the victor would be so readily decided. This was something that every student thought was amazing; the 6th Body Realm student Sharma Po Jing was being beaten so easily by a Good for nothing Karan .

After announcing the finalist , they were given an hour of rest before continuing on with the compet.i.tion. Karan opponent this time was Sharma Di Yun .

Sharma Di Yun looked at Karan and felt insulted. In this city, his talent could be considered best in younger generation ,he is a like a ideal in everyone's view , but due to this trash his father was insulted and even his own junior brother was almost punished .

"Trash will always be trash ,do you really think that you are the only one hiding here " Sharma Di Yun unfurled his aura which surprised everyone .

"Hiss..., Seventh level Body Tempering Realm .

Karan was also quite surprised , seeing his amased look ,"Now ,are you afraid ,I am already at 7th level .Let me see what you will do ? ".


"I will stop if you can receive three of my moves." Sharma Di Yun said while walking out. He plans to defeat Karan with the most brutal methods so as to let him understand how much of a trash he is.

"If you can receive one of my punches, it will be considered as my defeat." Karan shook his head and said indifferently.


The indifferent tone sounded as if Sharma Di Yun would not be able to receive even one of Karan's punches and this caused his complexion to turn gloomy instantly.

The crowd was stunned and could only look at Karan speechlessly. This fellow must have gone mad. To think he would actually say something so boastful.

"No matter how beautiful the words said by the trash are, he is still a trash. Using the advantage of the words, is something only a trash like you would do." Sharma Di Yun sneered.

Karan laughed. He's using the advantages of words? He had only said a few words.

"Receive my punch" Karan is unwilling to waste any more time with idle talk. After his voice faded, he moved his body forward, raised his fist and immediately brandished it towards Sharma Di Yun.

"One punch?" Sharma Di Yun eyes flashed cruelly and he did not evade that punch. Instead, he raised his own fist. He wanted to let Karan know the huge disparity between their skill levels.

The air started vibrating and a tyrannical wave appeared on Karan's fist, produced a fluttering sound. However, the crowd could only see heavy waves moving towards Sharma Di Yun before pa.s.sing through him tyrannically.

Martial Technique, Nine Heavy Waves!

Sharma Di Yun's complexion changed suddenly as he felt how strong the force of oppression is. But it was too late to withdraw now. Both fists clashed and Sharma Di Yun felt the aggressive waves travel through his fist and past his body forcefully. Each wave was stronger than the previous one and it was never-ending.


With a groan, Sharma Di Yun's body flew out. Everyone was dumbfounded. This scene was exactly the same as how Sharma Di Yun used to knock down his opponent. Only difference was that ,this time knocked out person was Sharma Di Yun himself , without the slightest resistance was sent flying with only a single punch.

Third Uncle stood up and stared dumbly at Sharma Di Yun who was lying on the ground.

"How could, how could this be possible…" Sharma Di Yun was as shocked as his father and was unable to accept the cruel reality.

When the crowd heard Sharma Di Yun's words, they remembered what Karan had said previously. "You keep blabbering that I am a trash. I would like to ask you, if one day you find out that you're worse than me, how humiliated would you be?" The present scene had without doubt proved the proud words said by the youth

"This is the trash young master of the Sharma Family?" Looking at Karan , everyone in the audience knew that to be able to send Sharma Di Yun flying with one punch, the punch must have at least 8 H.P in strength.

"You keep blabbering that I am a trash. Now that you can't even receive one of my punches of trash , where does that leave you?" Karan said ironically and looked at Sharma Di Yun with a vicious look in his eyes.

"And you. You're a senior yet you keep saying the word trash all the time. Now, your son has been defeated by me with just one punch. You're always saying that I am a piece of trash, now won't you have to say that your son is a piece of trash as well."

Raising his head, Karan looked over to Sharma Hao Ran and said.

"You're only at the fourth Body Tempering Layer. Does this insignificant strength allow you to be so arrogant here?" Sharma Hao Ran's face turned very ugly and rebuked him.

People were already dumb by the scene ,when they again gasped . What Karan is only a 4th Body Tempering Realm cultivator? How can this be possible ? A 4th Body Tempering Realm Cultivator defeated a 7th Body Tempering Realm Cultivator with a Single punch .It doesn't look like they are acting .

Audience again boiled with chears ,"Long live Young Master ".

Haahaa..aa ,Out family gave birth to a anomaly ..

"I'm not being arrogant here. I am just returning what your son and you have been giving to me." Karan is unwilling to say anything more. He turned to leave and said: "If you shame others, other people will also shame you!"

"If you shame others, other people will also shame you!" Sharma Rambalak whispered softly and lights flashed past his smiling eyes. His own son had really changed. To think he is actually able to say such philosophical words.

The champion of this Tournament is Karan ,He will be given the spot and Chinmaya Palace Student Token .