
Immortal master Karan

Karan is the main character in this story, and the plot mostly surrounds his personality. He is one of the greatest Scientist from Earth. He is a very skillful and educated individual with vast experience and knowledge on different matters including Yoga , Ayurveda and has been a Wrestler However ,During an Experiment which could have opened a new door for Science . But due to some obvious reason an accident happend during the Procedure causing , Earth’s top Scientist’s soul crossed over to an alternate world, where Strength is everything ,Spiritual Energy are much more abundant compared to Earth .Here Strong prays on weak ,reborn as his 14 year old self, Karan was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his beloved wife and friends . Later he merged with Great Thief God’s memories, cultivating Three Dragon Clone Technique, sweeping through all opposition with invincible might! Able to refine medicine, capable of crafting weapons, and knows the art of inscription&h.e.l.lip;. Being skilled in all professions is the way of kings! “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the G.o.ds that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

Twilight_RainGod0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter-14(Tournament Begins)

Tournament Begins ,

Early in the morning, the Sharma Family appeared especially lively. This was due to the family meeting that was occurring soon and everyone is heading towards the field in the middle of the mansion.

"Did you hear? This time, not only did eldest uncle come, but third uncle came as well. Looks like this time they are all aiming for the family head seat."

"He He, although the patriarch is strong, however that trash of a son might have already died. He was even heavily injured by his own servent , totally disgracing the face of the Sharma Family. In addition, eldest uncle is always displeased with the patriarch. He would surely use this chance to launch an attack. Who knows, the family head seat might change its owner today."


Throughout the journey, everyone in the Sharma Family was whispering non-stop. The crowd knows that today's family meeting would surely be extraordinary.

Karan and Sharma Rambalak are currently making their way to the field as well. Seeing that Karan is safe and sound, hints of colors flashes past countless people's eyes. Some of them were even thinking how is this trash not dead yet. But under the might of Sharma Rambalak, majority of them did not dare to speak their mind.

"This trash sure is lucky to still be alive" A shrill voice sounded out suddenly. This made majority of the people there raise their head and they saw a pa.s.serby with an extraordinary aura walk towards them.

The one that spoke was a youth. He is the son of Sharma Hao Ran who is the third uncle of the Sharma Family. Both him, Sharma Di Yun and Karan are at the same age of fourteen . However, Sharma Di Yun is at the sixth Body Tempering Realm .

"So it was Sharma Di Yun. No wonder he dared to say that." When everyone saw third uncle, Sharma Hao Ran and eldest uncle, Sharma Ba Dao, walking together, they all knew that both of them came with ill intentions.

"Say that again." A cold glint flashed past Sharma Rambalak's eyes while he stared at Sharma Di Yun. This caused a flash of fear to flutter across Sharma Di Yun's face and he dared not look at Sharma Rambalak directly.

"Second brother, you're getting more and more outrageous as the family head. To think that the older generation is bullying the younger generation." Sharma Ba Dao said in a mocking and cold tone.

"Ha. I, Sharma Rambalak, am still the family head. To think that Sharma Di Yun is so uneducated, how improper is that" Sharma Rambalak responded indifferently.

"Second brother is so imposing. But I'll like to see how much long you can act like this as the family head." Sharma Hao Ran said in a harsh tone "Your trash of a son was almoat killed by his own servent . He had completely thrown away the face of the Sharma family. How could people not gossip about it?"

"How much longer can I stay imposing? Sharma Hao Ran, are you trying to say that I may soon lose my seat as the family head? Do you think you can get this seat? Are you even qualified?" Sharma Rambalak took one step forward and a cold chill started emitting from his body. Sharma Di Yun could only run and hide behind Sharma Hao Ran as he felt his body turn ice-cold .

"Whether am I qualified or not, only the elders can have the final say. When did it become your turn, Sharma Rambalak." Sharma Hao Ran's face darkens. He did not expect Sharma Rambalak to be so overbearing today and to be so unlike his usual self.

"So you admitted it. I, Sharma Rambalak am still currently the family head. For your son to curse my son to die in front of me, what sort of punishment does he deserve?"

Sharma Rambalak did not back off and the cold air became even heavier. The surrounding air's temperature continued decreasing and white frost were starting to form. A loud White Demon Eagle sound was Heard ,as a Gold level Demon Spiritualist and a Peak Nadi-Purification Realm Fighter .His momentum was quite astounding .

"The family head is no doubt the family head. He gives off of aura of dignity. To think that he would be the one launching an attack on third uncle first." The crowd looked over and they all held a hint of respect and admiration for Sharma Rambalak in their heart. They had thought that Sharma Rambalak would pa.s.sively deal with the attacks launch by third uncle and eldest uncle today.

"Sharma Rambalak, do you think that I am afraid of you." Sharma Hao Ran came prepared. After saying that, a powerful heat wave surged out and fought head on with the chill.

"Father possesses the ice Eagle Demon soul , he mainly practices in ice techniques. However, Sharma Hao Ran possesses the fire Cat Demon spirit ,he practices mainly in fire techniques. Water is the bane of fire. No matter how hard Sharma Hao Ran fights, he would not be able to win against my father. The main lead this time is clearly not him."

Karan who was standing at the side gazed towards Sharma Ba Dao to see him revealing a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth before saying, "Second brother, the family meeting is starting soon. Could it be that you as the head of the family deem that the elders are not even worth your attention?"

In the Sharma Family, the elders hold the highest authority. They exist only to appoint the next family head. Therefore, Sharma Ba Dao had used the power of the elders' presence to pressure Sharma Rambalak and make him take a step back.

"Tsk." Sharma Rambalak gave a look of disdain toward Sharma Hao Ran and withdrew his Qi before leaving together with Karan.

Sharma Hao Ran was naturally aware of the disdain look given by Sharma Rambalak.and cold chill flashed past his eyes. This time, your trash of a son was lucky to still be alive. But next in the upcoming Tournament, he would not be so lucky.

Sharma Hao Ran's oldest son, Sharma Di Qiu Li was an outstanding cultivator

On the other hand, Sharma Ba Dao's son is even more talented. His future is bright and limitless. Within the three brothers, only Sharma Rambalak's son possesses poor talent and is known as a trash. This was what Sharma Ba Dao and Sharma Hao Ran is relying on. Right now the elders have a much better impression of them and this is something Sharma Rambalak can't influence.

Four to five hundred people of the Sharma Family had gathered in the field and in the middle of the field, there was a green stone platform. At this moment, the decision makers of the Sharma Family are on it.

Time quickly pa.s.sed. Soon, it was the time for the compet.i.tion to start. At this time, the compet.i.tion arena was already packed with hundreds of children.

Karan walked towards the compet.i.tion area. Although a crowd was already forming, Karan didn't try to force his way through. Instead, he calmly stood on the outside. Regarding this martial arts compet.i.tion, Karan had no interest in it at all; even watching it didn't seem appealing to him. The only reason he would be partic.i.p.ating today was because of the Student Token of Chinmaya Palace.

"Everyone, quiet down!"

Suddenly, a loud piercing sound rang out. The cry was so loud, it was heard by everyone in the sports field and everybody immediately became quiet. In an instant, the whole field became absolutely silent..

A white-robed, middle-aged man came walking up to the podium. The man looked like any other man his age, with no remarkable features. However, the light in his eyes was so bright, it looked as if he had a sun hidden inside, making people afraid to stare straight into his eyes.

Looking at everyone, the man smiled kindly. Speaking loudly in a friendly voice, he said, "Dear Children, I am the Great Elder of Sharma Family . I will be the one in charge of today's martial arts compet.i.tion today as well as being the one who makes up the rules. I am going to presume everyone has already seen the rules on the post board at the Main gates, so I won't repeat it. The prize for this year is the same as always, the first place winner will win a Student Token of Chinmaya Palace, the runner and the third place winner will get 5 Qi Gathering Pill each.

Drawing lots did not take long to accomplish, and soon enough it was Karan's turn. Looking at the pot, Karan casually grabbed a single tag from within. Unsealing the tag, he read the words with a relieved look, "Third stage, number 64."

Seeing the number on the tag, he inwardly understood clearly that his opponent would be number 136 on the third stage, because this time's compet.i.tion matched opponents based on finding the two numbers that would give a sum of 200.

After getting their tags, every student slowly walked towards their respective platforms while Karan walked over to the third platform.

The compet.i.tions were progressing at a fast rate, as the first round of the compet.i.tion only took half a day. Because Karan's own opponent was not at all knowledgeable about how to fight with martial arts, Karan had easily won and made his way into round 2.

After eating lunch, the freshmen martial arts compet.i.tion continued. However, the number of compet.i.tors had decreased by half. It seemed like there were only 208 people present by the end of that first round.

The second round was decided in the same way as the first round, with drawing lots. Because the amount of people that remained was far less than that of the first round, it had only took 4 hours to finish. By the end of the 2nd round, 104 people were left standing, Coincidentally, since it was an even number, then there would not be an awkward situation where there would be a student that was left out of the drawings.

Immediately heading into the third round, people began to draw lots to find their opponents. By night time, there were only 52 people that advanced onwards, with Karan standing amongst them with a lazy expression.

Leaving the compet.i.tion grounds, Karan noticed that the sky had long since darkened. He rubbed at his protesting stomach .

Soon, Karan arrived at the dining hall. After receiving his food, he found an empty seat and began to eat. During ,today's competetion he saw two of his nephews . Sharma Di Qiuli son of the Elder Uncle and Sharma Di Yun ,Third Uncle's son .