
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


 Chapter 485 - Sneak Attack

  After all, the information of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion had always been very well informed.

  Things like these two YuanYing Upper Sects going to war naturally could not be hidden from them.

  Thinking of this, He Song thought about it and then eventually did not spread the news from Meng Guan, instead continuing to cultivate.

  The news of the impending war between the Yiyang Sect and the God Locking Sect was obtained by Meng Guan from the mouth of the Yiyang Sect's Sectmaster.

  Meng Guan was able to tell He Song about this news in a subtle way, this friendship was already very heavy, and He Song naturally needed to keep it in mind.

  Moreover, Meng Guan explicitly said in his letter that He Song should not spread this news.

  Naturally, He Song would not make things difficult for him.

  If this kind of matter, which was related to the battle of YuanYing Sect, really spread out from He Song's mouth and led to any unpredictable consequences, Meng Guan would definitely be the first one to be punished.

  Needless to say, Meng Guan would definitely be the first to suffer bad luck, along with Wei Fan.

  He Song was hidden in the shadows, so he didn't need to worry about this.

  But he was sorry for his two best friends.

  If Meng Guan and Wei Fan really because of this matter and what happened, I am afraid that He Song by then is also too late to regret.

  In such a situation, He Song naturally could not gamble with the lives of his two best friends just to go and notify a Luo Jing True Lord who had a big backstage.

  Moreover, even without He Song's notification, True Lord Luo Jing would most likely have already known about this matter and would have his own way of dealing with it.

  As a Jindan True Monarch, True Monarch Luo Jing's methods were only stronger than He Song's. After all, he was a master teacher.

  After all, he was a Jindan True Monarch with a teacher's lineage, and was still different from a wildcard like He Song.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song naturally extinguished the idea of sending a message to True Lord Luo Jing in his heart.


  Just as He Song gave up on sending a message to True Lord Luo Jing and chose to continue practicing in his cave.

  A few days later.

  He Song, who was cultivating, suddenly realized that there was a disturbance in his note transmission.

  Seeing this, He Song stopped practicing and quickly opened the transmission note, taking out a thin piece of paper within it.

  As his eyes swept over, a hint of determination immediately flashed in He Song's eyes.

  "Fellow Daoist, since the last time we parted, you and I haven't seen each other for more than twenty years, I wonder how is your friend doing lately?"

  "Previously, when I sent a letter to you, you said that you had already stepped into the realm of Jindan, but I wonder how you have been practicing in the realm of Jindan all these years?"

  "Counting the days, you break through the realm of Jindan so far, has been fifteen years, this period of time, I think you must be quite fruitful."

  "I just don't know, have you ever thought about what sect you want to join after you leave the gate?"

  "Recently, the friction between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect has intensified, so if you want to join the Yi Yang Sect, you will need to consider it carefully."

  "According to the information from my Treasure Pavilion, a great war between the One Sun Sect and the God Locking Sect is about to begin, and I'm afraid that if you join at this time, you'll definitely be caught up in this war."

  "In that case, Fellow Daoist fears for his life."

  "In my humble opinion, if you have another place to go, you might as well go and take a look."

  "This big battle, the danger is incomparable, even in the following, also has the master's order, need to go elsewhere to hide a hide, so as not to be met with misfortune."

  "Do you remember the Biyue Immortal State that you and I were in when we met previously?"

  "This time, my master spoke up and wanted to send me to leave with Senior Sister Yun Jing to rush to the Biyue Prefecture to cultivate at ease under the care of my senior uncle."

  "By the way, Senior Sister Yun Jing already broke through the Jindan realm ten years ago, and is now a Jindan True Lord like you and me."

  "If you are still in the Bi Yue Immortal State, the three of us will be able to reunite again."

  "I hope that you will not spread the word about the impending war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect, as my daughter said earlier."

  "Exactly what sect or faction you want to join, please also consider carefully."

  "Don't ever get carried away."

  Sweeping the beautiful handwriting above the thin paper in his hand with a single glance, He Song's heart immediately let out a sigh of relief.

  It was as he had previously expected.

  The Treasure Gathering Pavilion where True Lord Luo Jing was located was indeed well-informed.

  It had only been a few days since the Yi Yang Sect had recalled all the Jindan Elders and determined that they would go to war against the God Locking Sect.

  The Gathering Treasure Pavilion had already received accurate information, and True Lord Zi Shirt had even left a way out for his two disciples.

  Moreover, I'm afraid that it was because True Lord Purple Shirt was also worried that something would happen to the two of them on the way, so he chose to personally send his two disciples away from the Cloud State.

  When they reached the Bi Yue Immortal Prefecture's sphere of influence, it was feared that someone else would come to meet them.

  In this way, True Lord Luo Jing as well as True Lord Yun Jing were naturally safe and secure.

  However, True Monarch Yun Jing had successfully broken through to the Jindan realm ten years ago, a matter that He Song had not thought of.

  True Monarch Yun Jing was True Monarch Luo Jing's senior sister.

  She and He Song had met a few times, and He Song had not only delivered a jade slip for her once, but had also strolled with her through the Jindan True Monarchs' exchange meeting during the previous Jindan event.

  Although He Song didn't hang out with her too much at the Golden Dan Monarch's exchange meeting, after experiencing these things, the two of them are naturally considered acquaintances.

  In addition, He Song was extremely familiar with True Lord Luo Jing, and naturally had a deeper impression of his senior sister.

  When True Monarch Luo Jing had successfully broken through the Jindan realm, He Song was not surprised in his heart.

  Because he knew that Luo Jing was a Three Spirit Root, the probability of breaking through to the Jindan realm was much higher than that of an ordinary Four Spirit Root cultivator.

  Unlike He Song, Wei Fan and other Four Spiritual Roots who needed several Gold Condensation Pills before they could step into the Jindan Realm.

  The three-spirit rooted Luo Jing Zhenjun only needed one Gold Condensation Pill to have a higher probability of successfully breaking through to the Jindan realm than a four-spirit rooted cultivator.

  If one more was prepared, the probability of stepping into the Jindan realm would naturally be even greater.

  And True Lord Luo Jing's master, True Lord Purple Shirt, was an existence at the late Jindan stage.

  The Gold Condensation Pill he prepared for his disciple would naturally not be just one.

  Under such circumstances, True Lord Luo Jing's successful breakthrough into the Jindan realm was not unexpected by He Song.

  However, He Song had previously been unaware of just how qualified True Monarch Yun Jing was.

  But now that he thought about it, I'm afraid that her qualifications were not low if she was able to successfully break through the Jindan Realm ten years ago.

  At the very least, it should also be a three spirit root, similar to True Lord Luo Jing.

  After realizing this, He Song couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  Three spirit roots.

  Two disciples with three spirit roots.

  One should have thought of this long ago.

  If one wanted to become a disciple of a Jindan True Lord, how could one do so without the qualifications of a three-spirit root?

  But then again.

  This Purple Shirt True Lord did seem to have quite a bit of luck.

  One must know that cultivators with three spirit roots were the backbone of any clan or family.

  The number was naturally quite rare.

  When placed in a foundation-building clan, a cultivator with three spiritual roots was the hope for the family's prosperity.   

  When placed in a Jindan clan, a cultivator with three spiritual roots is a clan elite that has been cultivated since childhood.

  In a YuanYing clan, a cultivator with three spiritual roots can also become a disciple, and is the backbone of the clan.

  It was not easy for ordinary Jindan sects, such as the Thick Earth Sect, to find a cultivator with three spiritual roots.

  In addition to traveling to the mundane every year to test the talents of mortals.

  More often than not, they were selected from the Thick Earth Sect.

  Because of this, when He Song joined the Thick Earth Sect, he realized that there weren't too many Thick Earth Sect disciples living with him in the outer disciples' residence.

  At a time when the Foundation Establishment Clan, the Jindan Clan, and the Yuanying Sect were all competing for three-spirit-root disciples and bringing them to their clans, the Purple Shirt True Monarch was still able to find a place for him to live in the outer sect disciples' residence.

  Yet, the Purple Shirt True Lord was still able to find Luo Jing and Yun Jing, the two Three Spiritual Roots disciples.

  And this, too, was the reason why He Song exclaimed that this Purple Shirt True Lord was indeed quite lucky.

  To be able to snatch someone from under the hands of various great sects and clans.

  This kind of thing, one could not really manage without some luck.

  At least, in the hundred years that He Song had been practicing on his own, he had never found even a single Three Spirit Root Mortal on his own.

  Not to mention three spirit roots.

  Not to mention three spirit roots.

  He Song had never seen any five spirit roots.

  Basically, those who could be discovered by He Song had already induced qi into their bodies and stepped into the ranks of cultivators.

  In addition to that, regarding what True Lord Luo Jing said, he asked himself to think carefully and consider whether or not to join the Yi Yang Sect.

  He Song also only felt a warmth in his heart.

  To be able to send a message to himself immediately after receiving the news and informing him of the inside story.

  For True Lord Luo Jing to do so, it brought a trace of shame to He Song's heart.

  He had already learned of this matter from Meng Guan's letter several days ago, and at that time, he had thought about whether or not to tell True Lord Luo Jing.

  But in the end, he thought better of it.

  However, True Lord Luo Jing was now the first to inform himself of this matter.

  Such a contrast would naturally make He Song feel ashamed in his heart.

  However, while He Song was ashamed in his heart, he had no regrets.

  The reason why he didn't mention this matter was solely because once an unexpected situation really happened, it was his two best friends who would be implicated.

  And Luo Jing True Lord, in the case of his master, Purple Shirt True Lord shelter, his own safety is completely do not need He Song to worry about.

  Under such circumstances, He Song had thought long and hard before making such a decision, which was naturally unjustifiable.

  Therefore, after being ashamed in his heart, He Song put it behind him and then wrote back.

  "Many thanks for your concern, fellow Daoist, I have been fine recently."

  "Fifteen years ago, I managed to break through the Jindan realm, and then I closed my door to cultivate until now."

  "Now that fifteen years have passed in a flash, I have also come out of seclusion and possess a certain level of self-protection."

  "As for what sect or faction to join, I am still undecided today."

  "According to what I have in mind, no matter what sect I join, I'm afraid that when it comes down to it, I'm afraid that I'll be unable to do anything about it, as in the case of the One Sun Sect."

  "Therefore, it would be better to be a free and loose cultivator, wouldn't it be faster to cultivate outside?"

  "I have considered this Yang Sect before, and my two best friends are both in this sect now."

  "But after thinking about it again and again, I still politely declined the invitation of my two good friends, for no other reason than the fact that if I really enter this Yang School, I'm afraid that I'll live or die."

  "In this way, in my heart thought, when a free scattered cultivator's idea, but is a little more determined."

  "In addition to that, I am still in the Biyue Immortal State today, but not within the Biyue State Capital, but rather, I have purchased a mansion outside to use as my own cave."

  "If you come here in the near future, you can send a message to me, and I will try to treat you."

  "I wish you a safe journey."

  "On the other hand, please convey my congratulations to fellow Daoist Yun Jing for me, congratulations to fellow Daoist Yun Jing for stepping into the realm of Jindan, from now on, the path of immortality will be smooth."

  In the face of True Monarch Luo Jing's letter, He Song thought for a long time before he finally wrote a reply and, with a single spit of his magical power, transmitted it to True Monarch Luo Jing's hands.

  Regarding the words in Luo Jing's letter, He Song answered them one by one and did not show any negligence.

  At the same time, he also explained his own thoughts.

  It was impossible to go to the Yi Yang Sect, not even in this lifetime.

  Although the reasons He Song stated were sufficient, there were still many reasons that He Song buried in his heart and did not voice out.

  Not only to True Lord Luo Jing, even to Meng Guan Wei Fan, He Song had not mentioned some other reasons why he would not join the One Sun Sect.

  Regarding the matter of True Lord Silvermoon, it was naturally impossible for He Song to talk about it with other people.

  Other than that, He Song's words that he would try to entertain True Lord Luo Jing if he came here were indeed true.

  Wasn't the mansion that He Song had previously bought in the Blue Moon Immortal City for such a time?

  As for the congratulations and blessings for True Lord Yun Jing, they also came from the heart.

  After replying to True Monarch Luo Jing's letter, He Song soon fell into cultivation once again, constantly studying the two Jindan secret methods that came from Meng Guan's hands, and constantly delving into his own skills.

  Even the cultivation of his own magic power and the strength of his physical body, He Song never stopped.

  Although the strengthening of He Song's physical body by the Divine Xuan Body Refining Decision was already minimal nowadays, it was impossible for He Song to give up the cultivation of this body refining method until he found a new one.

  As He Song practiced day and night, time passed quietly in the outside world.


  It was half a month later.

  Half a month later, He Song, who was still practicing in his own cave, suddenly noticed that there was a strange movement in his note again.

  After realizing that someone had sent a message with him, He Song quickly stopped his cultivation, opened the transmission note, and took out a thin piece of paper in the transmission note.

  "Following the auspicious words of fellow Daoist, I set out from the Yunzhou state capital together with my master teacher and sister, rushed within this Biyue Immortal State, and then arrived in the middle of the Biyue state capital after being met by my master uncle."

  "During this period, no accidents occurred."

  "Now, the master has long since departed to return to the Cloud State Capital, but I wonder where you are now, and when will the previously mentioned meeting take place?"

  "After Senior Sister Yun Jing heard of Dao Friend's congratulations, she has already clamored to meet with Dao Friend soon to thank her in person."

  "On top of that, this past half a month, the great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect has already started, and the Yi Yang Sect has already taken the lead in launching a sneak attack on the God Locking Sect."

  "I also don't know when the flames of war will spread within Yunzhou again."

  "Alas, Master Teacher is sitting alone in the state capital of Yunzhou, and I don't know if I can avoid this disaster this time."

  "Although I, the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, never participate in clan battles, nor do I take sides, but this demonic path's people are acting erratically, so I'm afraid of something untoward."

  (End of chapter)