
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 476 - Yuanying Upper Sect

  With this thought in their minds, the Foundation Establishment True People who had withdrawn their gazes could not help but be moved in their hearts.

  In their eyes, He Song was just a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Cultivator who was in a state of seclusion all year round, and did not pose any threat to them.

  He Song didn't seem to have any thoughts about them either during the many years he had been here.

  However, if He Song had a descendant who stepped into the Foundation Establishment realm, I'm afraid it would be hard to say what would happen in the future.

  After all, the resources required for a Foundation Establishment real person to cultivate were still relatively huge.

  Ordinary Foundation Establishment.

  Without a family to provide for them, or joining a clan to provide for them, it was feared that they would soon find it difficult to sustain themselves.

  In such a situation.

  There was a high possibility that this newly risen Foundation Establishment Realist would choose to join amongst the sects.

  If one were to come to his door at this time and open his mouth to invite him first after he breaks through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  I'm afraid.

  With such thoughts flashing through their minds, one or two of those Foundation Establishment True Ones instantly became foolish.

  However, when they then remembered that that person seemed to be He Song's junior.

  And when they thought of He Song's scene of constantly refining weapons and painting talismans to earn a large amount of spirit stones, the Foundation Establishment people who were already eager to make a move all extinguished their thoughts again.

  With He Song's speed of earning spirit stones, it should still be relatively simple to raise a Foundation Establishment real person's descendant.

  After all, the Foundation Establishment Realm's secret techniques and other things could be bought in the Treasure Pavilion by spending spirit stones.

  There might even be secret methods that were comparable to the secret methods of the sect that could greatly enhance one's strength.

  In this way, where was the need to join a sect?

  After thinking about this matter, the Blue Moon Immortal City in the Foundation Establishment people immediately laid down their arms, as if they did not sense the increasingly strong spiritual pressure in He Song's residence.

  However, the other Foundation Establishment real people in Blue Moon Immortal City withdrew their gazes, but He Song had also long been awakened by the outside world's commotion.

  Putting down the extremely high-grade magic weapon that had already been halfway built in his hands, He Song's eyes burned as he looked towards the place where An Lemon was.

  At the place where An Lemon was.

  A powerful spiritual pressure was gradually spreading in all directions.

  This was a scene that would only be triggered when the spiritual energy in An Lemon's body was gradually compressed into mana.

  He Song had experienced this kind of scene himself, and had also seen the scene when other people broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  He naturally knew the significance of such a scene.

  "I didn't expect ah, to have succeeded in my first attempt at Foundation Establishment."

  "Next, it should be very soon that I will condense the aura vortex and step into the Foundation Establishment Realm, right?"

  As He Song sighed in his heart, the movements of his hands couldn't help but speed up a little.

  This one extremely high-grade magic weapon was still only half refined.

  Gotta hurry up.

  Retracting his gaze, He Song's hand immediately had a magic skill strike out, all of which went into the half-finished magic weapon in front of him.

  And at this very moment.

  An Lemon who was trying to break through the Foundation Establishment Realm in the quiet room.

  At this moment, she also violently noticed that in her dantian, there seemed to be an additional strand of aura that was not like aura, but something that was more in tune with her own mind.

  She, who had been taught by Su Qian, naturally knew what this thing was.


  The first strand of mana quietly appeared in An Lemon's dantian at this moment.

  When she realized that she had succeeded in her attempt at Foundation Establishment, and that she was going to become a Foundation Establishment Real Person from now on, An Lime, who was originally still trying to compress her spiritual energy, was violently stunned at this moment.

  The first time she tried to build the foundation, her heart for whether she could build the foundation, in fact, also like Hosong general, is not hold too much hope.

  After all, as a loose cultivator, she has heard a lot of words about the difficulty of building the foundation, and has seen many, many breakthroughs to build the foundation of the failure of qi cultivation round cultivators.

  Even her master, Su Qian.

  She was also one of those qi cultivation great circle cultivators who had failed to break through the foundation.

  Since she was a child, she had been exposed to the difficulty of foundation building, which was as difficult as going up to the sky.

  It was so difficult that even her master, who was already very powerful in her eyes, had fallen under the moat of Foundation Establishment.

  But now?

  Just the first time she tried to build the foundation.

  She had crossed the barrier that countless people had been chasing for their entire lives, and had successfully broken through to the Foundation Establishment realm.

  Foundation Establishment, can be called a real person.

  Compared to Qi Practicing Stage cultivators, it was already completely at a different level.

  A path of prosperity was unfolding in front of her at this moment.

  The stunned An Lemon had not even manipulated the first strand of mana within her body.

  However, with the birth of the first strand of mana, the huge spiritual energy in An Lemon's dantian began to be swallowed up by the mana and transformed into more mana.

  When An Lemon came back to her senses and wanted to manipulate her own mana to absorb the spiritual energy in her dantian, she realized that the spiritual energy in her dantian had already been swallowed up by the mana.

  There was only a small amount of mana left in the large dantian, which was constantly absorbing spiritual qi from the outside world at the moment.

  The gong method that An Lemon cultivated drew in a constant stream of spiritual qi from the outside world, which was then transformed into spiritual energy, which existed in An Lemon's body for a moment, and then was devoured by the mana, transforming it into even more powerful mana.

  With the constant influx of large amounts of spiritual qi, the mana in An Lemon's dantian also began to grow.

  In this way.

  The situation that appeared in the outside world was.

  Above the sky of He Song's mansion, a huge vortex of spiritual qi suddenly appeared.

  A large amount of spiritual qi surged towards He Song's residence from all directions, attracting the attention of a large number of cultivators in Blue Moon Immortal City.

  When those cultivators followed the flow of spiritual qi and saw the huge spiritual qi vortex in the sky, the entire Blue Moon Immortal City quickly became aware of the huge spiritual qi vortex.

  The entire Blue Moon Immortal City soon boiled over.

  In any Immortal City.

  Having a cultivator break through Foundation Establishment was a big event.

  With such a sound, it would definitely attract prying eyes from many sides, and a large number of cultivators would then gather.

  But this time.

  When the cultivators in the Blue Moon Immortal City noticed that underneath the huge aura vortex in the sky above, it happened to be the mansion of a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

  Everyone fell silent.

  To be able to live in the Immortal City, there would not be any stupid people in existence.

  Even if there were, they would quickly turn into a corpse or be driven out of Immortal City.

  Thus, when they noticed that the person who had built the foundation this time did not seem to be a loose cultivator, but instead seemed to be the descendant of a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

  They also quickly stopped in their tracks and only dared to observe from afar in the distance, not daring to easily approach He Song's mansion.

  Any Foundation Establishment real person was an existence they couldn't afford to provoke.

  Let alone two?

  As time continued to pass.

  Underneath all the people in the outside world were talking about it.

  The aura vortex in the sky above He Song's residence soon dissipated.

  When the aura vortex completely dissipated, An Lemon's own cultivation level was also stabilized at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  An Lemon, who had already successfully stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm, also quietly left the quiet room and came towards He Song's place.

  However, due to the fact that within He Song's mansion, a Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation had already been laid by He Song, and in the formation, there was also a palace-like refining room.

  Therefore, He Song had already appeared in front of An Lemon before she could even enter the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, stopping her from wanting to proceed further.

  Going any further, his secret might be crashed by An Lemon.   

  Naturally, He Song could not allow such a thing to happen.

  Even during the time that An Lemon was building her foundation, He Song thought of a way to resettle An Lemon.

  It was impossible for An Lemon to follow He Song around all the time.

  This was something that He Song had long thought about.

  Previously, when He Song met Su Qian, it was mainly because He Song needed someone who could spy on the vicinity of the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop for him.

  After all, at that time, He Song happened to be sent to the border land by the Thick Earth Sect, and his sense of security was close to non-existent.

  In that situation, He Song naturally wanted to have more news channels to save himself from suffering.

  Now, Su Qian died and An Lemon took over.

  She should have stayed at the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop and continued to gather information for He Song.

  But times are different now, He Song has become a Jindan True Lord, his own strength is different from the past.

  Moreover, An Lemon had been taken away from the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop by He Song, and had even succeeded in breaking through to the Foundation Establishment realm.

  A cultivator of the Foundation Establishment realm who was extremely kind to himself.

  He Song naturally couldn't just keep it by his side as a vase.

  If possible.

  He Song would inevitably make An Lemon's existence more valuable.

  For example

  After stopping An Lemon and bringing her into a hall nearby.

  He Song swept his gaze over An Lemon, and after seeing that there was a hidden spirit pressure overflowing from his body, and it was obvious that he had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, he nodded in his heart.

  "Not bad, I didn't expect you to successfully step into the Foundation Establishment Realm on your first attempt at Foundation Establishment."

  "Originally, I was also thinking that if you failed once, then I would do it again, and even for the Foundation Establishment Pill, this seat has prepared two."

  "It seems that this remaining piece of Foundation Establishment Pill is not going to be used."

  Shaking his head, He Song said, and also took out the remaining piece of Foundation Establishment Dan in his hand, and waved it in front of An Lemon.

  This was a method He Song had thought of long ago, so that even if An Lemon succeeded in building the foundation on the first try, she would be even more grateful to herself.

  Now with He Song's action, An Lemon's gaze towards He Song naturally showed more admiration.

  She was truly surprised that He Song had already prepared the second Foundation Establishment Pill for her early on.

  With such a great favor, she was naturally more grateful to He Song than before.

  However, He Song only waved this Foundation Establishment Pill in front of An Lemon, then put it away and continued to speak.

  "An Lemon, after Foundation Establishment, do you have any arrangements?"

  "After Foundation Establishment, no matter if it's to grow your mana, learn secret arts, or change your techniques, you'll need a huge amount of spirit stones."

  "If you want to achieve something after Foundation Establishment, you need to find a backer for yourself."

  "Whether it's joining a Jindan sect and becoming a Foundation Establishment Elder, or having another place to go, it's all feasible."

  Speaking here, He Song saw that An Lemon did not open her mouth, before she opened her mouth again and continued.

  "Since you have now broken through the Foundation Establishment realm, then this seat will give you two paths to choose from."

  "One, find a random Jindan sect amongst this Biyue Immortal State and join it, becoming its Foundation Establishment Elder."

  "This first choice will not help your future achievements in the Foundation Establishment Realm."

  "All the Jindan sects in this place will not truly accept a halfway decent Foundation Establishment realist."

  "Some truly good things can only be fought over by clan elites who have been nurtured by the clan since they were young and have the presence of a master in the clan."

  "I'm afraid it would be difficult for you to reap the benefits of being in such a sect if you enter halfway."

  "Secondly, this seat will take you away to the east within the sphere of influence of the Purple Cloud Sect and choose a Jindan sect within it to join and become its Foundation Establishment Elder."

  "The Purple Cloud Sect is an upper Yuan Ying Sect, and with your qualifications, you basically have no chance to join it."

  "But the people of the Purple Cloud Sect are usually drunk on cultivation and don't care much about the outside world."

  "Such a habit, after the upward and downward effect, but also let the Purple Cloud Sect sphere of influence of those Jindan sects, for the halfway to join the Foundation Establishment cultivator, there is no difference in treatment."

  "If I can really choose a Jindan sect to join, the benefits I can get from that Jindan sect in the future are bound to be quite a lot."

  "If there is an opportunity in the future, even if it's a Jindan, it's not impossible to take a peek."

  "On top of that, you are within the sphere of influence of the Purple Cloud Sect, but you can also gather some information for this seat, so that this seat can have a better understanding of the Purple Cloud Sect."

  "In case something big happens in the future, you will also be able to notify me first within the Purple Cloud Sect."

  "In that case, have you thought about which one you want to choose?"

  The two choices given by He Song seemed like there were two choices, but in fact, it only seemed like there were two choices.

  The gap between the first choice and the second choice was enormous.

  After He Song's description, I'm afraid that any individual would choose to go to the Purple Cloud Sect.

  Not to mention An Lemon, who had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment realm at the moment and was longing for his future life as a Foundation Establishment Realist.

  Because of this, as He Song's words fell.

  An Lemon's face only hesitated a little before his gaze quickly became firm.

  "The fact that junior was able to build the foundation is all due to senior's generous gift, and the place where I go in the future is naturally all up to senior's discretion."

  "As long as senior wants to, even if An Lemon goes through fire and water, she will do nothing."

  As An Lemon respectfully replied.

  An Lemon's destination was naturally determined.

  He Song did not hesitate about anything, nor did he feel that his behavior of sending An Lemon to the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence was excessive.

  After An Lemon opened her mouth and asked He Song to make a decision, He Song directly took An Lemon all the way to the east and quickly flew towards the sphere of influence of the Purple Cloud Sect.

  Under the extreme speed of the extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat, He Song and An Lemon soon crossed the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect and entered the sphere of influence of the Purple Cloud Sect.

  The Purple Cloud Sect was worthy of its rumors of being drunk on cultivation.

  Wherever He Song and An Lime went, both mortals and cultivators seemed to have a strong obsession with cultivation.

  He Song was not surprised as he had already known about this.

  On the contrary, it was An Lime who, after realizing that the situation here was almost completely different from the territory of the Yi Yang Sect, was even more convinced of He Song's words.

  She also did not expect that in another Yuanying upper sect not far from the Yiyang Sect, the attitude of mortal cultivators towards cultivation would have changed so much.

  After bringing An Lemon to the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence and having it appear within an immortal city.

  He Song's figure also left quietly.

  A newly promoted Foundation Establishment.

  A newly promoted Foundation Establishment who had just made a breakthrough and whose spiritual pressure had not yet been restrained suddenly appeared in an Immortal City.

  Naturally, it would attract the guardians of the immortal city to bring him into the Jindan sect behind them.

  He Song had long been familiar with this matter.

  Therefore, he did not step forward, but merely stayed hidden in the shadows, and after seeing that An Lemon did not have a life crisis, and successfully joined the Jindan Sect in charge of this Immortal City, he drifted away.

  One action.

  He Song successfully sent one of his pawns into a Jindan sect within the Purple Cloud Sect.

  In the future, He Song would have an eye far within the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence.

  Moreover, since An Lemon had already established the Foundation, there was no longer a need to use a sound transmission paper crane to send a message in the future.

  Foundation Establishment realm cultivators basically used sound transmission notes.

  In this way, the security and concealment of transmitting messages would also be greatly increased.

  (End of chapter)