
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


Chapter 475 - An Lemon's Foundation Establishment

  What if He Song's cultivation remained stagnant when she succeeded in breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, or even the Jindan Realm?

  What if in the future, when she relied on a more powerful backer?

  If the following

  As thoughts flashed through his mind, He Song's gaze soon became firm again.

  Although An Lemon's words are all sincere, He Song can even perceive that An Lemon's words are all sincere.

  He Song was even able to detect that after decades of Su Qian's teaching, An Lemon even had a kind of mesmerizing admiration for himself.

  But for a long-lived person like He Song.

  A lifetime was just too long and too long.

  So long that even though He Song was on top of the world, he could never see the end of it.

  In such a long period of time, the slightest twist or turn could potentially make He Song never recover from this point on.

  Human nature is complicated.

  In order to not let himself encounter such a situation in the future.

  He Song had to be cautious and careful, and never turn the boat over in the gutter.

  Although An Lemon was indeed sincere to himself now, no one could guarantee that she would never change her mind in the future.

  After some deep thinking, He Song's heart was certain.

  This person can be used.

  However, still need to be guarded.

  Their own important secrets, and even some things that can not be perceived by others, need to be hidden.

  Other than that, some trivial matters, or things that will not affect He Song too much, can be tried to give her to do.

  But before that, there was still a problem that needed to be solved.

  An Lemon's cultivation was too low nowadays.

  However, she was at the level of practicing qi.

  She didn't even have a full grasp of Foundation Establishment.

  In such a situation, I'm afraid that wanting to do something for Why Song is not qualified.

  You have to know.

  In just a few years, He Song would become a true Jindan True Lord in the open.

  At that time, He Song would let go of his cultivation and go to the place where Meng Guan and Wei Fan were to gather with them.

  With Meng Guan and Wei Fan in front of him, He Song, who was their good friend, also stepped into the Jindan realm, and naturally wouldn't attract too many people's attention.

  After all, Meng Guan had already reached the Jindan realm a long time ago.

  And his two best friends had stepped into the Jindan realm at almost the same moment.

  With such a simultaneous advancement, I'm afraid that anyone would think that Meng Guan must have made a great effort in this.

  Therefore, I'm afraid that the ins and outs of this matter would soon be figured out.

  With Meng Guan's Jindan realm cultivation, finding two Jindan Condensation Pills and handing them over to his two best friends wasn't particularly difficult.

  In such a situation, everyone's eyes would look towards Meng Guan.

  After all, a Jindan cultivator who could give two Gold Condensation Pills to his two best friends, allowing them to successfully step into the Jindan realm, would naturally have impeccable character.

  I'm afraid that after the news of He Song and Wei Fan stepping into the Jindan realm spread, Meng Guan would soon become the meat and potatoes.

  Anyone who had heard of this matter would treat him differently.

  In the eyes of others, Wei Fan and He Song, who had been helped by Meng Guan, would naturally be less conspicuous.

  He Song also recognized this point, and chose to make his own cultivation public after a few years, so that people in the outside world would know that he had broken through to the Jindan realm.

  Only in this way was He Song able to publicize his cultivation to the Jindan realm without too many people paying attention.

  Any other method would have attracted a great deal of attention, and would have done more harm than good to He Song.

  As for the fact that this matter appeared to be He Song utilizing Meng Guan, making him appear in the sights of many Jindan cultivators.

  He Song shook his head after thinking about it in his mind.

  Meng Guan was not a very human being.

  He had relied on his ability to fight, and had made a name for himself as the Soul Severing True Monarch.

  For Meng Guan, he couldn't even wait for his reputation to become even louder.

  After all, according to He Song's speculation, he might be able to rapidly raise his cultivation level in the midst of a war.

  For something like this that could make a name for himself, Meng Guan was afraid that instead of refusing, he would be very happy.


  After all, this matter was only a guess in He Song's mind.

  After thinking about it, He Song finally decided to ask about it when he went to meet Meng Guan and Wei Fan a few years later.

  If that was the case, then there was no need to change.

  If Meng Guan is unwilling, then release the news to the outside world, saying that he has been searching for a long time, only to find the opportunity is.

  With Meng Guan and Wei Fan in front of him, He Song didn't worry that he had found the opportunity to be missed.

  With this thought, He Song maneuvered the flying boat and soon arrived outside the Blue Moon Immortal City.

  First, he sent all the people of the Lin family and the An family into the mundane world.

  Only then did He Song bring An Lemon to his own residence in Blue Moon Immortal City.

  From the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop all the way to Blue Moon Immortal City.

  He Song didn't go at full speed, instead, he stopped once in the middle of the journey.

  At that time, he happened to pass by the place where the state capital of Blue Moon State was located.

  Thinking of An Lemon's foundation building, He Song lowered his top-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  In a valley hundreds of miles away from the state capital of Biyue Prefecture, he enveloped everyone in the Luo Smoke Formation.

  After doing so, He Song then rushed to the Bi Yue Prefecture state capital alone and bought two Foundation Establishment Pills within the Precious Treasure Pavilion's main pavilion in the state capital.

  He Song's revealed cultivation was Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, so naturally, there were no twists and turns in the purchase of Foundation Establishment Pills.

  Although purchasing Foundation Establishment Pills in the Treasure Pavilion required a lot of spirit stones.

  However, at a price of hundreds of medium grade spirit stones, He Song could still afford it.

  He Song purchased a total of two Foundation Establishment Pills.

  It cost nearly a thousand medium grade spirit stones.

  This amount of spirit stones was not any pressure for He Song.

  With two Foundation Establishment Pills, at An Lemon's current age of fifty-seven, it would be able to support his two attempts at Foundation Establishment.

  After two attempts, if it had not yet built its foundation, then the probability of subsequent foundation building would be greatly reduced.

  By that time, I'm afraid that it would require exponentially more Foundation Establishment Pills to be able to push a cultivator who had reached the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  He Song purchased two Foundation Establishment Pills, naturally so that An Lemon could have one more chance to step into the Foundation Establishment Realm.


  The people of the Lin family and the An family had already been settled.

  He Song had also brought An Lemon to his mansion in the Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Thus, after taking An Lemon around the mansion and arranging a place for her to stay, He Song quickly brought her to the Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Soon after, he brought An Lemon to a hall in the mansion.

  Inside the hall.

  He Song casually took out a Foundation Building Dan and placed it on the table beside him.   

  "Previously, I promised you that I would grant you a Foundation Establishment Pill."

  "This Foundation Establishment Pill, you can accept it."

  As he spoke, He Song's mind moved, and his divine sense immediately wrapped around this Foundation Establishment Dan, sending it to An Lemon in front of him.

  This Foundation Establishment Pill was the one that He Song had previously promised An Lime.

  Although He Song now had two Foundation Establishment Dan on him.

  However, He Song did not directly give them all to An Lime.

  Instead, he only gave her one Foundation Establishment Pill.

  As this was his first attempt at Foundation Establishment, He Song was slightly skeptical as to whether or not An Lime would be able to step into the Foundation Establishment realm.

  Therefore, the second Foundation Establishment Pill was left in He Song's hands.

  He wanted to wait for An Lime's first attempt at Foundation Establishment to fail, and then take it out and give it to An Lime when he had lost all hope.

  With such a favor, coupled with He Song's already powerful strength, I'm afraid it would make An Lime even more grateful.

  At that time, An Lime would naturally have even more admiration for himself.

  However, even if An Lemon succeeded in her first attempt to break through the Foundation Establishment, it wouldn't ruin He Song's plan.

  At that time, He Song would only need to take out the Foundation Establishment Pill he had in his hand and sigh, and An Lime would naturally brainstorm a scene in which He Song had prepared two Foundation Establishment Pills especially for him.

  After brainstorming about this matter, An Lemon's gratitude for it would naturally be even deeper.

  In this way, regardless of whether or not An Lemon could break through the Foundation Establishment Realm on her first attempt to do so, it would be beneficial to He Song.

  And just as He Song placed the Foundation Establishment Pill in front of An Lemon.

  An Lemon was even able to smell the gust of the Dan's fragrance coming from the tip of her nose.

  An Lemon's gaze towards He Song also took on a strong color of joy at this moment.

  Although He Song had promised her that he would give her a Foundation Establishment Pill after settling the people of the Lin and An Families.

  However, when the Foundation Establishment Pill did not reach her, An Lemon was still slightly apprehensive in her heart.

  Although she knew that He Song had a high level of cultivation, a Foundation Establishment Dan should not be particularly precious to He Song.

  However, when the very precious Foundation Establishment Dan was placed in front of her, the joy in An Lemon's eyes was still unable to be concealed.

  "Many thanks to senior for granting the pills!"

  "Whether or not An Lemon breaks through the Foundation Establishment realm this time, An Lemon will always remember this moment."

  "From now on, senior, feel free to command An Lemon, no matter if it's to go into the fire or to kill and set fire to the people, An Lemon will not hesitate to do so!"


  Looking at An Lemon, who started to show her loyalty in front of him, He Song listened with interest for a while.

  Only then did he shake his head and signal An Lemon to put away the Foundation Building Pill.

  After An Lemon finally put away the Foundation Establishment Pill, the entire person also became quiet.

  Only then did He Song speak again.

  "This seat had previously spoken with Su Qian about the precautions for breaking through the Foundation Establishment Realm, but I don't know if there are any mistakes or omissions in what she passed on to you."

  "Listen to what I have to say."


  "If there are no mistakes, then go prepare and try to build the foundation on a certain day."

  In order to prevent any mistakes or omissions in the foundation building method obtained by An Lemon, He Song casually spoke about the various precautions for breaking through the foundation building realm.

  Only after he had finished speaking and saw Su Qian nodding her head repeatedly, indicating that she had already memorized it, did He Song wave his hand and send her out.

  With An Lemon's figure quickly disappearing around the corner.

  He Song's figure also moved, arriving within the quiet room in the mansion.

  Nowadays, the mansion where He Song and An Lemon were located was the mansion that He Song had purchased a long time ago in the Blue Moon Immortal City using the identity of a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator.

  In other people's eyes, He Song, the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Cultivator, lived simply every day and appeared in Blue Moon Immortal City very rarely.

  Even if he occasionally appeared, he was basically on his way to the Treasure Pavilion, or on his way back to his residence from the Treasure Pavilion.

  On weekdays, He Song could hardly be seen.

  Under such circumstances, He Song's mansion is also quite cold, basically no cultivator stops by.

  After all, He Song is just a loose cultivator here, and does not have any power and position, plus He Song seems to be not too interested in these, naturally, no one will rush to come to flatter.

  Therefore, the time He Song spends in this mansion on weekdays is not much.

  However, now that An Lemon is about to try to break through the Foundation Establishment realm, after a little thought, He Song casually laid a Big Dipper Thunder Formation within the mansion.

  With the Big Dipper Thunder Formation in place, He Song's weekday cultivation would not be left behind.

  At the same time, even if he wanted to study the art of weapon smithing, under the premise of the Big Dipper Thunder Formation, he didn't need to worry about others noticing.

  He Song had previously obtained from True Lord Xuan Yu's cave, the highest refining room that could refine lower-grade spiritual weapons, but it had never been taken out of He Song's storage bag.

  Now, since he needed to stay in this mansion for some time, He Song also moved that palace-like refining room out under the cover of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  The big deal was that when he didn't stay here in the future, he would just take it back into his storage bag.

  Nowadays, He Song had two refining chambers.

  One was obtained from the Silver Moon True Lord's cave, the highest refining room that could refine medium-grade spiritual weapons.

  That refining room was placed in his own cave by He Song.

  The other one is the one in He Song's mansion today.

  For He Song, who desperately wanted to improve his understanding of the Dao of Weapons, the existence of the refining room was always extremely important, no matter where he was.

  Because of this, He Song chose to place an artifact refining room in his residence.

  In this way, even if He Song was in this mansion, He Song could still study weapon refining.


  Under the cover of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, He Song began to study the Dao of weapon refining in his mansion and gradually went deeper.

  On the other side of the mansion.

  In the residence that He Song had arranged for An Lemon.

  Within the quiet room.

  An Lemon, who had already been in the quiet room for more than half a month, was now beginning her first attempt at foundation building.

  When a large amount of spiritual energy in her body began to surge into her dantian.

  When a large amount of spiritual energy gathered in the dantian.

  When the large amount of spiritual energy in the dantian was gradually compressed by An Lemon.

  An Lemon's aura also gradually climbed up at this moment.

  This was a sign that when the spiritual energy within the dantian was gradually compressed, the spiritual pressure also became denser.

  Therefore, when An Lemon's aura began to climb gradually, when the spiritual energy within An Lemon's body became more and more solid.

  When the spiritual energy within An Lemon's body was compressed over and over again, it began to gradually transform in the direction of mana.

  Within Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Quite a few Foundation Establishment real people had placed their gazes on the place where He Song's mansion was located.

  However, after they realized that this was He Song's residence, they all withdrew their gazes.

  This was a Foundation Establishment Great Circle cultivator, and I'm afraid that someone in his mansion who was attempting Foundation Establishment was one of his juniors?

  (End of chapter)