
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 465 - Intrinsic Magic Treasure

  It was so big that He Song's mind was suddenly left with only one thought after he knew about it.

  That was to quickly rush back to his cave and quickly hide himself.

  The Jindan Cave Mansion that had been searched by himself was naturally fine if its owner was already dead.

  But if he wasn't dead and quickly returned, after realizing that a large amount of the materials he had used to refine his own life magic treasure had been swept away by He Song, and that even his cave had been destroyed, he was afraid that he would go mad on the spot.

  A Jindan cultivator like this who was able to gather a complete set of materials for refining the Intrinsic Magic Treasure was bound to have a cultivation level that was not low.

  At the very least, the cultivation level had entered the late Jindan stage for a very long time.

  It was even very likely that he was a Jindan Great Perfection cultivator.

  If such a cultivator went crazy, if He Song faced this person head on and let this person know that He Song had raided his lair, even He Song was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the other party's frantic pursuit.

  If one's cultivation level exceeds two small realms, there is a risk of being killed.

  He Song's cultivation is only at the early stage of Jindan, facing a cultivator at the late stage of Jindan, or even Jindan Grand Circle, his life will definitely be threatened.

  For the sake of his own safety, He Song must hide himself well so that what he did would not be detected by that person.


  Just as He Song realized just how great the chance he had gained this time was, and wanted to quickly rush back to his cave to ensure his safety.

  Ahead, as the familiar mountains and rivers, as well as a huge immortal city came into view.

  He Song's heart also quickly let out a sigh of relief.

  Blue Moon Immortal City.


  He Song's cave residence was located near Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Since he had already arrived here, He Song was naturally able to quickly return to his cave.

  Thinking of this, He Song decisively left the flying boat and quickly disappeared into the ground towards where his cave was.


  He Song's cave.

  Under the incomparably tall Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, He Song's silhouette quietly emerged, and his eyes looked in all directions.

  Inside the cave is as quiet as ever, under the incomparably tall Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, Jade is still lazily lying on the ground, whistling and sleeping.

  A large number of precious spirit medicines grew quietly in the medicinal garden.

  The houses on the periphery of the cave are still the same as when He Song left.

  Sweeping his eyes over the scene in front of him, He Song finally let out a sigh of relief at this moment.

  With a wave of his hand, a jade table and stool appeared in front of him.

  As the wisps of tea aroma began to permeate the surroundings, He Song's mood, only then completely calmed down.

  "Being in a cave located thousands of meters deep underground, I think no one will be able to find this place."

  "Even if the owner of that Jindan Cave Mansion goes crazy and searches frantically for me outside, I'm afraid he won't be able to find this place."

  "Moreover, before I left, I disposed of all traces of me, and when I collected those opportunities, I didn't let my guard down, and never revealed my body's aura."

  "Under such circumstances, how could he possibly know that the things in his cave were taken by me?"

  "I guess, even if he went berserk, he wouldn't be able to find any useful information, and could only be impotent and furious."

  "Unfortunately, that person's Jindan attribute doesn't match mine, and subsequently, he still has to go and find a kind of earth-based main material, and then raise his own refining skill to the level of being able to refine lower-grade Spiritual Weapons before he can be able to refine the Intrinsic Magic Treasure."

  "But even so, this time, having obtained a large amount of materials for refining the Intrinsic Magic Treasure for nothing, it is considered to be a great fortune."

  "The materials for refining an Intrinsic Magic Treasure require a long period of calcination by the earth's fire before they can be melted and thus refined into an Intrinsic Magic Treasure."

  "In that case, this person placed it in the cave, covered it up with the Jindan Concealment Formation, and then guarded it with a puppet, while he himself left the cave to go somewhere else to do something else."

  "Perhaps he was thinking that when he returned, he would be able to start refining his own life magic treasure."

  "It would be reasonable to think that way."

  "It's just that I don't know whether this person died outside or was delayed by some great event, and surprisingly he hasn't returned in ten years."

  "This is what gave me the opportunity to break into the cave and pocket these things after penetrating the Jindan concealment formation outside."

  "In that case, it's also considered heaven's will, when chance comes, you can't stop it."

  Sitting under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, sipping the Golden Dan Spirit Tea that he had bought a long time ago, the thoughts in He Song's mind continued to emerge.

  Being in the hidden cave that he personally opened up, without having to worry about his own safety, He Song also reviewed the matter of the chance that he had gained from going out this time.

  Starting from hearing that True Lord Luo Jing was going to hold a Jindan event.

  To selling pills along the way, passing through Castle Peak Immortal City, and being surrounded and killed.

  As a result, he was surrounded and killed. In the memories of an evil cultivator that he had casually captured, he had detected the location of a Jindan cave.

  Then gave up the idea of directly entering that Jindan cave, and instead went to participate in the Jindan event held by Luo Jingzhen.

  And then, on top of the Golden Dan Event, he purchased the Green Leaf Dan Collection and bought the Green Jade Leaf from the black-robed Golden Dan.

  Subsequently, he had even stayed in the Yunzhou state capital for several months to avoid the black-robed Jindan's malicious intent.

  Only after leaving the Cloud Prefecture State Capital did he head to the Golden Dan cave that he had already locked in previously.

  And after spending ten years to comprehend the peripheral Jindan concealment formation, he entered it and obtained the great chance that he had gained this time.

  In the end, under the care and caution along the way, he returned to his own cave.

  This bumpy road, He Song will be as many as possible in his mind recalled once.

  At the same time, in his heart, he also had a few moments of scrutiny for his actions this time.

  As an Elder, it had become He Song's habit to look for flaws in his own behavior at all times.

  After contemplating for a long time, He Song finally sighed.

  "Come to think of it, when I beheaded those four Foundation Establishment real people outside of Castle Peak Immortal City, I really should have opened my mouth and asked about their origins."

  "In the future, no matter what, there is a need to ask the other party's origin in advance, and from there, determine what to do next."

  "Whether to kill them on the spot, or to catch a scapegoat by their side and then kill them, also requires some judgment."

  "It seems that in the future, no matter what people I come across, I will need to open my mouth and probe the other party's bottom line."

  He Song didn't have any worries or fears about what he had done after leaving the cave this time.

  It was only that he secretly admonished himself in his mind when he realized that he needed to be more cautious with other cultivators.

  In the future, there was still a need to open up and probe a little bit about other people's details.   

  This decision was a thought that he had had since he was within the state capital of Yunzhou.

  Now, He Song only strengthened the idea in his heart, and decided that in the future, if he wanted to strike out at someone again, or befriend someone, he would definitely have to ask the other party's origin.

  In this way, He Song's own safety in the future, naturally can also get a certain guarantee.

  There would not be a situation where he suddenly offended a Yuanying Ancestor.

  After reviewing his behavior and secretly admonishing himself to be more cautious in the future, He Song quickly began to act.

  He Song quickly began to act.


  He Song had spent several months comprehending a small formation that was capable of drawing out earth fire from the depths of the earth.

  Now, after learning that the large amount of materials in the giant cauldron were all materials used for refining the Intrinsic Magic Treasure, He Song's heart was naturally set on these materials.

  Since the owner of that Jindan Cave Mansion was able to rely on several puppets, plus a small formation that was able to draw out the earth's fire, to keep these materials in the giant cauldron for ten years.

  Then after bringing all of these things intact to his own cave, would he not also be able to replicate the scene at that time?

  After all, although he himself was unable to use those materials to refine an original magic treasure of his own due to the fact that he did not match the attributes of the materials therein.

  However, the melting of the vast majority of those materials could be carried out in advance.

  It should be known that those materials were smelted for ten years in the Jindan cave where He Song was previously located.

  After ten years, there were still many materials that had not been completely melted.

  From this, it could be seen how long it would take to completely melt these precious materials.

  Saving for a rainy day, He Song chose to similarly carve out a place in his cave to continue melting these materials with the ground fire.

  Naturally, he would also be able to start refining the Intrinsic Magic Treasure at the first opportunity after obtaining the main material in the future.

  With this thought in mind, He Song quickly thought of something.

  Nowadays, the formation that He Song used to cover his cave was a Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that had a very complete range of functions, plus an Earth Hidden Divine Light Formation that specialized in defense.

  With these two Jindan formations covering He Song's cave, it could make He Song's cave foolproof.

  However, hadn't He Song also realized a Jindan Concealment Formation?

  If he added this Jindan Concealment Formation, wouldn't his cave be even more secure and undetectable by others?

  Thinking of this, He Song's heart was suddenly moved.

  That Jindan Concealment Formation, he hadn't even named it yet.

  Since it was going to be turned into a grand formation that he used to protect his cave, naturally, he needed to name it as well before he could do so.

  "Since it can create illusions and is still a Jindan Concealment Grand Formation, it will be called the Phantom Misty Formation."

  "With the Mirage Misty Tracer Formation, the safety of the cave will be taken to another level."

  "After all, this is a Jindan Grand Formation that can create illusions and specializes in concealment."

  "Even if a Jindan True Lord came, I'm afraid it would be extremely difficult to detect the existence of this formation."

  "In addition to that, the small formation that can draw out earth fire from the ground is called the Earth Fire Formation."

  "This formation can only be used to draw out the earth's fire, there is no other function, so let's just name it randomly."

  With thoughts flashing through his mind, He Song quickly settled on the names of the Phantom Misty Trail Formation and the Earth Fire Formation.

  After naming the two formations, He Song quickly took out the array disk and array flag from the previous Jindan cave and began to set up the formation.

  Regardless of whether it was the array disk and flags needed to set up the Mirage Trail Formation or the array disk and flags needed to set up the Earth Fire Formation, He Song had brought them back from the Jindan Cave Mansion.

  He really didn't leave anything behind for the owner of that formation.

  Not only did he whore out someone else's formation for nothing, he didn't even let go of the formation disk and the formation flag.

  Moreover, coupled with the fact that He Song was already well versed in the path of formations, the formation disks and flags that he brought back had been refined by himself to ensure that others would not be able to find this place from the formation disks and flags.

  Under such circumstances, He Song naturally felt no psychological pressure when he used the two formation disks and flags.


  Under He Song's arrangement, a brand new Mirage Misty Tracer Formation, which was manipulated by He Song, as well as a small Earth Fire Formation, were arranged by He Song in his cave.

  With the enhanced concealment of the cave, the appearance of the Earth Fire Formation also allowed He Song to continue melting the materials in the giant cauldron.

  Unfortunately, since several months had passed since the giant cauldron had been placed in the storage bag, the various materials in it had long since turned into their original forms.

  Now, if he wanted to melt these materials again with the ground fire, he was afraid that the time needed would not be short.

  However, He Song didn't care too much about this matter.

  Before setting up the Earth Fire Formation, He Song realized that the Earth Fire and the Spirit Fire he manipulated were still a bit different.

  The earth fire that was led up by the earth fire formation was persistent, and although the temperature was high, it was not as high as the spirit fire that He Song personally manipulated.

  To put it simply, although the ground fire was convenient, it was able to continue melting various materials when He Song was not here.

  But compared to the spirit fire that He Song personally manipulated, the temperature was still a bit lower.

  If the earth fire is burned, and then supplemented with the spirit fire, the melting speed of the materials in the giant cauldron will also be greatly increased.

  It is just that He Song needs to be beside him personally.

  Nowadays, He Song would have wanted to retreat in his own cave to prevent being found by that mad Jindan True Lord, so naturally he couldn't go out.

  Under such circumstances, by taking out some time each day to supplement it with spiritual fire, the materials in the giant cauldron would naturally be able to melt faster, allowing He Song to refine his own magic treasure as soon as possible after obtaining the earth-based main material in the future.

  After placing the Mirage Misty Trail Formation and the small Earth Fire Formation, He Song also placed the Mirage Misty Trail Formation that he had obtained from the earth system.

  He Song also refined the puppets from the previous Jindan Cave, making these puppets recognize themselves as their masters.

  Since He Song had dabbled in puppets, these puppets naturally would not reveal He Song's current location after being refined by He Song.

  In this way, He Song didn't need to take care of the Earth Fire Formation in normal times, and only needed to put in spirit stones for them.

  After doing all the preparations.

  He Song also then took the giant cauldron out of his storage bag.

  He quickly placed it on top of the small Earth Fire Formation and released the several puppets to remotely manipulate them to control the Earth Fire Formation.

  After that, only then did he move his mind and fill the Earth Fire Formation with spirit stones, allowing the Earth Fire Formation to start operating.

  The next moment.

  The moment He Song filled it with spirit stones, the Earth Fire Formation immediately triggered the earth fire deep in the earth, and pulled an earth fire quickly from beneath the earth to within He Song's cave.

  (End of chapter)