
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 464 - Great Opportunity

  After losing the puppet's restraint.

  After losing the puppet's restraint, as well as the cover of the giant cauldron above it, the earth fire, which was already incredibly hot, had become a little hotter.

  Even though He Song was a Jindan True Lord, after getting close, he quickly felt a scorching heat coming on with an extremely high temperature.

  To know.

  He Song's cultivation was now at the Jindan realm, and before that, he even wielded a magic power to separate himself from the outside world.

  In such a situation, he was still able to detect the scorching heat when he was close to the earth fire.

  One can imagine how high the temperature of the ground fire in front of He Song is.

  If an ordinary mortal were to get close to it, I'm afraid that he would be burnt to a crisp in a matter of moments, right?

  After realizing that the ground fire in front of him was extraordinary, He Song moved a little closer and then explored his divine sense.

  With his divine sense, he swept over the place where the ground fire was located.

  A trace of realization flashed in He Song's eyes.

  This earth fire.

  It didn't seem to be manipulated by a puppet, nor was it like a spirit fire flame that was self-contained and could be refined.

  Instead, it was more like using a formation to connect the earth fire and keep the earth fire gushing out of the ground in such a state, for alchemy and refining weapons.

  One's previous thought, the idea of taking this earth fire away as well, was somewhat taken for granted.

  But soon.

  He Song, who had studied the Dao of Formation, realized that there was something different about the ground fire.

  There seemed to be traces of a formation deep below this earth fire.

  Moreover, it seemed that the reason why this ground fire remained unextinguished all year round was also due to the existence of this formation.

  In other words.

  If He Song had penetrated this formation, then he could also use this formation to hook up the earth fire anywhere, and draw the earth fire out for his own use anywhere.

  At that time, no matter whether it was to use the earth fire to kill the enemy, or to utilize the earth fire to refine pills and weapons as in front of him, it would save He Song a lot of things.

  You have to know.

  Before that, He Song, every time he refines dan and weapons, he needs to manipulate the spirit fire to scorch the alchemy furnace, or the weapon refining furnace.

  And this spirit fire needed to be catalyzed by spirit power or mana.

  In this way, He Song naturally needed to consume his own mana every now and then to maintain the continuity of the spirit fire.

  However, if there are refining materials that are so strong that it takes a very long time for the spirit fire to melt and turn into a liquid that can be used for refining, the defects of the spirit fire will also come out.

  Until this time, He Song thought clearly why the owner of this place wants to leave after himself, still draw out the ground fire, calcining those materials in the huge tripod here.

  I'm afraid, because the melting speed of those materials is really too slow, so it needs a very long time of ground fire calcination to make it melt, right?

  Ordinary cultivators were not long-lived people like He Song.

  How could they have so much time to sit in the cave and use their own magic power to manipulate the spirit fire to calcinate those extremely difficult to melt materials?

  After thinking about this point.

  He Song's heart for those extremely difficult to melt materials within the giant cauldron more and more curious at the same time, for the ground fire in front of him, the heart also has some calculations.

  Although this earth fire cannot be taken away.

  However, he himself can understand the formation that brings out the earth fire.

  Only needing to understand this formation, He Song would definitely be able to use this formation to connect to the earth fire wherever he went in the future, allowing himself to save a few points of effort when refining pills or weapons.

  Thinking of this.

  He Song's mind moved.

  His body disappeared into the ground and soon began to comprehend the small formation that was able to draw out the earth's fire in front of him.

  This formation, although able to draw out the earth's fire, was indeed only a small formation.

  Moreover, although from He Song's perspective, this formation belonged to the category of Jindan formations, but since it was only a small formation, the difficulty of comprehending it was not high.

  With He Song's understanding of the Dao of Formation nowadays, He Song believed that he was afraid that he would only need a few months to fully comprehend this formation.

  At that time.

  He Song can naturally collect the Jindan concealment formation that is still in operation in the outside world and leave this place.


  He had waited for ten years.

  In these few months, the probability of the owner of this place coming back was not that great.

  What's more, he had already taken most of the opportunities in this valley into his hands.

  Now, there are only two small and large formations left that he has not yet taken away.

  Even if the owner of this place suddenly returned, He Song would be able to hide his body and breath and realize this small formation underground before leaving.

  At that time, he would take away all the array disks and flags of the Jindan concealment array.

  One would not lose anything.

  As for the fact that doing so would attract the attention of the other party, he would probably be hunted down and killed.

  He Song had also prepared for this.

  Before he entered this place, he had set up a Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation not far away.

  He Song did not believe that the other party would be able to catch up with him if he delayed the other party's footsteps with the Big Dipper Thunder Formation and then maneuvered the lower-grade spiritual weapon flying boat to leave quickly.

  With this thought in his mind, He Song's expression on his face also became extremely focused, and he soon immersed himself in the process of comprehending the formation.

  And as time passed by.

  In the blink of an eye.

  Several months passed.

  Several months later.

  On a certain day.

  He Song, who had been in the ground, constantly comprehending the formation in front of him, finally understood the small formation in front of him, which was able to draw out the earth's fire.

  During these months, He Song still had not seen the figure of the owner of this place.

  In this regard, He Song sighed in his heart, feeling that the other party was afraid that he would not be able to return.

  After all, even if it was a Jindan True Lord, it was impossible for him to wander around alone for more than ten years without ever returning to his cave.

  Even He Song, who had an endless lifespan, would return to his cave to retreat and cultivate when he had nothing else to do.

  Not to mention other cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World.

  After the thought that the owner of this place might not be able to come back flashed through his mind, He Song thought a little bit and soon left the ground and came to the valley.

  Within the valley, there was still a Jindan concealment formation.

  However, a large amount of the rocky land in the valley had already turned a pitch-black color.

  Located in the center of the valley, the earth fire, in these months under the constant burning, has been around a large number of mountains and rocks land burned into a magma state.

  When the magma was cold, it turned into black rocks and covered the earth, becoming what He Song saw today.

  A large number of black rocks surrounded a palace in the valley, destroying the scenery of the place.

  Seeing this situation, He Song slightly shook his head.

  He did not bother about the earth fire that was still releasing light and heat in the center of the valley.   

  He Song's divine sense probed out, quickly locking onto a formation disk located in the ground, as well as several formation flags, plus a large number of spirit stones that had been stored in this Jindan Concealment Formation.

  After putting all of these things into his storage bag.

  With the dissipation of the Jindan Concealment Formation, the situation of this place was immediately exposed to the air.


  After a little thought.

  He Song ultimately chose to break the small formation that drew out the earth fire and continuously scorched the surrounding things.

  In this way, by the time He Song left, this place would not be set on fire due to the presence of the earth fire.

  However, although He Song had already broken the small formation that brought out the earth fire here, so that the originally raging earth fire also began to gradually decrease at this moment because of the breaking of the formation.

  However, once the situation in this place was not covered by the formation.

  Even if this place is very hidden, there should soon be cultivators who will notice this place.

  Wait until then.

  This Jindan cave, which had long been raided by He Song, would once again receive the attention of many Qi Practicing Stage or Foundation Establishment cultivators.

  Even if the owner of the cave returned here, I'm afraid that this place would have long since lost its original appearance.

  He Song took one last look at this place.

  He Song took one last look at the scenery of this place.

  Afterwards, he quietly headed towards his own cave alone.

  Here, there was no longer anything he needed to focus on.

  Since that was the case.

  Then it was time to leave.

  I just don't know if the owner of this place couldn't come back, or if something had happened and he hadn't rushed back to his cave for so long.

  If it is not able to come back, the things in the cave were all taken by himself, it is not a big deal.

  People are dead, who cares about the things in life?

  But if because something delayed, and then returned here, then, I think he saw his empty cave, the mind will also blow up directly right?

  After all, just go out a trip, the result is back to find their own lair do not know who to a pot end, this kind of thing no matter where in the situation belongs to a very explosive.

  All the way back towards his cave.

  In his mind, He Song quickly searched for the memory of the Silver Moon True Lord.

  Previously, the giant cauldron that He Song had collected in that Jindan cave, as well as the large amount of unknown materials in the cauldron, had caused He Song to be puzzled for a while.

  Because He Song didn't know what all these things were used for.

  It looked like it was refining weapons.

  But for something like weapon refining, where would one need such a long time to melt the materials?

  With this thought in mind, He Song kept rummaging through True Lord Silvermoon's memories, trying to find some clues about this matter from within his memories.

  As time passed.

  He Song was getting closer and closer to his cave.

  But also finally, at a certain moment, he searched for something about the Giant Cauldron, as well as the usefulness of those precious materials in the Giant Cauldron, from within the Silvermoon True Lord's memories.

  "This Giant Cauldron is nothing more than a smithing furnace that can be enlarged and reduced in size, and has no other purpose other than smithing weapons."

  "However, those precious materials within this giant cauldron are a perfect match for many of the materials used in refining an Intrinsic Magic Treasure."

  "Can it be that the owner of that Jindan Cave Mansion is trying to use the power of the earth fire to melt many of the materials, and then use them to refine the Intrinsic Magic Treasure on his subsequent return?"

  "After the Golden Dan, one can collect precious materials to refine the Intrinsic Magic Treasure."

  "Once the treasure is completed, it will be closely related to the cultivator, the life and soul coexist, as the cultivation of the cultivator grows, and constantly put in precious materials, the power of the treasure will also continue to grow."

  "The power of the original life magic treasure is powerful, in the same realm, more powerful than the normal cultivator used magic weapon, spirit weapon."

  "Having a powerful Intrinsic Magic Treasure in one's possession can even bring a cultivator a powerful and unrivaled battle force, invincible in the same realm, able to kill cultivators one small realm lower than oneself."

  "You have to know that unusual cultivators can basically only decimate cultivators who are two small realms lower than themselves, because the gap between the two is just too great."

  "If one is only one minor realm lower, one can still run if they can't fight or run and not be killed quickly."

  "And with a powerful Intrinsic Treasure in one's possession, one would be able to continue to widen that gap and be able to kill cultivators who are only one small realm lower than oneself."

  "Hiss this is an innate magic treasure?"

  "The materials in this giant cauldron, could it be that I've gotten lucky this time and exhausted the materials that others have been collecting for years to use to refine their Intrinsic Magic Treasures?"

  "Unfortunately, although there are a lot of materials in the giant cauldron, there is one that I can't use, and I need to exchange the materials for another one in order to continue refining."

  Divine sense swept through his own storage bag, a large number of materials within the giant cauldron, and He Song quickly recognized the various materials within it.

  These materials were clearly the various materials used to refine the Instantaneous Magic Treasure in True Lord Silvermoon's memories.

  With these materials, He Song only needed to raise his refining techniques to the level of being able to refine a lower-grade spirit weapon, and then he would be able to refine his own Intrinsic Magic Treasure.

  At that time, He Song's strength would skyrocket.

  However, although his heart was surging, he couldn't wait to refine this Intrinsic Magic Treasure immediately.

  But soon, He Song's heart also let out a ghostly sigh.

  His Jindan was of the earth system.

  While the materials used in the giant cauldron to refine the Intrinsic Magic Treasure, the main ingredient was the gold system, which was inconsistent with He Song's attribute.

  If he continued to refine it as he had done before, I'm afraid that the power of the original magic treasure that was refined would also be weakened due to the incompatibility of its attributes.

  In that case, the loss would simply outweigh the gain.

  This was also the reason why He Song sighed in his heart.

  However, even if the attributes didn't match, He Song only needed to replace the main material with an earth-based material, and then he could rely on these materials to continue refining his original magic treasure.

  After replacing the main material and continuing to refine it, the original magic treasure that He Song refined would naturally become earth-based.

  At that time, He Song's strength would also be able to obtain the greatest growth.

  An earth-type Golden Pill, coupled with an earth-type Intrinsic Magic Treasure.

  Such a configuration could basically only be matched by a Jindan Great Perfection cultivator.

  To know.

  As a late Jindan cultivator, True Lord Silvermoon had not even refined an innate magic treasure.

  Even He Song hadn't found many materials for refining an Intrinsic Magic Treasure in his storage bag.

  This was also the reason why He Song didn't know what the materials in that huge cauldron were used for.

  If he had known that the materials in it were all for refining the Instantaneous Magic Treasure.

  He Song was afraid that as soon as he saw the giant cauldron, he would directly put it into the storage bag together with the materials inside, and would not wait until afterward to collect them.

  The memory about the treasure, in the Silver Moon True Lord's memory accounted for too little, not even been turned out by He Song.

  Because of this, after knowing that the materials in the giant cauldron were all materials for refining the Instantaneous Magic Treasure, He Song was very concerned about the giant cauldron, and the materials in the giant cauldron, and the materials in the giant cauldron.

  It was only at this moment that He Song finally had a slight understanding of the giant cauldron and the preciousness of the materials in it.

  This chance was just too great.

  (End of chapter)