
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 285 - Goodbye Lin Cong

  After realizing that the purpose of his visit was no longer achievable, He Song let out a sigh and bowed his hand to leave.

  Seeing this, Luo Jing didn't stay, but only watched He Song leave.

  However, just as He Song's back disappeared around the corner, Luo Jing let out a long sigh, and her eyes looked towards the sky.

  Some words such as "if it were me", "good friend", "what more could I ask for" began to come out of her mouth.

  He didn't know what he was chanting.

  He Song did not know about this.

  After leaving the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in Tian Quan Immortal City, He Song went to other stores in the Immortal City.

  He Song went to other shops in the Immortal City.

  There was still a need to send a small gift to the door.

  However, the things that ordinary Qi Practicing Stage cultivators could afford, with Lin Cong's cultivation level of Qi Practicing Great Perfection, he thought that he would be able to afford them as well.

  Although Lin Cong had failed to break through the Foundation Establishment at first, his cultivation had stopped at the Qi Practicing Great Circle.

  But his strength was still there.

  He was able to cultivate from a casual cultivator to Qi Practicing Great Circle, so his strength and skill were naturally still there.

  In such a situation, if He Song only sent some ordinary things, it would inevitably look a bit shabby.

  Nowadays, He Song was a Foundation Establishment Real Person.

  Not to say that he would send some exotic treasures, but at least, it would have to look less shabby.

  In the end.

  After pondering for a long time, He Song still chose to purchase a shallow qi cultivation technique at a stall.

  This crude qi practicing dharma door was something that He Song had selected for a long time before finally settling on.

  It wasn't that he couldn't afford other profound techniques.

  Rather, he had searched for a long time, and in the end, this was the only gong method that satisfied his requirements.

  This gong method had no other effects and could only allow a mortal to draw qi into his body and become a true cultivator.

  However, unlike other gong methods, this gong method was not limited to the cultivation of a certain spiritual root.

  Regardless of what the spiritual root was, regardless of which spiritual roots were missing, as long as one possessed a spiritual root on their body, they would be able to successfully draw qi into their body with this gong method.

  In other words.

  As long as one learned this gong method, as long as one had a spiritual root, one could become a cultivator with this gong method.

  Lin Cong's days were numbered, and there were no spirit roots descending from his descendants.

  It was thought that after Lin Cong's death, the descendants of his lineage would be sinking in the mundane world.

  Perhaps, in the decades after Lin Cong's death, the entire family would still be able to remain wealthy, and would still be able to know that there were cultivators in their ancestry.

  But what about hundreds of years, or even centuries later?

  At that time, who knew what kind of life his descendants would be living?

  This gong method that He Song was searching for now was prepared for Lin Cong's descendants.

  As long as he sealed this technique within a blank jade slip and gifted it to Lin Cong, it would be passed on by Lin Cong's descendants.

  Perhaps in a certain generation, Lin Cong's descendants would give birth to someone with a spiritual root.

  This gong method would most likely allow them to become a cultivator.

  If such a situation really occurred.

  The gift that He Song chose at this time.

  I'm afraid that it would be incredibly expensive.

  At the same time, in order for Lin Cong's descendants to have a certain degree of self-protection after becoming cultivators, He Song pondered.

  He Song also extracted a small section of the puppet refining method from his Spirit Puppet Art, and sealed it into a blank jade slip along with this shallow technique.

  After that, He Song made this jade slip old again, making it plain.

  In this way, even if Lin Cong's descendants really reached the day of exhaustion, I'm afraid that they wouldn't be able to sell this item and hand it over to others.

  As long as this thing was still in the hands of Lin Cong's descendants, it would always be able to come in handy one day.

  Perhaps, it could really bring a ray of light to Lin Cong's descendants.

  Only after all of this was done did he nod his head in satisfaction and leave from the Heavenly Power Immortal City.

  The body transformed into a recluse.

  He Song traveled all the way.

  Passing through the sphere of influence of Lianshan Immortal City.

  Bypassed where the mountain gate of the Thick Earth Sect was located.

  Passing by the long unseen Qingguan Immortal City.

  In the end.

  The watery blue recluse light that He Song had transformed into stopped violently tens of miles outside of a tiny Immortal Place.

  Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place was tens of miles away.

  He Song activated his qi technique and carefully observed the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, realizing that there was no abnormality in it, then he let out a sigh of relief.

  The Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was still the same as the original Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  However, the aura of the real person guarding it had changed.

  The style of some of the houses had also changed slightly.

  Many of the houses seemed to have been rebuilt as if they were brand new.

  Other than that, there were no other differences.

  Standing dozens of miles away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, He Song hesitated slightly, but ultimately chose to enter in a low profile.

  Not for any other reason, he just didn't want anyone to keep an eye on Lin Cong's family after he left.

  Lin Cong's family was about to leave for the mundane world.

  If a Foundation Establishment Realist came in a high profile to see off Lin Cong's family on their way out.

  It would actually give Lin Cong's family a lot of face.


  At the same time, it would also make some people stare at Lin Cong's family.

  Perhaps there would then be people who thought that if a Foundation Establishment Realist came to say goodbye, would he or she leave some precious things for Lin Cong's family?

  Whatever a Foundation Establishment Realist left behind, no matter what it was, it was bound to be something good for Qi Practicing Stage cultivators.

  When He Song left, there was naturally no need to say what the people who had their eyes on Lin Cong's family would do.

  This possibility was great.   

  He Song could know the danger of it just by thinking about it a little.

  Naturally, he wouldn't do anything to push his best friend into the fire pit.

  Although Lin Cong's current cultivation level was the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing, he wasn't something that anyone could afford to mess with.

  However, there was another problem.

  Lin Cong didn't have much time to live, and there were no cultivators with spiritual roots among his descendants.

  After his death, his descendants would naturally be left without any security.

  Even if no one dared to come looking for trouble before Lin Cong's death, when Lin Cong died, it was feared that the situation would instantly change.

  By that time. Without the shelter of Lin Cong, a Qi Practicing Great Perfection cultivator.

  What would happen to his family was naturally imaginable.

  Naturally, after thinking about it, He Song decided that he would go in a low-profile manner, never exposing his identity in front of others.

  There was no harm in talking to Lin Cong about the fact that he had long ago built his foundation.

  However, with his family and other people, he must not say anything.

  Tens of miles away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, He Song changed his vestment into a black robe, and revealed his cultivation at the level of qi cultivation.

  After doing so, He Song then executed the Lianshan Royal Wind Technique and headed towards the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  At the same time, while He Song was moving forward, a sound transmission paper crane also flew out from his hand and flew straight to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop not far away.

  As the sound transmission paper crane flew out, He Song's mid Foundation Establishment visual power swept, and immediately followed the direction of the sound transmission paper crane's flight, and discovered where Lin Cong's residence was.

  Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place.

  As He Song passed through a spiritual field, he looked at the cultivators around the spiritual field who were performing the Spiritual Rain Technique.

  A trace of emotion then flashed through his eyes.

  In the beginning, he himself was not also like these people, in order to be able to continue to stay in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, and had to work every day to take care of the spiritual fields.

  But now decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

  The former qi practicing stage small spiritual plant husband.

  Now, he is already in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and will soon break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

  Such a cultivation, compared to these cultivation mostly in the middle stage of qi cultivation below the spiritual plant husband, identity status has been very different.

  Sweeping his eyes over the surroundings, He Song's eyes flickered with an aura.

  Looking around, He Song then shook his head.

  Most of these Spirit Planting Husbands were small cultivators at the early stage of Qi cultivation, and only a small portion of them had reached the middle stage of Qi cultivation.

  Just like He Song before.

  These Spirit Planting Husbands were also working hard to cultivate, striving to make their cultivation stronger.

  As time passed day by day, some extraordinary people might be born among them.

  Of course, it was unlikely that they would ever think of setting foot in Foundation Establishment like Housong and starting to climb to a higher peak.

  With the identity of a Spirit Planting Fellow, he had achieved the body of a Foundation Establishment Real Person.

  He Song had built the foundation for such a long time, and he had only seen himself alone.

  Other Foundation Establishment, starting with the lowest status, were also like Zhao Lin, who was already a famous talisman master in the middle stage of Qi cultivation.

  Thinking of Zhao Lin.

  He Song's gaze swept over the small Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop in front of him, but a ripple rose in his eyes again.

  Zhao Lin and He Song hadn't been in contact for a long time.

  Ever since the two of them built their own foundations, their contact has become less and less.

  Nowadays, it was unknown where he was.

  However, Zhao Lin had successfully built his foundation, and his fate was much stronger than that of Lin Cong, a cultivator who had stopped at the Great Circle of Qi Refining.

  Lifting his steps, he walked inside the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  He Song raised his eyes and looked around at the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings, and the gaze in his eyes was touched.

  This place, after all, was his first stop when he first entered the Immortal Cultivation World.

  Here, he had even formed a deep friendship with Meng Guan and Wei Fan, as well as Zhao Lin and Lin Cong.

  Thinking back to the beginning, a hint of a smile surfaced on He Song's face.

  It had to be said that when he had just crossed over, the feeling of walking on thin ice was really unforgettable to him.

  Even when he had just gotten acquainted with Lin Cong, the bloody aura that came from Lin Cong's body, as well as the feeling of oppression, He Song still remembered it vividly today.

  Thinking of Lin Cong, He Song stopped his steps and gazed towards the front.

  He detected a familiar aura that was coming towards him.


  The figure of a black-robed old man turned the corner and appeared under He Song's gaze.

  At the same time, the black-robed old man also subconsciously looked towards where He Song was.

  The two of them looked at each other.

  A smile flashed across each face.

  "Fellow Daoist He, I haven't seen you for decades, it's rare to see you again at this time."

  "Nowadays, while I am dying of old age, fellow Daoist is still as good as ever, if not even better."

  "Truly, Lin Mou is truly envious."

  Quickly stepping forward and arriving in front of He Song, Lin Cong, who was now dressed as an old man, bowed his hand and saluted towards He Song.

  At the end, Lin Cong let out a long breath, and his eyes had already brought a touch of redness around his eyes.

  Seeing this situation, how could He Song not know what was in his heart.

  Lin Cong had failed in his attempt to break through to Foundation Establishment decades ago.

  Since then, he returned to Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop from Qingguan Immortal City, and has been living in Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  He married his wife and had children, and spent his old age in peace.

  (End of chapter)