
Immortal Feelings

Here lies Physician Leo Who waited too long For a dream to be fulfilled For a promise to be kept And for a friend who left Yet regrets he carried none *** A sad short story of a man who waited too long…

Cursed_sin · Fantasy
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8 Chs

I wish to say goodbye and you never will

My entries are too short.

Henry told me this.


I feel so happy, Xia Ling!

Oh so happy.

Never in my entire life have I ever felt so…free.


Ha! I'm not afraid!

My promise to you?

Won't matter anymore after today.

I can feel it.


He's standing by my desk, staring at me…waiting.

I too am.

Henry believes I'm delusional.

He even tried to force feed me medicine.

Ahh, to be young and energetic.

I'll miss him.

He shines bright too.

Not like you, Xia Ling…but bright enough to guide me through the bitter night.

I can see the sun now.

It's coming.

I've already dug my grave.

Picked some flowers.

I even picked out a beautiful tombstone for myself.

My time has come.

I wonder who will miss me.

At least I have Henry.

Maybe old man Joe too.

Goodbye, Ling'er

You shone too bright, that you left me blind…but I don't regret meeting you.

I regret nothing.