
Immortal Feelings

Here lies Physician Leo Who waited too long For a dream to be fulfilled For a promise to be kept And for a friend who left Yet regrets he carried none *** A sad short story of a man who waited too long…

Cursed_sin · Fantasy
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8 Chs

I’m getting old and you remain chipper

I've taken in a disciple.

He's called Henry.

Just Henry.

I'm useless.

Unneeded and unwanted.

Abandoned and crippled.

I am tired…

My heart agrees with my body.

I can feel it.

I'm dying.

The stress.

The pain…emotional, mental…physical.

My heart still loves you

He longs for you.

But both my mind and body know.

It's time to rest.

I can't move on.

You were the only light in the dark.

Even though you're gone, you're presence within my heart lingers.

I'm only 40…

But I look like I'm older than old man Joe…he's 67.

Henry is talented.

It's hard to teach without hands.

It's hard to do anything.

But Henry is patient.

He's smart.

He…he feels so much like me of the past.

An orphan.


But still hopeful.

He's the one who now helps me write.

Even he admonishes me for waiting for the impossible.

But what can I do…

My candle withers…

I miss you Xia Ling.

But more than anything, I wish to rest.