
Immortal Bond With You

Anna Green lived her life as a human without knowing the kind of power she possessed but everything changed the day she met Derek Hunter, a demon lord who was also living in the human world. Derek and Anna became sworn enemies the first day they met. Derek did all he could to make Anna beg for his mercy and ended up getting married to her. "I love you," Anna confessed, but Derek brought out divorce papers instead. "The marriage is over," Derek muttered and dropped the papers on the bed. He turned to walk out, but Anna held his clothes and threw him a questioning look. "Why?" She asked with a shaky voice. "We are worlds apart. We are not from the same world," Derek said, looking into her eyes unblinkingly. "What do you mean?" "I am a demon," He confessed and Anna let go of his clothes. What will her next action be? Will she continue to love him? What is going to happen when she discovers she is also a supernatural being?

Hannahray · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Meeting Derek Hunter

"The..thi...this...this is me," Anna shouted, pointing at the television, astounded.

Anna's parents who were engrossed in watching the news both turned at her screams. Their eyes were filled with pride. They were proud of their daughter.

"This minister of education was so impressed that someone like this is still among the youths. The minister of education has decided to reward this girl with a scholarship to study in any school of her choice," The newscaster said on the television. Anna couldn't believe her ears.

"Mom! Dig your nails into my skin. I want to make sure this is not a dream," Anna said, her eyes still fixed on the TV. Her mother stood up and pinched her slightly. Anna moaned and widened her eyes. "It is not a dream," She said and looked at her mother.

"Hah!" They both screamed happily, jumping and holding each other's eyes.

It was a dream come true for her. She had already concluded she won't further her education after graduating from college because of her family's poor background but everything changed overnight. She was given a scholarship and the right to choose any institution she wants to go to.

* * * * * *

Anna met with the minister of education and she chose Montessori University, the only university for the rich and the influential.

* * * *

Anna didn't wait for the buzzing of the alarm before getting off bed. Today is her first day at the university. It's been 3 months since she graduated from The Savior's College.

She said her morning prayers, went to take her bath, and dressed up after walking out of the bathroom.

"Good morning, mum. Good morning, dad," She greeted, walking to the small sitting room. Anna's parents were already ready for work.

"Good morning, sugar," Anna's father said.

"Good morning, my white angel. Come, this is your lunch box. Make sure you finish your meal," Anna's mother said, placing it in her hands. Anna collected it with a cute smile, kissed them on the cheek, and ran out.

Anna adjusted her school uniform and waved her hands before disappearing into the busy road.

Anna got to the university and her eyes were almost removed from the socket. She glanced at the large entrance with widened eyes. The students that were walking past her couldn't hold their laughter as they pointed at her school uniform. Who wears a school uniform to University?

Anna was oblivious to their weird look. She adjusted her uniform again and ran through the gate. She searched around but couldn't find the faculty of Arts.

"This place is too big. Am I sure I am not going to miss my way today?" She complained, still searching with her eyes. She was about to take a step forward when she heard hysterical laughter behind her.

"Look what we have here. Who is the owner of this dummy?" Chloe Garcia, one of the students jested. Her group of friends also laughed.

Anna furrowed her brows at their attitude and turned to face them.

"Hello, do I know you? Don't you think you are being rude?" Anna said, calmly.

"What!" Chloe said, chuckling.

"Hello, do I know you? Don't you think you are being rude?" She added, mimicking Anna.

"When I saw you on TV, I thought you were some sort of a girl with a class but hell No. You are just a nonentity who wears a school uniform to a university. Wait! She even came with a lunch box," Chloe said, snatching her lunch box from her. She opened it and covered her nose, irritatingly. One of her friends, Esther brought out the perfume from her pocket and sprayed it in the air and Anna's food.

"Eww! No wonder you look like a pig," Chloe said, rolling her eyes.

Anna tried to snatch her lunch box back but Chloe made it slip out of her hands intentionally.

"Oh! Sorry, you won't be able to eat the poison you brought," Chloe said, removed a handkerchief from her pocket, wiped her hands with it, and threw it to Anna's face. "Idiot!" She said and walked away with her group.

"I swear I will break your bones," Anna said angrily. Her veins were popping out of her neck. She looks like she was going to burst if she doesn't pour out her anger.

Anna was a fair, slim girl. She has silver eyes that made her stand out from every other girl.

She stared at her lunch box and walked away angrily.

She saw an inscription "Swimming Pool" as she walked away angrily. She stopped in her tracks and decided to go and cool off there. She couldn't go to the class with her level of temperament.

She got to the swimming pool and gasped, "Ah! This is big," She shouted. She bent beside the pool and dipped her hand inside it. She was in the position for a few minutes. She was neither talking nor playing. She sighed heavily, stood up, and made to leave when she heard a strange noise. She made slow but steady moves toward the direction the noise was coming from.

She got closer to the noise and hid behind the changing room, making sure she could see and hear everything from there.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Leah, a student from the school asked with a shaky voice.

"I asked why you are doing this to me, Derek. I told you I love you and I want to have you to myself. I don't like the way you talk with other girls. You smile with other girls and you even flirt with them," Leah added, shakily.

"Is this the reason you brought me here?" Derek asked, his hands tucked into his pocket. Leah nodded, biting her lower lips to push the threatening tears back.

"Then I don't owe you any explanation," Derek said and made to turn but Leah fell on her knees, holding his legs.

"Don't go, Derek. I want you to love me back. I will do anything just to make you love me. Name it. Tell me. Should I go naked? Just love me the way I love you. Make me your woman," Leah said. The tears she was deterring fell like a stream.

Derek giggled and yanked her hands off his legs. He shifted back, bent in front of her, and held her jaw.

"You will do anything?" He asked and she nodded immediately. Leah's eyes were filled with desperation and eagerness. She could do anything without thinking.

Derek smiled wickedly and said, " Jump into the pool and stay under the water for 30 minutes. If you survive, I will announce to the whole world that you are my girlfriend. If you don't, you have to die there," Derek gave his condition and Leah widened his eyes.

Derek smirked and stood up, "You can't do it? Remember you can't disturb me again," He said and was about to turn but Leah held his legs again.

"I will do it. I can do it," She said with all determination. Anna almost made a sound due to the shock.

"Good girl," Derek said, helped her up, and kissed her lips.

Leah stared at the swimming pool and took slow steps toward it. She would always look back as she takes each step and Derek wouldn't stop giving her the fake assuring smile while nodding his head.

Anna wanted to come out but she decided to wait and see if Leah was stupid enough to jump into the pool because of a guy who do not love her.

Leah got near the pool, shut her eyes tightly, and leaped into the pool in a flash. Anna was dumbfounded by her level of stupidity.

Anna decided to wait to see if she was going to stay under the water for 30 minutes.

After 25 minutes, Leah began to struggle with her breath and she tried to swim out of the water but it was too late. she doesn't have the strength to do that since she's been holding her breath for 25 minutes. Anna suspected she was struggling in the water. Without removing her clothes, she jumped into the water and helped Leah out.

Since Anna and her parents live in a riverine area. She is an expert when it comes to swimming so it was easy to save Leah from the water.

Leah had already lost consciousness by the time she was carried out of the water. Anna performed CPR on her and she sneezed. Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

Derek who was watching everything from where he was sitting, stood up and hissed. "It is no fun," He said and was walking away but Anna stopped him.

"Where do you think you are going?" Anna asked, looking at him with disgust and spite.

"To the class of course. Ask an intelligent question another day," He replied nonchalantly.

"Do you realize someone almost died because of you?" Anna reminded and Derek squeezed his face like he was trying to remember something.

"Oh! She is the lover girl and its none of my business," Derek replied and that got Anna angry.

"Okay. Let's assume she was at fault for falling in love with someone as disgusting as you. You still have to apologize for gambling with her life. She almost died in the pool," Anna said fearlessly. Leah widened her eyes, looking from Derek to Anna and vice-versa. Nobody has ever confronted the almighty Derek. Everyone feared him because he is the son of one of the richest billionaires in America. Derek is also dangerous.

Derek chuckled coldly and said, "Wake up from your dream, girl," He said and was about to turn but Anna held his arm and dragged him towards Leah.

"I thought I should let you go if you apologized to her sincerely but I can't anymore. I have to punish you. Anna said. Leah and Derek both shouted, " What!"

What do you think she will do to the almighty Derek?