
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Fantasy
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57 Chs

01 : Incarnation

Western World End Corner _ Black Star

In a place of desolation, where the land was painted blood-red and the sky was gleaming with Abyssal dark clouds. 

On a certain landscape, a woman who looked to be

In her twenties with glossy ebony hair draping over her bloodied figure lay there lifeless. Becoming one of the many red dots in this land of death. 

But the strange thing is, in this scenario of utter stillness & dread where not a single soul should be alive, a black & white balls of shimmering Awn started dancing around the 'Woman's' heart -

As if fighting for supremacy. 

Finally, after another 7 hrs the Awns turned into stardust and giving way to a colorless sphere that rose from the {Heart} of the 'woman'. 

After the sphere risen into air - it stopped and started cracking into tiny particles, dissolving into formlessness. And from inside the sphere came a tiny baby child - who's entire being screams cute. 

But the baby as an unusual eyes gleaming with an obsidian glint just like the abyssal dark clouds that gave off a [dreadful omen].

In this silence, the baby opened his mouth and spoke a word only in an instant of being born


This is the first word he ever spoke after coming alive, Although a bit of wrong Pronunciation at the end because of immature vocal cords disturbing the true phrase of [Finally]

In his mind [So this is the existential realm - I always dreamt of in monochromeness]

[Although a bit disappointing, why do I see 'Black'

 even in existence. Damn it! Here I thought I have escaped the monochrome world of obsidian]


The baby started screaming in his head after looking at the abyssal sky, make him reminded of the blankness of void - which he now spontaneously named = Monochrome world of Obsidian

After putting a halt to his whining. The baby started looking at his bloody surroundings - reflecting the gloomy landmass in his obsidian pupils, making him tilt his head in confusion while thinking

[Whoa! An absurdity of dead beings I only was able visualize in the dream. ~~ what the hell]

While the baby was drawing info from the blank - visualization to better comprehend his surroundings. He involuntarily locked his eyes on the should be mother of his, making him instinctively blank out because of the assault of an unknown feeling that welled up out of nowhere. As if wanting to make him shed tears. 

Because of only just incarnating and obtaining the the emotional status he always yearned for even while only having the Consiesness as long as he has the memorization of. Suddenly Subjugating to emotionality rendered him too much sensitivity - 

Making his maternal instincts take over easily. 

Thus, making him involuntarily understand the gravity of the situation. Throwing his just processing feelings into chaos, while his first ever saddened tear fell onto his ebony-haired mother. 

While this fast-paced scenario was unfolding, a resonance of foot steps started echoing in the dead land and a voice started echoing just right behind the baby, startling the baby into wakefulness. 

(Ara ~ How come a baby is floating only just after being born.) 

Said the voice, making the baby abruptly turn around while still floating - unbeknownst to him. 

But the voice still hasn't finished its dialogue, even while watching the unusual movements of just-born baby. 

(Although it's not rare in manifesting unusual phenomenal when an special entity was birthed, 

Just like my cute little girl) 

While the voice was muttering, the baby finally got a full view of this abrupt being. 

A person wearing a white hood with strands of glossy platinum hair hanging to her waist, making her seem like a bright light in the gloomy shades. 

And from her voice & way of speaking one could instantly summarize her as woman. 

[It's white! The white colour that I visualized in the dream. As expected its ever-glowingness is not something that black could contrast too]

Thought the baby in his mind, although it's quite a visual impact in being able to get out of the maternal instinct he just experienced. But then again, its only natural for a blank paper like him to truly not understand the depth of sentiment he should have felt at that moment, well maybe someday in the future perhaps'. 

That aside, in the present

The white hooded woman at last started scrutinizing the mystical child that should have caused the abyssal dark clouds - By noticing the obsidian iries & sclera that resembled the phenomenon. 

(Wow! What an adorable child that she gave birth too. He is as cute as my princess and he seems to have a mystical bewitchment that's hard to put a finger on. Heh! Perhaps he is born with a innate attractiveness to the opposite gender) 

The platinum lady muttered jokingly after sweeping the baby with her magical sense, making the baby narrow its eyes in confusion of being unable to comprehend her whispers. 

The lady noticing the child's confusion, chuckled to herself (cutie, you are still too young to understand those kinds of things even if you have high-intellect from birth) 

While whispering to the startled baby whom seems to have comprehended her meaning to the later part of her words, the platinum lady looked towards the ebony-haired woman who is like the polar opposite to her in appearance. 

Her voice reverberated to the void with Forlumnes and sorrow

(Fate truly is a fickle bitch, destroying your life with out even a cause. I'm sorry for being late, if only I came a bit sooner "sob" Perhaps things wouldn't have gotten this far. I~i~) 

The platinum lady started sobbing while kneeling in front of the crimson dried corpse with tears of blood started falling on her white hoodie staining it with her heart-wrenching remorse. While blaming her own powerlessness. 

Even though she could be considered as one of the powerhouses of the {Material Immersion}. Showcasing her genuine pain of losing a dear friend. 

After a while of agony, Her oceanic blue eyes started turning blood-red out of immense wrath and pain , making her scream to the now fading blackened sky - immersing herself in the surrounding blood-red hue of night. 

(Even If it's cost my very existence, I will destroy every fiber of their beings. It doesn't matter even if I cause another chaotic sequel in the pages of history. Other than my princess & the soon to be prince, nothing is more important to me than revenge) 

While swearing that, the platinum lady used her sleeves to wash of her beautiful face and slowly got up to her feet, Looking towards her so called


Meanwhile, the baby quietly watched the sequence of events with Incomprehensibility. 

Although, he's doing his best to guage info from his blank visualization. 

But In the end, Had to give up on this complicational depth of his first-ever experience. 

Cursing at the absurdity of info he visualized

But his irregular thoughts abruptly came to a stop because of the chillingness that the platinum lady emitted while screaming to the sky. Leaving only a thought reverberating in his mind. 

[Killing intent? Is this the fabled murderous aura

I have dreamt quiet lot of - Scary]

While he was petrified, the woman slowly got up and came in front him, saying

(I see, so you're indeed born with a quiet a high - intelligence for newborne, I've been keeping an eye on your movements from the moment of my arrival. And surprisingly a just-birthed baby like you started giving off curious reactions as if wanting to comprehend the situation, especially when I released the killing vibes - you're quite startled. 

Perhaps you might possess a never-before seen {Extreme intellect}. Now I am quite curious about the irregularities of your uniqueness.) 

(Although its a bit of a problem for you too learn about killing & revenge, when you should be enjoying your childhood. I guess I should be Carefull about guiding you with preciseness and not make you fallow in my footsteps at least till you're an adult.) 

After coming to a decision, the platinum lady looked up at the child who shows no sign of coming down from airborne. As if the baby's bent on remaining in an indomitable position, making her inwardly chuckle. 

(My beloved Prince, you pride seems like it wouldn't lose to your mother - always arrogantly looking down all living beings, although in the end succumbed to her inevitable fate. But you're eyes seems to be exuding even more arrogance that border on the line of utter Indeference, even threatening to surpass your mother's absurdity. It seems I might have to take extreme measures if I want to protect

and keep you safe ~ But) 

With a twisted smile creeping upon her features

She continued

(I gladly welcome the challenge! As long as you want something, I will give it to you - even if I have to go to extreme lengths. Because, you my prince & my princess are the only family I will ever have from now. So don't ever hold back your arrogance never in the future, no matter what you do - I will bear the consequences. This is an 'Oath' - i swear upon your mother \ my one only everlasting sister) 

The lady proclaimed as if promising the baby's mother herself. Perhaps this is her own way of expressing the regrets she bottled in herself

Soon the platinum lady regained her composure

And continued her monologue to the utterly confused child

(Aren't I a mess? Sorry for bursting out like that. After all no matter how intellectual you are, there's no way you can understand my complicated feelings __ at least not yet) 

While saying that the lady seem to have remembered something and looked towards the ebony-haired figured, softly muttering to herself

(Ah! It seems I forgot to ask the name she should have given to her child before her death, well its not like I dare to imagine a scenario of her death - Which now feels like a irony) 

While showing a regrettable expression

The platinum lady seems to have come up with an idea

(Child! Since you're so smart why don't you guess the name your mom might have wanted to give you? ) 

The lady muttered with a bit of playfulness in her voice, not really expecting an answer from a few hours child. But the next moment she showed a shocked expression for the first-time since her arrival, something even she herself wasn't expecting to make a humane expression after that life-changing tragedy. 

The baby who somehow seems to have understood her inclination responded

{Void - i _ am _Void}

The child used his own broken way to express himself, Looking extremely adorable. At the same time sweeping away the gloomy atmosphere hanging in the air. 

The platinum lady took a few minutes to came out of her stupor, and maybe because of processing the scenario too many times in her mind . She burst into delightful laughter. 

(Being able to caught me off guard! You really are her son, perhaps with you by my side . I might able to make up for the hole she left behind in my life.

That aside, Since you want to name yourself - it doesn't matter anymore whether it's the name your mother thought of or not. 

From now on, your name will be {Void}.

As for the meaning of that name - we don't need care. As long as you desire it, you shall be called as thou.]

Thus how the Nemesis of Material Embodied itself into Existence