

Instantaneously after being published, the tweet starts amassing fav, comments and retweets. People were surprised to see that his first song was going to be for charity and was showering him with a compliment. The feeling was exhilarating but dangerous at the same time. At that moment he knew that he was going to need his family and his agent to keep him on the ground. As much as he disliked arrogant pricks, he did not want to become one, that would result in him hating himself.

Hearing his phone ring, he laughs when he sees the caller ID. To believe that she knew when he was thinking about her, that was scary.

"Hi again Maggie, I was just thinking about you." He said playfully.

"All good, I'm sure" She answered immediately, sounding smug.

"Well, I was feeling lonely so I started thinking about you, then my hand started caressing my abs and…"

"I WILL KILL YOU" She almost yells on the phone, which made him explode in laughter.

Maggie was a 46 years old, single mom. She raised her daughter alone as the father left before birth. He would not talk to everyone like that except her who he enjoys teasing as much as she loves bullying him.

"Now shut up and let me speak, this is important." She said sternly.

"Sorry sorry, go on."

"I had a lot of calls in the last few hours, did you see the activity on your social network and Youtube?"

"Yes, I just got home, this is crazy." Nathaniel said with awe.

"Yeah about that, keep your head on your shoulder, appreciate the praise but don't let it influence your behavior and you will be okay. I know you are young but you are way more mature than any actor I work with so far so keep it up."

"Yeah I know, I start to feel it, the success, I understand why people go Mariah Carey on people."

"You don't know half of it about Mariah, trust me kiddo." She said, sighing. "Enough with the jokes, we have pressing matters." Maggie added sternly.

"Ok ok, go on."

"I had a lot of calls in the last hour, as you are trending and nobody knows anything about you, a lot of talk shows want to interview you."

"Who invited me?" He asked, curious.

"As of now, CBS, NBC, FOX want to interview you. I expect that this list will grow as the day passes so you don't have to make a decision right now." Maggie said.

"Ok, first of all I will not accept any invitation from FOX." He said firmly.

"Why?" She asks, surprised.

"You know very well what they take on LGBTQ rights. Do I need to remind you that I have two mothers?"

"No you don't but you will need to go to their network one day or another for promotional purposes. You can't cut away one of the most watched networks in the country without consequences on your music. I advise you to reconsider Nathaniel."

"Maggie you are far more experienced than me on virtually everything and I will gladly follow your advice on anything but that." He said sharply.

That was not the only reason why he wanted to boycott FOX. When the Caldwell scandal broke out, the only one who started defending Caldwell was Fox News. The reason was political as Fox News was one of the companies who played Caldwell for his 'consultant' service. On Nathaniel book, you don't get to defend someone who commited slavery for political reason, hiding behind the free press. The former reason was enough for not going to this channel. He remembers plenty of times when his mothers were watching, tears in their eyes as they were being judged en slender for loving each other. That left a deep impression on him when he was young; things that he carried with him to this day.

"I hope that you will not regret it but this is your decision." She said, sighing. "What about the other two?"

"Let's wait until tomorrow and then we will look more closely on each one." He said. He didn't want to make a decision while not having all the propositions.

"Okay, I will come over tomorrow morning and we will go through everything I have. Bye." She said before hanging up.