
Im The Key to Saving The World [MHA]

[YOU HAVE AN INVITE FROM: Creation God, YHWH. WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACCEPT? Yes/...] A story about a boy stuffed with the responsibility to prevent the world of MHA from experiencing a disastrous attack that could lead to the extinction of every thing and everyone. Gifted with the power from a God himself, Kisuke Ren is tooled with the assets needed to become the absolute strongest.

BIGTENT · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


The next couple of weeks that Kisuke spent in the hospital were surrounded by him familiarizing himself with his newfound system and his power. It came second nature to him, much to his pleasure.

As he was getting checked out of the hospital, he was met by Dr. Tsubasa since he was the one to see him out.

"Thanks for being such a hospitable patient… That wound of yours was no doubt a biggie, so I'm a little grateful that you didn't further exacerbate your wound by acting a fool." Flashing a thin-lipped smile, the doctor opened the door for the slightly sore teenage boy.

Kisuke nodded with his own small smile, "Of course. Last thing you all needed was some more work." Dr. Tsubasa chuckled heartily before retreating into the hospital.

The moment Kisuke stepped outside, the warm, summer breeze brought a fluttering smile to his face. Stretching without a care in the world, Kisuke winced slightly from his still tender scar. He smiled wryly before pulling out his phone.

9 missed calls from Sis*

Scratching his head, Kisuke struggled to remember who exactly his "sis" was. Frowning, his thoughts wandered back to his meeting with the entity that gave him his newfound power.

("Your memories will come to you as you get stronger. Worry not.") Those words sat in his mind, a sort of driving force as he slowly grew desperate to remember who he was.

He knows where he is, but it's more so out of instinct than anything. So, even on his walk "home" he knew where to go as long as he let his body guide him. Mentally, he was elsewhere.

Eventually he arrived at home- A small apartment complex with three noticeable floors. His was on the third one, causing him to have to climb some stairs. Once he entered, a familiar but not so familiar scent entered his nose, relaxing his mind and easing his worries.

'…' He couldn't fully appreciate it though. The feeling that something was constantly missing never stopped bothering him. "I'm home!" He called out, either out of habit or curiosity to see what his sister looked like.

A couple moments passed, and he never got a response, prompting him to sigh and head to his supposed room. Once there, he was rather surprised that his area was surprisingly tame.

A few posters here and there of song artists and video games- He had a stack of books on one of the multiple shelves his desk had attached to it. The other was occupied by a rather expensive-looking computer.

Inspecting the other half, he saw that his bed was in the far corner, next to a singular window, while his closet was on the opposite end- towards the foot of his bed.

Opening it, he saw a full closet with a rather diverse set of clothes. "…At least I can dress." He mumbled, sifting through the different shirts, hoodies, and jeans. He was pleasantly surprised to see a set of dress clothes- though it was nothing more than a high-quality black fitted button up and some black dress pants.

On the floor of his closet were a line of shoes, ranging from Nike's, Adidas, some pumas and a couple sets of crocs and slides. On the right of his closet was an office dresser full of casual clothes- Things like sweats, athletic shorts, socks, and underwear.

All in all, he seemed like an organized dude. His room was spotless too.

Retreating into his room, he plopped on his bed, wincing as he did so. His vision staring straight at his pop-corned roof, once again his mind wandering to try and piece together his current situation.

'…I really can't remember a thing except for when I first came to.' He mused dejectedly, mentally calling out for his system as he overlooked his stats once again.

'This is just like a game… A shame I have no innate skills/abilities. That would've been helpful.' Though he said that, his eyes wandered to the Dungeon function on his system, as well as his title.

[Ultipotent Protégé - 3x XP Boost.]

At this point, he was really tempted to test out the functions to see if they were even plausible. A part of him was rather anxious looking at his rather low stats, finding that his base stats seemed… Lower than the average human.


NAME: Kisuke Ren.

LEVEL: 1 (0.0%)

TITLE: Ultipotent Protege - 3x XP boost.

QUIRK: Unlimited Creation Workshop.









DUNGEON - Travel to a spiritual dungeon where Kisuke and his chosen companions can effectively "Farm" monsters and gain levels. [Each dungeon gets harder the higher the level.]




'Maybe it's cause I'm injured…' He was secretly hoping that was the case, but even as he started to recover his stats had never changed. Sighing, he held out his hand, closing his eyes as he envisioned a regular, state-of-the-art kitchen knife.

Answering his intent immediately, Kisuke felt his energy take a hit as a mystical set of vein-like dark particles traced his right forearm and centered in his palm, where a perfect steel knife appeared in his palm.

Its edge was extremely sharp, cutting him with the slightest touch. Placing his finger in his mouth to quell the bleeding, Kisuke let go of the blade with the intent of dismissing it.

Like before, the knife suddenly poofed, out of existence. But he knew that it was somewhere within him, he felt it. Like a connection tethering it to his existence.

Sitting in momentary silence once more, Kisuke kicked his feet up and swung over the edge of his bed, his gaze hardened as his eyes settled on the Dungeon option of his system.

"Oh, what the hell." Reaching out and tapping on it, he was met with an entirely new screen.

[DUNGEONS: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40...]

Kisuke, with slight hesitation, tapped on the option of 0-5, figuring that it was referring to his level. The moment he did so, a loud DING! Elicited within his mind and a familiar panel opened before him.




Kisuke' eyes widened, his decision now starting to fill him with regret. He was trying his best to find a way to cancel said choice, but regardless of what he did, he couldn't counteract his decision.

All he could do now was pray that the dungeon would be merciful, and level 1 wouldn't be unreasonably difficult.

'They couldn't have put a warning BEFORE I agreed to enter!? What about a damn tutorial??' Mentally, Kisuke was fretting every little thing. His heart rate was so fast that he began to feel lightheaded, until a sudden DING! * Elicited once more followed by a panel.

[SKILL – (Tranquility) HAS BEEN ISSUED.]

Kisuke immediately felt his chaotic mind relax and his tense body did the same. It was like someone had forced him to take multiple, deep, relaxing breaths while he floated in the best hot tub in existence.

Frowning slightly, Kisuke opened his stat panel and read the description of his new skill.


NAME: Kisuke Ren.

LEVEL: 1 (0.0%)

TITLE: Ultipotent Protege - 3x XP boost.

QUIRK: Unlimited Creation Workshop.









DUNGEON - Travel to a spiritual dungeon where Kisuke and his chosen companions can effectively "Farm" monsters and gain levels. [Each dungeon gets harder the higher the level.]


Tranquility – Remain calm and logical under all circumstances. Inner peace will never be disrupted. (???-CLASS.)


'…How convenient.' He mused, but he didn't get much time to do that as another alert popped up in his face.


3…2…1… GOOD LUCK.]

As soon as the clock hit 0 Kisuke felt a powerful sense of vertigo and sense of fatigue as his physical body collapsed. His mind blanked.

A moment later, he came back, his eyes opened with a rather calm start even though he was mentally all over the place as he prepared himself for the dangers ahead of him.

He was greatly surprised when he saw his surroundings.

A standardized, overgrown forest with trees that reached towards the skies. With leaves so thick they practically blocked out the sun, making it much dimmer on the land below.

The eerie silence normally would've sent terrified and uncomfortable shivers down his spine but due to his newfound skill… He was eluded from that situation.

Rising to his feet, Kisuke sighed. 'How ostentatious… Where am I even supposed to go? There's no ma-'As he thought about the unfortunate lack of a map, his system dinged once again and in the top right of his vision, a small map with dozens of red dots appeared, all surrounding him and rapidly approaching.

Kisuke smiled wryly.

'This shit is so convenient.' He thought, hearing the nearby trees rustle and the bushes croak. Closing his eyes for but a moment, Kisuke imagined a standardized pistol and feeling the same drain of energy, it appeared in his right hand.

Smiling like a kid on Christmas, "Man I love this quirk…" Kisuke muttered aloud, as the first wave of enemies came crushing down on him.