
The First Test (Part 3)

-1 Hour Later-

I took the beans off the flame and salted them and added a dash of pepper.

With this I kept the beans over a warm flame, not enough to boil nor simmer, just keep them warm.

I then went and opened the steamer and took off the Demon Pork Sausages. I grabbed a plate from a nearby cupboard and put two sausages on it, and a scoop of beans.

I did this for as many plates as I could, I was only able to make 5 plates in total, as I wasn't preparing to feed a whole continent in just 3 hours.

I still had an hour left after doing some finer details like finding proper seasonings from all the ones in this fantasy world, and looking at designs for the plate, sense good design can help the taste.

With one hour left, I thought of a drink to go with it, a form of alcohol would be good sense what I made would usually be served at bars or grill houses.

So I thought, what race makes the best alcohol, was it the dragons? The dwarves possibly, maybe even beastmen sense most cultures here are unexpectedly refined.

I couldn't think of it so I decided, " I would like some of the best alcohol from this world. "

A mysterious keg would appear on the counter, I tried to lift it, but damn. That's one heavy keg.

(1 hour later)

The room started to disintegrate, starting with the roof, slowly pulling from the center, then to the walls, and going down, like a moss made of dark mist.

Then I appeared in a great white room. With a table that was pretty long.

Then the system appeared,

[ Your time is up. ]

[ Administrator Contact was established. ]

[ Current Position: X: :@#?! Y: %#$!@? ]


[ EQUIPMENT : ?@?$# ]

[ WzoPOzS: 23!?$ ]

[ 2421: 54106 ]


I started to panic, it never messed up this bad, just where am I?

Then suddenly, bright lights appeared forming in the chairs at the table. I could see men, some having crowns, others still in there sleep gowns. All appear in the seats. At the end of the table, I could see the man who I met when I was summoned forming.

At the other end... was the man who started this entire situation.

They all seemed to look around, and just before they could speak, I heard a booming voice.

It was from him...

" Welcome! You are now the testers in the first God Trials of this century. The Centuries Chef challenge is now in order! Judge this food honestly, with no prejudice, if you do. You will be eliminated for destroying the balance of this test! "

The kings then started to eat, I couldn't get a clear look at them, I assume they couldn't clearly see me either. Most of them though waited until the first few kings tried my food. They all seemed pleased. I couldn't get any reactions off there faces, but then. A number appeared above them, none out of the 7 kings, 4 had 10's above them. 2 had 9's, and 1 had a 7.

I then looked over towards the god, he was able to clearly see me, as I can him. He gave a rating of 9 above his head. It seemed to please him, but then I looked over at the god of balance. It had two question marks above him. I remembered then from my mission information, his input doesn't count in this.

Then, suddenly.

[ Quest Completed ]

[ Meal Satisfactory to the most privileged eaters of the human race. Qualify you as one of, if not the best chef in the Human Continent. ]

[ Rewards: Title x1 - Modern Century born Chef Stat Boost x1 - Boost one stat by 30 Gods Call Charm x1 - Call upon 1 of the gods with this card. ]

[ Title - Modern Century Born Chef - Strength +10 Speed +10 Dexterity +25 Cooking +150 ] [ Stat Boost - Boost one stat by +30 ]

[ Gods Call Charm - Call upon 1 god for a permanent blessing. Will result in a temporary debuff. The debuff depends the boons of the blessing. Consider it a blessing gacha based on the chosen god. ]

And I appeared in the back of my shop again. The man who claimed to be the god of balance. He dissapeared. Then my system notified.

[ Administrator Message: " Stop playing around " ]

[ New Mission system ]

[ New host objective: Become the worlds best chef before the age of 109 ( Expected Death Date )]

Mass release 2/5

RestingTreecreators' thoughts