
The First Test (Part 2)

I quickly started thinking of what I wanted to do, I racked my brain and remembered a time I visited Luxembourg and they were known for Smoked Pork with Beans. Its a simple dish but it will have to do for now.

I asked into space, " I need my ingredients, where can I get them? "

A cold voice replied, " You will find them wherever you wish for them to be "

That's... helpful, could have a nicer voice though.

I thought of having demon beast pork sausages and a pot of uncooked beans grown by a river of life and nurtured on by the spirits of nature, and a pot that accelerates time inside of it. Suddenly it all just appeared on a nearby countertop. I filled the acceleration pot with water and emptied all the beans into them for them to soak. I set the time for '1 Earth Day' and a timer appeared above it that was counting down to an hour.

This is lucky for me, as I didn't have a full day to soak those beans.

I then said, " I require a smoker. ", and as if it had always been there, it was in the room, I swear it wasn't there before.

It was luckily a wood smoker, so I imagined some wood from a world tree. It appeared in front of me in large quantity, I swear if this stuff is authentic, I hope the elves god doesn't get mad.

Although with this I took the rest of my time to prepare ingredients I would need during the further process of cooking. I also am keeping an eye on my steamer's temperature. I cant actually start cooking till the hour is over.

~P.O.V of Oktober~

The man requested some interesting ingredients, I can't lie. Although I also can't say I'm too impressed with his choice of food. Honestly, the ingredients are good, but to make a simple dish, I don't know if he's taking this test that seriously.

Although you wouldn't have to take it really seriously anyways, it's not like the people of this world have made so many advanced dishes that they are even eaten by peasants.

I have a weird feeling though, almost like someone trying to come here.

~P.O.V change~

I heard the voice, " 1 Hour preparation time has stopped. You have 3 hours to complete your dish. "

This was where I had to get serious if I failed, I won't get these mysterious rewards.

I looked at the pot and it had finished, I took out the beans and started draining them.

This did not take long at all, and once I finished, I brought the beans over to a cooking pot.

I added water from the aforementioned stream of life and started the boil.

While that was going, I checked the steamer and it was at 124 C (255 F), I put the Demon Pork Sausages onto the steamer and closed the lid, I would let these steam until my beans were done.

The beans were on the boil now, and I turned it down and let the beans simmer and cook. I set a timer for an hour.

Mass Release: 1/5


RestingTreecreators' thoughts