
IL and Icey: How They Met

This is the story of how IL and Icey met. If you don't know who they are, please read my main book "Fractured Mirror"! You will get plenty of information there, on who they are! This will be an ongoing book on the adventures they had before the events of Fractured Mirror! So stick around!

IceTornado56 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Grand Moment

Icey and IL enter the castle.

"Wow, this place is huge!" Icey said loudly as it echoed through the hallways.

"Yep." IL said, sighing.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Icey asked.

"The only family I have is my assistant, Damien." IL said sounding sad.

"Oh...I'm so sorry to hear that..." Icey said, hugging IL.

"My father died quite early. I sadly can't die just like the souls here." IL said solemnly.

"Hey, it's ok...let's do something fun to cheer you up." Icey said.

"Alright." IL said.

IL grabs Icey's hand and they walk into the massive living room.

"Wow...I can't believe you have this entire space to yourself!" Icey said as it echoes through the room.

"Its both a blessing and a curse." IL said.

"Damien!" IL shouts.

"Yes, sir?" Damien said, appearing out of nowhere.

"What do you want to do?" IL asked Icey.

"Can I have a deck of normal playing cards, please?" Icey asked politely

Damien snaps and a deck of cards appears in Icey's hand.

"Will that be all?" Damien asked.

"Yes. Thanks, bud." IL said nicely.

"Ever played Go-Fish?" Icey said, shuffling the cards.

"I played it once and failed badly." IL said, laughing.

"Do you remember how to play?" Icey asked.

"I do." IL responded.

After a few games of Go-Fish, they decide to go out for a walk.

"You know IL, you were always so creative with the way you talk to people." Icey stated.

"How so?" IL asked.

"Not sure. Every other demon has this specific way of getting someone they want. When you spoke with me for the first time, I never saw that..." Icey said, smiling.

"Oh...that disgusting tactic? I'm a demon, not a monster." IL said with confidence.

Icey holds IL's hand.

"You're a lot sweeter than most demons...most of them just want me so they can brag to their friends that they are dating an angel..." Icey said, looking at the ground.

"Well I don't have the friends to brag about that to so I think you're ok." IL said, laughing.

Icey stops and hugs IL.

"You're such a great person, you know that...?" IL said, putting his hand on Icey's head.

Icey yawns and nuzzles IL's chest.

"Someone seems tired..." IL said softly.

IL picks up Icey bridal-style and teleports to the castle.

"Damien..." IL whispered.

"Yes, sir?" Damien whispered.

"Make sure the outside of the castle is secure. I don't want any loud noises and such." IL said with seriousness in his voice.

"Will do." Damien said with a huge smirk on his face.

IL lays Icey down on his bed. He walks towards the door.

"Please stay..." Icey said in a tired voice.

"Alright..." IL said closing the door.

IL sits down on the bed.

"Come here you..." Icey said forcing IL to lay down next to him.

Icey buries his face in IL's chest. IL puts his arm around him. They both drift off to sleep.

"Bruv, I can't believe they are actually sleeping with each other..." Satan whispered, peeking through the crack in the door.

"Let me see." Damien whispered.

Damien looks through the crack in the door.

"That's so cute. He's been alone for so long...this is a good chance for him to really come out of his shell." Damien whispered.

"They really are perfect for each other." Satan whispered.

"Well, I have to attend to my duties. Don't stay here too long." Damien whispered to Satan before leaving.

A few hours pass. Satan left a while ago and Icey starts to wake up. He opens his eyes only to see IL super close to him. His face turns bright cyan. Icey isn't like normal people who blush an intense red. IL starts to wake up as well.

"Morning starshine..." IL said.

"Good morning..." Icey said, rubbing his eyes.

They both get up and hug each other.

"Hey, I got something to show you." IL said, looking at Icey.

They walk out of the castle and towards some large white crystals.

"Woah! How are these here? I thought this dimension couldn't support crystal growth!" Icey said excitedly.

"This is crystallized Tariium. When it crystallizes, it loses its black color and turns into these rainbow crystals." IL said, running his hand against the crystals.

"They're...beautiful..." Icey said, touching one.

IL grabs Icey's hands. The crystals begin to glow a very deep green.

Icey looks into IL's eyes and does not see a demonic monster, but a nice and sensitive demon like no other. When IL looks into Icey's eyes, all he can see is the sweet and loving soul he fell in love with.

"I could stare into those lavender eyes for ages..." IL said, unable to look away from Icey's eyes.

"I could do the same with you..." Icey said, getting closer to IL's face.

"Come here you..." IL said, beginning to kiss Icey.

Icey gives in to it and doesn't pull away. Something strange starts to happen. They begin to glow a bright white. Their physical forms begin merging. Green streams of light begin coming out of the crystal and mix with IL and Icey's new fusion. As the glowing ball of white light begins to take its shape, Damien walks out into the field of crystallized Tariium.

"Sir, you have a-" Damien said, as he looks at the glowing, amorphous blob of light in the air.

The blob of light takes the form of a person and stops glowing. Damien stands there in shock. IL and Icey's fusion had on a gray shirt and had jet black pants. Half of the halo Icey had is melted into the new fusion's hair as it's completely made of Tariium. On the contrary, their fusion also had a demon horn on the other side of the melting halo. One eye was a beautiful cyan color. The other was just like IL's.

"S-sir?" Damien said with a stutter.

"Yo, I sensed some really powerful energy down here. Is every-" Satan paused as he sees the new fusion.

The fusion stands up and tries to walk around but is having a hard time.

"IL! You know this isn't allowed in Heaven! You can't fuse with an angel! I mean, I'm fine with it, but the guards up there are not!" Satan said panicking.

The fusion looks at him with wide eyes and begins to unfuse. IL and Icey violently split apart.

"What was that...?!" IL said, in a daze.

"I've never fused with anyone before...that was...incredible...!" Icey said, also in a daze.

"I've never kissed anyone before..." IL added.

"Neither have I..." Icey responded.

They both get up and walk up to each other.

"I'm not sure if we should be doing this..." Icey said with his head hung down.

IL grabs Icey's hands.

"I don't care if we are breaking the rules...as long as I am with you then breaking the rules is worth it..." IL said.

Icey hugs IL tightly and he hugs back.

"No one has ever said anything that nice to me..." Icey said, beginning to cry.

"I meant every word of it." IL said with confidence.