
IL and Icey: How They Met

This is the story of how IL and Icey met. If you don't know who they are, please read my main book "Fractured Mirror"! You will get plenty of information there, on who they are! This will be an ongoing book on the adventures they had before the events of Fractured Mirror! So stick around!

IceTornado56 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The "Big" Day

"So, how are you gonna approach this "angel sent from above"." Satan said, nudging IL.

"I'm not particularly sure..." IL said, starting to think.

"Oh please. Just talk to him. You'll be fine." Satan said.

IL groans.

"This is so weird. I've never felt this way about anyone, let alone an angel." IL said, putting his hand on his face.

"Welcome to the real world, bub." Satan said.

"Yeah, well, the real world is stupid." IL said, crossing his arms

"Got that right." Satan laughed.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" IL asked angrily.

"Someone's getting defensive. I'll leave you alone to your thoughts." Satan said, winking.

Satan exits the castle and attends to his everyday things. IL, on the other hand, is having a mental crisis.

"Sir, are you ok?" Damien asked, putting his hand on IL's shoulder.

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this. I know S is completely fine with it, but I'm not sure how heaven feels about it." IL said sounding disappointed.

"All you can do is try." Damien said.

"I guess you're right." IL said, getting up.

"Would you like me to do anything before you leave?" Damien asked abruptly.

"Make sure no one does anything stupid. Put them in the reports file if someone tries anything." IL said, pointing at the file cabinet.

"You got it." Damien said.

IL fades into the real world. He spots the tree that he met Icey under the day before and sees him sitting there again. IL makes his way to the tree.

"H-hey..." IL said.

"Hey you!" Icey happily said.

A cloud floats up to IL.

"Uh...mind explaining?" IL said, sitting next to Icey.

"He's my friend. His name is Cloud." Icey said, holding the cloud.

A much darker cloud floats up to IL and plops himself down on IL's shoulder.

"Wow, Stormy never goes up to people and just plops himself down like that." Icey said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Icey lays down in the grass. IL lays down next to him.

"Let me ask you...why are you talking to me?" Icey asked calmly.

"I just think you're really friendly. I haven't had very many friends." IL said.

Icey sighs and looks at IL.

"I can see right through you, IL." Icey said, laughing.

"Huh?" IL said in confusion.

"I've had a lot of demons hit on me before." Icey said.

"Oh..." IL said sounding disappointed.

"But you're different...I never thought one of the kings of the Underworld would take an interest in me..." Icey said, grabbing IL's hand.

IL blushes intensely. Icey sits up and IL does the same. Icey turns toward IL and grabs his other hand.

"I'm so glad I got to meet you, do you know that?" IL said.

Icey snickers.

"It was really nice to meet you too..." Icey said.

Icey got a little closer to IL's face, but then MY SHIP IS ULTIMATELY RUINED. Fredrick, Icey's father, came to see what all the commotion was about.

"Son is every-" Fredrick paused as he saw IL.

"Well, the king of the 6th level of Hell. A pleasure to meet you." Fredrick said, holding out his hand.

IL shakes off the excess Tariium dripping from his normal hand. He shakes Fredrick's hand.

"What were you two boys talking about?" Fredrick said being nosey.

"Stuff, dad..." Icey said.

"What kind of stuff?" Fredrick asked as the grin got wider and wider.

"Dad, cut it out..." Icey said, laughing.

"Hey, IL, why don't you join us? We were just about to have dinner." Fredrick asked.

"I'd be honored to." IL said happily.

Satan appears.

"Yes, you have my permission." Satan answered before IL could even open his mouth.

Satan disappears.

"Alright well, let's go!" IL said happily.

They get to the gates of heaven.

The guard looks at IL and reached for the radio.

"No, no!" He's here with us!" Fredrick said, trying not to look suspicious.

"Oh wait, that's the king of the 6th Level, right?" The guard asked.

"Yeah...?" Fredrick remarked.

"By all means, come in." The guard said opening the gates of heaven.

IL shields his eyes from the intense light.

"Wait so I could just walk through the gates of heaven?" IL asked.

"No. You need to have 2 or more angels with you and have a very high status in the underworld." Icey explained.

They enter a nice, white, two-story house.

"Some place you got here." IL said, looking around."

IL suddenly notices 6 people standing over him.

"JEEZ, where did y'all come from?!" IL said, startled.

"He certainly doesn't look like an angel Icey, where did you find him?" One of Icey's brother's asked.

"He actually starting talking to me when I went to the tree I died under." Icey said, making lunch.

IL's eyes widen.

"No, IL, you're fine. I did not mind you visiting with me." Icey said with a soft smile on his face.

IL sighs with relief.

"So you're the king of the 6th level of Hell? How is that going?" Another brother asked.

"Good." IL said confidently.

"We don't get much information on the kings below level 5." The same brother stated.

"All of you get away from IL and come eat." Icey said happily.

"I love it when Icey cooks. He cooks all of us exactly what we want." One of the brothers across from IL said.

"Is that so?" IL asked.

Icey puts a whole pizza in front of IL.

IL just stares at it. He is captivated by the whole pizza. IL opens his mouth and 2 inky-black hands come out, grab the entire pizza, and he eats the entire thing whole.

Everyone stares at IL.

"I forgot I was in another household...sorry about that." IL said, embarrassed.

"That was...AMAZING! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" The littlest brother said.

The littlest brother crawled and walked across the table and opened IL's mouth.

"Where did those hands go?!" The littlest brother asked.

The hands flick the littlest brother in the nose as he is provoking them.

"I WILL COME IN THERE AND FIGHT BOTH OF YOU!" The littlest brother said in little kid anger.


Fredrick pulls Darrel (the youngest) out of IL's mouth.

"That was an...interesting experience..." IL said, popping his jaw back into place.

"Hey, Dad, do you mind if I spend the night with IL?" Icey asked.

IL looked at him and smiled.

"Of course. Just don't do anything too dumb now. You know how the guards are." Fredrick said rolling his eyes.

"We won't!" Icey said.

"I guess we're doing this." IL said, getting up.

Icey grabs IL's hand and they walk out of the door. They make it back to the gates.

"State your business." One of the guards said.

"I'm going to the underworld to spend the night with IL." Icey said.

"I'll allow it." The guard said.

"I do as I please, please do not say what you will and will not allow, thanks!" Icey said calmly with a smile.

The guard's face reddens from embarrassment.

"Wow, you just got told off by Icey!" The other guard said, laughing.

IL attempts to teleport them to the 6th Level but is ultimately stopped by the gatekeeper.

"State your purpose." The guard said, not paying attention to who he's speaking to.

"This is MY domain. You do not tell me to "state my purpose"! I do that to you. If you ever do that again you will going down not 1 level but 2! Understood?!" IL yells demonically.

Icey blushes as he watches IL tell off the guard.

"Y-yes sir..." The guard said as he proceeds to open the gate.

Icey looks around. He notices the floor isn't made from a solid material.

"What is this stuff?" Icey asked, looking at the ground.

"It's Tariium. I guess the dimension doesn't take immediate hate to you. You haven't drowned in it yet." IL said, winking at Icey.

Icey snickers.

"So where do you live? Icey asked.

IL points to the Tariium Castle.

Icey gasps.

"You live in that huge castle?!" Icey asked in excitement.

"Indeed." IL said.

"Wow, this is gonna be great!" Icey said running towards the castle.