

"Female… what are you called?" A light, hesitant, female voice says in my head. I freeze, my head going a thousand miles an hour, Holy Macaroni and Chicken Nuggets! I stare at the creature and it's staring at me intently. I must be going crazy, I shake my head and the creature squints its eyes, slightly.      "You heard me?" The same voice says in my head. Without thinking, I nod in response. The thing releases a face of surprise, it's eyes widening, its muscles relaxing a teeny bit. I keep my eyes taped on it, or I'm guessing her. I'm so surprised that I can't speak, so… I try to speak in my mind back, "Umm… Hello? Yeah, I can hear you? whatever you are… No offense."  I really don't want to get this thing mad. It looks even more bewildered when I'm guessing it hears me.  "Hello, as I was asking, what is it the humans call you?" I hesitate when she asks this, I just met this creature, closely reminding me of a dragon. Like, two minutes ago, should I trust her? Then I realize, I thought that out loud.  "You can trust me, no one knows about me. By the way, yes  I'm a dragon. The answer to your last question." I think of what Chris said earlier, "… or a dragon perhaps…" No, Chris has a funny imagination, maybe it's just a coincidence. Yeah he really doesn't believe in dragons…. does he? "I'm Samantha, my friends call me Sam. What's your name?" The dragon's eyes smile slightly, glad that I chose to trust her. "My name…" she says in my head, hesitant, "is Emberlynn." A mix of fantasy, romance, coming of age, and adventure. Authors note: Hope you all like it and ALL comments/suggestions/ideas are welcome. also I'm trying to decide if this should be a trilogy or not. *need help on that* if you could, THANKS A BUNCH! ^-^

Shiriko_Rose · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Ch.16: History Lesson


I lie on the dry grass in the cave and listen to Samantha's story of her getting wings, which I've never heard of before. I look down and see a slight outline of a familiar mark on my shoulder, Why does it look familiar? It's almost like the one Mother… Oh, wait! 

Wait! I think I know what happened here! I say interrupting her mid-sentence. Sam pauses, her annoyed with my interruption.

What's on your mind? Spill the beans! She says.

I scrunch my face in confusion,  I don't know what... beans are…

Oh yeah… okay nevermind, it's just a metaphor Em. Do you mind if I call you Em?... She asks nervously, personally,, I think she doesn't want to offend me in any way. I smile. It's quite funny. 

Well, when I was Draco, which is a newly hatched or a young dragon is called, I remember my mother leaving one day and coming back with a mark on her shoulder a few weeks later. When I was listening to you, I looked down and on my shoulder is the same exact mark! My heart starts pounding. 

Okay… does that mean that we need to find your mom and dad? I hear her ask.

First, do you have a mark somewhere on your body, at all?! I start to feel like I'm yelling, ignoring her question, I'll answer it soon. I feel uncertainty from her and I wait for her answer, the tension getting bigger by the second.

No, I don't think so…. Oh, wait… I might. I think you just need to see it because I don't know if It's a mark, or just me…  She says

I nod my head firmly, That's fine. Get here when you can. The mark looks like a dragon heart, with swirls around it.

Uhh… what's a 'dragon heart', Em? She asks hesitantly.

I forgot I need to explain to her about dragon culture,  It's what we use to cause harm, it has other uses as well. It's really hot, you humans can make yellow and orange dragon hearts, also known as a Red Flower when you make it but when a dragon summons it, it's a Dragon Heart. Dragons can make colors related to their rank or class. Yellow to orange to red is the lower class, blue to green is middle class,  purple to violet is the higher class but is most commonly offspring of kings and queens, finally, black, the rarest of them all, is the king or queen of the dragons.

Umm… so it looks like fire, with swirls around… Yes, it kind of does but it's really faint. I got pale skin so it's not so obvious. She explains.

So I think we need to find my father, he disappeared about six years ago, I don't know where he went. I mention, not wanting to remember my mother or her asking my mother.

 What about your mother? Maybe when I get some books about dragons, we could fly where you last saw them… You can teach me how to fly with my new wings!  She says excitedly. I sigh a little, understanding the want to fly when I was a Draco. 

Alright… but you need to learn quickly, I don't want to lose any time than we have to. I avoid the first question and rest my chin against a rock. I feel excitement emanating from her consciousness. 

 Oh, I'm so excited!! Thank you, I'll try to be a quick learner, I promise- she abruptly stops. 

Sam… Are you there?... I ask hesitantly. Nothing, just a feeling of panic fills me with dread.

I try again, Sa-

SHH!!! Just wait…  I hear her say in a rush.

I know she can't hear but I nod my head. I wait for a few minutes, keeping track of her emotions to see if she's alright. A click sound enters my cave. I spin my head around to see what it is… or who it is. My heart drops to my stomach, which is bellowing hot with anger. A dark dragon, whom I never wanted to see again in my entire life.

Hello, Emberlynn… So nice to see you again…