
Iglecion- I Hate My Life!

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What is Iglecion- I Hate My Life!

Read ‘Iglecion- I Hate My Life!’ Online for Free, written by the author CountrySaiyan_30, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Hi! I’m Yoshi Nobori and I’m a virgin. I suddenly found myself reincarnated to a new world! This place is beyond my wild...


Hi! I’m Yoshi Nobori and I’m a virgin. I suddenly found myself reincarnated to a new world! This place is beyond my wildest dreams! Gobins, slimes, dragons, and beautiful ladies! This place is almost like a video game too! I can level up and even use magic! But everywhere I turn, it seems like nothing goes my way! I joined the adventurer’s guild to try and make money but that stupid god messed with my wishes and now I feel ordinary! I mean, ain’t I supposed to be the hero of this story and defeat the demon lord? Did I mention that I’m joined by some ridiculously overpowered party members? But here’s the catch, they’re so freaking weird that I don’t even know how we get called on like we do. One is a fruity guy who is a freaky sadist and loves bdsm, the other is some sexy elf who’s a yandere and a dominatrix who won’t let anyone near me, her “beloved,” oh and don’t let me forget about that freaky, perverted, loli of a vampire! Between them and her always trying to suck me dry, I can’t get no peace! I wish I could just die! Oh god! Why did I ever want to come to this world! I hate my life! ——— Hi everyone, CountrySaiyan here, I just wanted to say that I’m excited to start this series up! It is heavily influenced by the anime, “Konosuba” and this is no fanfic. I hope that all of you get ready for many laughs as you join Yoshi in his new life. *warning* Get ready for many anime references! Be even more prepared for spicy scenes! Humor is greatly required and alone places are recommended! ——— I hope you’re ready for the grand adventure that is Iglecion! Also! Don’t forget to comment and leave your reviews! The more people see this and higher the ranks we climb, the more people get to see what kind of bad- I mean great life our dear Yoshi will have! And finally, go check out my other fanfic book, “Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy” Thanks!

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