
If These Walls Could Talk 2: Brian

*R-18 Contains Adult situations and Explicit Sexual Content and Profanity* Not for readers 17 and under. **This is a sequel to If These Walls Could Talk, you could read this first but I highly suggest you read the first one. Just so you are not confused when certain events are referenced. Thanks :)** I watched my best friend fall in love with an amazing woman, a woman that I had wanted for myself before his feelings developed, but he didn't know. I can't be mad at anyone other than myself for not taking a chance when I had it. So instead of being upset about it, I'm going to be happy for them both, they're happy together and I could never betray either of them by destroying their happiness. I envy them still though, I hate feeling like this. Hopeless. I wish I could find my own partner, one that could satisfy my sexual desires just as much as my emotional desires. But what are the chances of that happening?

Mara_Heller · Urban
Not enough ratings
155 Chs

103 Sleeping dragon

"Sounds like some one enjoyed herself."

Brian's proud grin and statement made me scoff at him in amusement.

"Nope, it wasn't what I wanted." I chuckle seeing his eyes flare up with a challenge. "Don't get ahead of yourself now..." I motion my head to the nightstand, where a certain toy and lube sit for him. "You need something before we get too into things.." I chuckle as he groans.

"But it feels so good inside of you right now..." He grabs my hips and rocks me on him, making me shudder from the aftermath of my orgasm. "But I will keep my word." he sighs, letting my hips go.

I slide myself off of him and reach for the toy and lube.

"So what made your day interesting?" He asks, as I slide my body down over his.

"Um... well... going to the pharmacy to pick up a cleansing solution was something I've never done before.." I turn red.

Telling him about the pharmacy would be better than when I went to my therapists. I don't want him to know that I've been going to a therapist. I feel embarrassed enough about it as is.

If I tell him that some man came up to me who seemed nice enough, asking me about my earrings and if he could take a closer look. I had hesitated but went ahead and said sure. Everything seemed fine until he trapped me against the wall outside the office and he started kissing me... Thank goodness they have security at that building. I had attempted to push him away and tried to get him off of me, but he had me pinned in a way I couldn't find leverage. Then he just picked me up by my thighs and tried kissing me again.

That's when a security guard came out and pulled him off, putting him in cuffs. The security guard asked if I was alright and I nodded, feeling shook up but grateful for his assistance. Some men who seemed to be nurses came running out after the security guard used his radio to let someone inside that the patient was found. The nurses had apologized for the actions of their patient, that he had snuck out when he was allowed to use the restroom. They practically begged me not to call the police, that they'd lose their jobs for letting him sneak past them. I took pity on them and said I'd not file a report. Then I watched them take the man away after thanking me and the security officer.

I wasn't ready to tell Brian that I had been talking to a therapist. What if it hurt him that I could talk to a perfect stranger but I couldn't talk to him about my problems? What if he felt betrayed?

"Sarina?" Brian calls my name, jolting me from my mind that was doing a replay and I chuckle awkwardly.


"What happened?" His concern has him starting to rise, but I push his chest back down.

"I had to ask the pharmacist where they were and found he had them behind the counter and asked me what type I needed. I forgot which one I needed exactly. So I told him I needed one to cleanse me out." All of this was true too, I really had forgotten which one I needed and had to ask. "He asked me for what procedure...." I feel the heat building in me over the look on the pharmacists face when I had mumbled, "So I told him it was for anal sex."

Brian chuckled, but immediately cleared his throat as I squirted the cold lube on his ass for laughing at me, "I'm sorry sweetheart. That must have been awkward for you." He says, trying to suppress his amusement.

"Yes, it was quite embarrassing..." I say matter of fact, before oozing as much sarcasm as I can, "Thank you for being so considerate and not laughing, BABE." I roll my eyes at him and start stroking him off.

"Hey, don't be like that..." He reaches for me and pulls me up to him. "I'm sorry, baby that you were embarrassed today." He tries to kiss me and I pull away a little bit, just to make him work for it a little harder.

"You're just saying that, cause it's ruining the mood." I pull away some more from him.

He lets out a heavy breath, before he does something I wasn't expecting. "You're right. I do find it funny that you were embarrassed for asking for an enema for anal sex from the pharmacist. I wish it wasn't ruining the mood, because I was excited all day for tonight. Then seeing you look so sexy..." He sits up more comfortably, "I am sorry though, because you gave me this opportunity by showing me that you trusted me with not just your body but also your emotions and I just screwed it up by not being more considerate. I know this was a hard decision for you to put your trust in me and I was an asshole about it."

A little taken aback, I stare wide eyed and can't hold back my amusement as I try to refrain from smiling but can't. Instead I burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" He shakes his head and narrows his eyes in confusion at me.

I take a calming breath and chuckle at his pouty face, "You. You're so damn perfect. I love you, Brian. I was just trying to get some sympathy from you, but I guess I took it too far. I'm sorry." I lean closer to him, "Can you forgive me?" I lay a soft kiss on his cheek.

Brian looks at me stunned, before his face morphs into mock offense with a touch of anger. "You manipulative, bad, little, girl."

He grips my waist, voice deepening, his eyes darkening, making my breath catch in my chest as I stared into his eyes.

"Bad girls deserve to be punished."

Holy fuck, I think I just poked a sleeping dragon in the eye with the rush of adrenaline that sweeps through my body.

It caused a rush a fear along with that adrenaline but I felt my insides clench and want to rub my legs together. Why was I so turned on?

"Lay over my lap." He practically growls the command at me.

His unblinking eyes held no room for disobedience and his overwhelming aura made me docile. So, I laid across his lap as he instructed.


"One! Thank you sir!" I cried out, feeling the pool forming between my legs.


"Two, three, four, five! Thank you sir!" I bit my bottom lip, biting back the moan that keeps threatening to come out. Even though my ass hurts from these swats, he's being considerably softer than normal in terms of the strength he uses with normal punishments.


"SHIT! SIX! THANK YOU SIR!" Now that one made me yell out. My right cheek felt like it was on fire it was stinging so bad.


"SEVEN!" I grit out over a growl, "Thank you sir!" Now my left cheek was on fire as my right one throbbed.


"Eight, nine, thank you sir." I groan, even though those were lighter, they still hurt across my burning ass cheeks.

He rubs my ass cheeks, causing me to hiss when his hand goes over the skin that I knew was going to have some decent welts if there was not any yet. His fingers glide over those areas quickly though, as they dive in between my thighs to run up and down my slit.

"Mmmmm.." I spread my legs wider apart to give him better access as he touches me, playing with my clit.

"Damn baby, you're drenched..." He moans, realizing my evident desire.

Soon, I'm gasping as he plays with my clit, his other hand rubbing my sore ass cheeks.


"AH! TEN! Thank you sir!" My ass involuntarily scoots forward over his lap, from the sheer force of that hit. It only takes another second before the burning, stinging, aching throb starts radiating over my entire ass. "Ow...ow...." I whine, wiggling my ass across his lap.

"I know that one hurt, baby." He soothed my ass, "But you had enjoyed the first half too much, I could tell the reason for the punishment wasn't sinking in. You made it seem like I did something more disappointing in your eyes and made me feel guilty when I shouldn't have, at least not that bad." He played with me some more, teasing, distracting me from the pain as my ass calmed down from the throb.

Raising my head to look over my shoulder, I ask him hesitant, hopeful, "So is my punishment done than?"

He nods with a soft smile catching the corners of his eyes and lips. I push myself up and off his lap, feeling the sting on my ass still as the skin stretched and pulled from moving.

"Now, let's start this over." He gently runs his fingers over my shoulder, sending my heart racing and my stomach fluttering with just that small touch. He leans towards me and I meet him halfway, our lips entangling, then our hands start touching each others favorite spots to turn each other on.

His hands softly stroked my sides closer to my back up by my shoulder blades, while I played with the v on his abdomen and hips. Both of those spots we had found made us shudder and shiver as we kissed, that slowly built our need for each other.

I grab his cock, giving him a slow teasing stroke making him pull back from my lips. His hooded eyes are hungry, making promises of pleasure as he descends back to my lips. He moves us to where he's over my body and in between my legs, his hands moving the lingerie piece up my thighs before breaking the kiss. He leans back, looking down at me panting to catch my breath, smiling.

He bites his bottom lip as he stares hungrily at me, letting it slowly pop back out when it slips from between his teeth, "So damn beautiful..." whispering those words to me, made my insides do back flips and tingle. He rubs his hard length against my lips making me ache to be filled. I spread my legs open letting him know I wanted him. He slips his head in, his thumb circling my clit in slow circles.

"Mmmm... how do you always know how to make me want you more than I already do?" I gasp, as he slides into me a little bit more.

"If it makes you feel any better, you do the same thing to me." He groans, "I still love how every time I enter you, it feels like I'm home..."

His words stir up heavier emotions in my heart.

'I feel like home?'

I feel the tears wanting to prick my eyes, but I hold them back.

This is one of the many reasons I love this man. The swirl of emotions that run through me have me reaching for him.

"Kiss me, Brian."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mara_Hellercreators' thoughts