
If These Walls Could Talk 2: Brian

*R-18 Contains Adult situations and Explicit Sexual Content and Profanity* Not for readers 17 and under. **This is a sequel to If These Walls Could Talk, you could read this first but I highly suggest you read the first one. Just so you are not confused when certain events are referenced. Thanks :)** I watched my best friend fall in love with an amazing woman, a woman that I had wanted for myself before his feelings developed, but he didn't know. I can't be mad at anyone other than myself for not taking a chance when I had it. So instead of being upset about it, I'm going to be happy for them both, they're happy together and I could never betray either of them by destroying their happiness. I envy them still though, I hate feeling like this. Hopeless. I wish I could find my own partner, one that could satisfy my sexual desires just as much as my emotional desires. But what are the chances of that happening?

Mara_Heller · Urban
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102 Interesting...

I take slow steps towards this woman, begging for the strength to not just take her as she is right now. I take a slow and deep breath, to try and calm myself, making sure I hold myself still so she can't see I'm trembling in excitement. This woman is amazing, I don't know how she can make me feel like a teenager sometimes.

I make my way to the bed, struggling to find the words to say, and not sound like a kid who just found out that he's going to the amusement park. My heart wasn't helping, beating like I was preparing to go down the highest rollercoaster and I was sitting at the apex in the front, sitting on the edge. That anticipation of the drop. That's what this feels like.

I bring my hand up to run it over her shoulder and arm, "This looks...." I find myself at a loss of words to describe it accurately. I shake my head, knowing I'm wide eyed and grinning like an awestruck fool. "I can't even speak..." I laugh at myself.

Her face turns crimson, even as she reaches up and pulls me towards her using my tie, "I'm glad you like it."

I can see her controlling herself to remain calm as well, but her hands shake slightly as she starts to loosen my tie.

I take her hands in mine, so she'll raise her eyes to meet my own. We search each others eyes and I ask her, "Are you nervous?"

She lets out a shaky laugh, "Yes, a bit. A little more apprehensive than anything."

"You know that.." She cuts me off.

"I know, if I don't want to do this we don't have too." She sighs and closes her eyes, "I know you are not Marcus... If I say so... you'll stop..." Her words tremble, "I trust you. I want you to erase those memories and give me better ones."

I can tell this means more to her than just trying something new that she'd had a bad experience with. This was something that had been taken from her and she still offered it like it was a piece of her heart, and in a way it was.

She bites her bottom lip as her eyes flutter back open, desire building back in them. Her hands move back to my chest, taking the buttons of my shirt and popping them open with ease, then spreading it open to feel the firm muscles of my chest. Her hands run back up to spread across my shoulders and take my shirt off, but my arms reach out and take her lips with mine.

Both of us were eager, our hands crawling over each others bodies, touching exploring. Her hands undo my belt and pants, as I kick my shoes off quickly. My pants pool at my feet, as her hands finish removing my shirt.

I slide my hands over her plump ass, firmly pulling her against me. She gasps against my lips, a tremor running through her. I move my hands and notice the touch of something that's not fabric or her skin. I let my hands reach and feel for what it is.

I groan, feeling the base of a plug sitting just out side of her ass. "You're such a good girl." I inform her, knowing she had read the information I sent her and took the advice well.

Her eyes light up at the little praise, her tongue starting to trail down my chest to my abdomen. She pulls the rest of my clothing off, before taking my cock in her hand, stroking me with hungry eyes.

I run my hands through her hair, working my fingers into her locks, bring her face to meet my lips. I want to claim this woman, every part of her, right this second. I wonder if she knows how much she has me wrapped around her finger, how she has flooded my mind with constant thoughts of her and I love it. However, my self control was slipping. When she dropped her lips from mine to latch around my cock, I growled and thrusted my hips forward. She gagged but continued swallowing it down her throat.

"OH MY! god....!" My mind goes blank, as all I can focus on is the pleasure of her tongue as it writhed around my cock. My eyes open to see the ceiling as I moan and lift my head to look down at her. "Fuck.. Sarina... That feels so good. I love it when your suck my cock." I gasp and respond through gritted teeth.

Unable to take much more, I pull my hips back, "On your knees and face the headboard." I take my swollen cock from her hungry mouth, pointing towards the headboard. She does as she's instructed, and no sooner is she in place, I'm right behind her, on my own hands and knees, licking and sucking on her exposed sex like it was a melting ice cream cone.

Her moaning and heavy breathing filled the room, as she pressed back against my face. It only made me harder. I stroke my cock a few times, just to relieve the ache of it throbbing so badly. Feeling and hearing Sarina getting closer to her climax, I come up for air, making her whine.

I press my cock against her folds, letting myself tease her entrance. When she grows in annoyance, I pull back and smack her ass.

"OW!" She laughs and cries out, more at the surprise than it actually hurting.

"None of that, now. You've been doing so good about being patient lately. Let's not mess up all that progress..." I rub her ass where I smacked it. I then plop down on the bed next to her, with my head propped up on my fist and take another look at her beautiful body that's still contained in that seductive little negligee.

Sarina's panting, staring at me, giving me wide side eye as I appraise her seeming to be relaxed and with a large smile.

"I don't want to tease you..." I start. "I also want to enjoy how damn sexy you look in this right now." I move my free hand over her side, before laying on my back to motion for her to come over.

She gives me an annoyed smile that's fighting back her pleased smirk from taking over. She swings a leg over my waist to straddle me, her breathing heavy from the plug teasing her ass every time she moves.

"God, you're beautiful..." I whisper, watching her mount me slowly. Her hips settle on top of me with me holding her hips steady, giving her some time to adjust to the feeling.

Sarina rubs her hands across my chest, lightly gripping my muscles, "So how was your day dear?" She asks, slowly beginning to move, "I hope it wasn't to hard on you..." She winks at me, as her movements have me sighing from the sensations she causes.

I chuckle at her play on words, "Oh... it was very hard... time just slowly passed by." I groan, her hips riding me in wider movements. "How was yours?"

Her rhythm is disrupted for a second, but she finds it again as she tosses her head back, "Long... Interesting... I had material I had to learn after all..." She returns her gaze back to me, as I thrust up to meet her hips.

"Oh? What made it interesting? I'm guessing you needed to go somewhere today?" I can only imagine her looking for something at the pharmacy today.

She blushes, "Yes. I... I..." her words stop, a startled gasp of surprise escapes her as I thrust up into her. I feel her body tightening on me, making me focus on just her reactions.

I grip her hips and begin to thrust some more just like I did, making her cry out and grip my chest.

"Brian, not yet..." She pleads, trying to catch her breath as an orgasm tries to run through her.

With a wicked grin, I remind her, "But you don't like it when your teased and edged like this?" I gently rock my hips into her and she's gasping, clenching my muscles in her hands harder.

"Oh... my god... I don't think... please don't move.."

I can feel her tightness on me and can't help myself. I move just enough and she grits her teeth, and pinches my nipple that's in her hand.

"Oh! Really?" I smirk up at her and her eyes widen, I grip her waist, holding her still and begin to thrust rapidly.

"Oh fuck!" She cries out, her body tensing as an orgasm begins to peak through her. I curl my body forward, holding her closer to me, speeding up my thrusts.

"OH! Brian.. fuck, fuck.. OH!" She comes completely undone, her eyes closed, mouth open in ecstasy, breath coming out in shattered gasps as she clings to me.

"Sounds like some one enjoyed herself." I grin like the cat who caught the canary, as she whimpers over the aftermath of her pulsating pleasure before she scoffs.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Mara_Hellercreators' thoughts