
If I'm Excessive, Who Isn't?

How to put this... My life is never drama free, most of it they say it's child's play but what do they know? Are they me? I'm taking this time to declare, I want to pursue myself. I'm going to pursue myself and that too successfully because; this time is different, I met someone. Someone I think is the love of my life and looks at me like I'm the love of his. I, Trent Dion, won't be alone anymore... And yes, I'm a girl...Trent. Welcome to the story of my life, I hope I'm not too sarcastic for you. F.Y.I - Just a period of me life and what I deem interesting. I won't be an open book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The cover isn't mine. I repeat, the cover isn't mine. Found on Pinterest.

mrs_lie · Urban
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34 Chs

From All Sides.

When I see Fin, I run full speed and cling to him. I've had a really bad day. If you could excuse my conduct... I need some loving now.

Hmm... and he didn't take too long to arrive, it's like he knew I'd call him and was waiting outside. That would be nice - it's such a nice thought.

"What's wrong?" He's asking is wrong, he should say - what isn't wrong, I might have an answer then. Smells nice too and really warm. I can hide myself safely from the world in his arms. How come I never realised Fin is huge or I'm small? No... I'm pretty tall for women, he's tall then even by men's standard. Check.

"Melissa slapped me."


"And I think Margaret used me as an opening to attack her ex."


"And his family is probably gonna come for me."


"All in all, I had a shitty day." I can get used to this. Sharing isn't hard. I'm not allergic to it too. I'm perfectly fine after talking to someone. Would you look at that?

Amidst my clinging, my worldview tilts...before I can scream, I realise Fin is carrying me out of the studio. Really nice. Aww, I don't even get to use my legs to the car. How extremely nice. I wouldn't mind being spoiled like this, nope - I actually would love to be spoiled like this.

In the car, I don't move; I'm determined to cling to him till he chases me away. I'm in need of loving - okay? It's not everyday I realise I've been plotted against by my best friend. Today, I'm going to make an exception and allow my inner neediness to come alive. Just for today, tomorrow... you can imagine tomorrow I have to be fully armed for what's coming my way.

"Trent?" Hmm. So comfy, I shuffle around to find a more comfortable position.



"We're home." Huh? I got so nestled I fell asleep? Ground swallow me whole. How embarassing... I can't scarry away fast enough. I hope I didn't drool on his shirt. Argh, embarassment and I haven't conquered him yet. Seriously, Trent!

"Sorry." And I bolt. I'm brave - okay? but my bravery knows shame too. Where will I get the face to seduce him now?

I get into my room and immediately go for a long soothing bath. To analyse today's events...

If I'm right about Margaret then this isn't the end, the real target should be my father. It's a pity though, even if they threatened to throw me in the volcano, my father will never offer his services or cough up money. I doubt he'd agree no matter who he was threatened with. Margaret being my close friend would know this, if it's a conspiracy and one that's been planned for a long time, they wouldn't make such mistake. What changed?

I can't think of anything, I don't have enough to work with and that's the problem.

Humans are really extraordinary - to think Margaret was committed to her plans to such an extent... I get chills thinking about it. I hope I'm wrong, I really do but the chances of my hope prevailing are nothing to none.

When I step out of the bathroom, the door to my room is opened too. Fin stares at me dumbstruck and I stare at him regrettably. I should've been air-drying. What a waste of good opportunity... All he gets to see is my shoulders and legs, what good would those do... Shame, God gave me a chance and I wasted it.

"I, ah...I..." Or maybe not... He's stammering? Maybe my wet hair and skin has some appeal? Add more flavour - I bite my lip. His eyes trace me from head to toe... it's scorching hot. I'm blushing...I know I am, okay - maybe seducing Fin is a bad idea. His darkened eyes on me intently, my heart is about to jump out of my chest - I run into the bathroom.

How cowardly.

I can't face him anymore. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. That wasn't me, I repeat that wasn't me. How could I run like that?

I don't know how long I stay in the bathroom, when I come out - there's no sign of a certain predator. I dress in haste. Let's avoid that incident... I'm not ready - don't laugh at me - I'm a paper tiger. (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)

Doesn't this mean mission Seduce Fin will never succeed? I'm not at fault here, he's too intimidating - I don't want to be eaten...yet.

I'm hungry. Put everything on hold till I've eaten. {For food, for food.} (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)

I've had a bad day, let it slide - okay?

The dinning table is filled with food when I arrive but I don't see anyone, it's good this way; let him face the awkwardness. I'll only bury my face in food.

A file is place on the table with a thud while I'm stuffing myself, I raise my head and I'm met with a questioning-looking Fin. I'm sorry - I don't have awareness to not indulge. Sue me.

"What's this?" Doesn't matter, I've already abandoned the food for the file and...am I glad I did.

The file contains dockets, police reports on cases against Mark. Whether he's relationship with Margaret was off that nature or not, it doesn't matter... with this, they can't do anything to me.

My hands are barely holding the file, I can't contain the tremor in from my voice either,


"I told you to ask me if you needed help." Well, yeah but wasn't he just saying? I'm lost.

"Don't worry about anything, I've got you." I won't now, with this...I have nothing to worry about.

How to reward him?

I'm not an ungrateful person. Right now, I don't have anything of value I can give him...what to do? It's a struggle because I don't know him well enough and he has money...what to give?

My head is lifted up startling me. I come face to face with his handsomeness, the fingers on my chin keep drawing circles - so distracting,

"I won't take thank you alone." I wasn't going to give thank you alone...

"I'll cash in when I think you're ready." Oh?

He brings he's lips to my ear,

"And I think you'll be ready when we get back to Bronze." The breath tingles... I'm rigid and filled with regret.

SOS - I delivered myself to the hands of a white eyed wolf. What can I do to get myself out?

He returns to his seat as though nothing's out of the ordinary, stuffing himself with food. Unfair! Unfair! If I were standing, I'd have stumped my foot. Why does it seem Fin is doing the Seduce Trent and succeeding? I'm attuning to his presence...

I can't eat anymore. Humph. And I was enjoying dinner without qualms. He's so mean...

I'm leaving a triumph of steps as I walk away and his chuckle chases me away. Still lost in the end...

In my room, I go through the file thoroughly to understand what exactly I'm dealing with. Disgusting scum. I can't believe I got slapped and betrayed for someone wearing human skin but isn't human. Do they realise what they're rallying behind?

I can't get mad like I did in the afternoon - I can still feel Fin around me, he's keeping me anchored. It wouldn't matter even I tried getting myself worked up, all I can master is that it's a pity but would be really fun. I want to see what they have in store for me.

Fin gave me the remote to a nuclear bomb, if I let it go to waste; I'll be useless... I can't be useless in front of Fin.

"Check your email, I've sent you everything I want you to prepare."

"I quit. I don't work for you anymore. Please call someone else. I cherish my love very much. Thank you..." Seriously. What do I pay him for? And I called him with all enthusiasm I could master. Chris is such a disappointment...

"Did you get it or what?" Before I strangle him through the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."He isn't listening to me.

"Where did you get all of this from?"

"My husband did all the ground work. I don't know where it's from." I'm so smug, I can drop husband offhandedly - I'm so full of myself.

I can't contain myself...this kind of fantasizing needs to be shared before I drive myself insane with delusions. Husband... Yeah, I'm not saying it with a straight face; this... I'm not shameless enough to claim without laughing at myself. Husband...

"Oh, that's great then...wait, what? Husband, where did you get one from? He's real right?" It's a good thing he isn't in front of me, I would like to rearrange his face and brain - can I make something like husband up? Am I that kind of person?

I'm not listening to you. La la la. (⁠-⁠_⁠-)

"Prepare another story, I'll give you the go ahead after I see what they have to say." I have the sense to stop before I get carried away.

They should strike while the iron is still hot, make sure I don't get the chance to come at them. I will never encourage anyone to use me in a conspiracy. Doesn't Margaret know I'm really petty or did she think I'll think of past feelings and not hold a grudge?

Me - forgiving? She's wishing. I want to see how far they're going to take it.