

Percy has an aversion to joyful people (they're mostly foolish and the reason of chaos) .He prefers tranquil environments and heavily emphasizes on hard-work in his billion-dollar company, his personal life however is as lifeless as can be but is a mystery to many, nobody knows any aspect of his life for he is as unpredictable as Limuru weather can be. Percy's peace is however disturbed when he meets an annoyingly foolish girl , Drew, who changes his life forever.

cutecow_H3lg4 · Teen
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2 Chs



8:00 am , London, Kings Cross

In her company apartment Drew, also called Nancy (after the great detective Nancy Drew), walked in after her morning run panting like crazy, this was her first time in a long while to attempt exercising and she was simply not cut out for it, in elevated moods despite the heavy muscle cramps, she headed straight for the bathroom,she couldn't stop thinking about her new job. 

It was just a few months after her graduation, where she successfully attained her Masters degree in forensic science at a university in New York as a scholarship student and got her new job as part of the ABI (The Association of British Investigators) as a new employee and a representative of UKDA where she was also partially working and life could not get any better ,she was a Briton after all, but poverty had been tailing her family for ages and she was finally reaping off her hard work despite all the struggles. 

After preparing herself for God knows how long, Drew was rushing out her door, she was almost running late , and it was only the first day, all her efforts to build good work ethics during her internships would go down the drain. She stood out from the pedestrians in her beige formal suit and unkempt appearance trying to hail a cab but, what's this? Nobody was actually stopping for her , after almost half an hour Drew was actually late, tears of frustration welled up in her eyes, she tried to hold them back but she couldn't the tears started spilling, a drop after another, it was a pitiful sight who could be blamed for her unpreparedness except herself .

"Mother said never to give up I'll find a cab no matter what. I'll get to work even if the universe doesn't want me to" If nothing was going to fix her situation then words of affirmation would help her calm down her frustration. As she was muttering to herself she heard her phone ring very loudly might I add, her humiliation today was growing in leaps and bounds but when she saw the caller ID she thought she was going to die, It was her new boss Mr. Moss they had spoken before and he clearly didn't tolerate tardy employees, during her interview , a senior was late to the panel and he was suspended "oh, what should she do" 

"F*ck f*ck f*ck f********ck" if the tears weren't flowing before they were flowing now...


I was out for a smoke, after Shelby left me I had no option but to move back to my old place in King's cross across the church , this apartment was the only thing my damned parent's left for me,while Percy got every other thing , not that i wanted anything in the first place but could they not be biased even in their last moment or they could do as they wished, they shouldn't have shown me what it felt to be the second option,I preferred Camden where Shelby lived before she found out about my older brother

"Huuuu, I wish I was unalived before they even thought of making me, but if wishes were horses" ,with downcast eyes Daniel took a puff of his cigarette, as he exhaled Daniel caught a sight of a very funny looking woman , crazily waving at the taxis as if there was no tomorrow , "Is this a new way to spread the morning cheer" "seems like no one is getting humoured this morning, what a funny character" as thoughts played around in Daniel's mind he couldn't take his eyes off her and who could blame him , she was beautiful and exactly his type too bad he never got emotionally attached in his previous relationships he had an inferiority complex that women didn't dig into despite his handsome face and 'comes from money' aura , these things drew omen but he never let the women close enough because that's how his Percy's parents divorced in the first place and the reason why his parent's divorced too, it was a messed up triangle. One might say his dad , pappy , father, provider and sole builder of their family company was paranoid but one had to listen to his advice to know it didn't come without cause as he remained unmarried when his children were still young , Percy was nine and Daniel was just four.

After observing the amusing woman long enough Percy disposed his cigarette and approached the woman who appeared distressed now as she answered a phone call. 

Do you feel like unaliving sometimes like if there was a button for it you'd go for that but you can't bear the thought because life is too precious? :) i feel you . Don't give up

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