
My Darling (1)

Tael's PoV

I remember the first time we met was when you practiced singing loudly by the clear lake, almost scarring away all the birds surrounding it.

You wore a bright yellow dress with sunflowers and your sandals have long been abonded by the you standing in the lake.

As my little sister Stella approached you, the both of you started to scare away the birds together, as I just stood there, under the shade of a nearby tree, watching you play around.

It was then, as your mother came to take you home, you pleaded to her on wanting us to join you for dinner.

Back then it wasn't like that there was somebody waiting for us to come home that evening and we ended up taking up to that offer.

But we weren't really friends or even acquaintances, till the day my sister caught a cold and you coming over, as a useless child, to take care of her as a playmate.

While you weren't really useful, disturbing me as I cook and being rather noisy at that, your dedicated attention towards the health of my little sister moved me somewhat.

You couldn't wring the wet towels for her properly, soaking her pillow and almost even burned the water just by turning on the stove, althougth now when I think of it, it was rather irresponsible of me letting you do anything at all as you were still much younger and useless back then.

Only after that we have grown closer and became somewhat kind of friends, which I have denied till the start of our relationsship...

It was the year after that incident, while you started to avoid me, seemingly lost in thought's and blushing all the time when I approached you, as my sister suddenly told me that you plan on leaving Terra to fulfill your dream of becoming an Galaxy Idol.

I can't say that I wasn't a little hurt about it, after all the space is endless and Terra does act like a cage on our dreams. But you didn't told it to me yourself and I wouldn't have known it, if it wasn't for my sister being your best friend.

As I finally confronted you about avoiding me and not even telling me about your coming departure of this planet, did you broke down and confessed to me about your love for me.

To tell the truth I was pretty shocked and in disbelief, since I'm not the nicest person to you or anyone besides my little sister.

I stood there spechless, while you looked up to me with your dazzling eyes and a small smile, instead of the big, bright one I am accustomed to. I can barely remember on how my chest started to hurt and how I suddenly, I couldn't control myself then, tightly hugged you.

Now I start to question myself, when did I fall in love with you, Alicia?

Maybe the attraction of me towards you started when you took care of my little sister or as you are obnoxiously happy all the time around me, even when I ignored you.

It even could have started in our first encounter with your open smile and beautiful voice.

But as I took notice of my feelings for you, your departure came closer and I wasn't that selfish on letting you giving up your dream, since I too will leave this planet soon to become part of the military.

I never told you how special my situation was on Terra, without parents and a little sister left behind to take care of, while wanting to take back what was once ours.

Even now as you are sleeping heavily in my arms, probably because of my actions during the previous night, do you not know the true me, the one I shall never show you, even thought you would love me just the same.

I laugh lightly as I hear you mumble about food in your dream and slowly stroke your head while bringing strands of your hair behind your ear.

Kissing you secretly as you continue to sleep will also be something you never get to know, my beloved darling and treasure, Alicia.