
Idol System Project in Martial World

Idol System Project in Martial World immerses readers in the remarkable journey of Calvin Chua, also known as "Avin," a Filipino-Chinese K-pop idol thrust into an unimaginable adventure. Following a plane crash during his return from an international concert tour, Avin awakens in a strange cabin, unscathed but transported to a martial world. In this enigmatic realm, Avin encounters the "Survival Idol System in Martial World," an AI entity tasking him with a groundbreaking mission: introducing idol culture to the martial universe. Equipped with his dance skills and charismatic persona, Avin must navigate the challenges of this unforgiving world, blending his artistry with newfound martial prowess to pioneer the fusion of two disparate cultures. As Avin grapples with the perils of this new reality, he reflects on his past—a journey defined by sacrifice, determination, and the unwavering support of his family. Despite the physical distance, Avin's bond with his parents serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, propelling him forward in the face of adversity.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: Tang Xing's Martial League

As Avin and Henrich passed through the gates of Tang Xing City, they couldn't help but be struck by the city's vibrant atmosphere and crowded streets. Compared to Liang, Tang Xing City seemed to pulse with even more energy and life.

The streets teemed with people of all shapes and sizes, reminiscent of the diverse crowds they had encountered in Itaewon, Seoul's International District. Foreign-looking individuals mingled with locals, creating a melting pot of cultures and languages that added to the city's allure.

Tang Xing City was not only a hub of commerce and finance but also a center of martial arts excellence. Each year, the city played host to the prestigious martial arts tournament, organized by the "Big Seven" – seven influential families known collectively as the Martial League.

As Avin and Henrich made their way through the bustling streets, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building within them. They knew that their journey in Tang Xing City would be filled with challenges and opportunities, and they were eager to dive headfirst into the vibrant tapestry of life in this bustling metropolis.

Avin and Henrich found themselves needing to adopt new personas for their endeavors in Tang Xing City. Avin took on the identity of Liang Tian, while Henrich assumed the guise of Yang Muchen.

"Dude, just call me Liang Tian. That's who I am in this world now," Avin said, emphasizing his new identity.

"Got it. Then, you can call me Yang Muchen," Henrich replied, explaining the origins of his chosen persona as the third young master of the Yang Clan.

Henrich, now adopting the identity of Yang Muchen, embodied the role of the third young master of the esteemed Yang Family. Renowned as a martial family of healers, the Yang Clan boasted a lineage filled with legendary doctors and healers, and Yang Muchen was no exception. As one of the heirs to this prestigious clan, Muchen was expected to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and uphold the family's legacy of healing.

However, fate took an unexpected turn when Muchen mysteriously vanished without a trace. For years, his disappearance remained a baffling mystery, leaving the Yang Family in turmoil and searching desperately for their lost son.

It wasn't until the intervention of the system that Henrich, embodying the persona of Yang Muchen, was summoned into this world. Guided by the system's explanation, Henrich now found himself assuming the role of the missing third young master, tasked with navigating the complexities of Tang Xing City and fulfilling the duties that came with his newfound identity.

Avin and Henrich wasted no time in heading to the auction house, eager to test the market for their high-grade Solar Soul Grass Pills. With the potential dangers of their newfound expertise becoming public knowledge, they wisely chose to keep their identities hidden, opting for anonymity as they listed their product for sale.

"Man, I hope this works," he muttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Henrich nodded in agreement, adjusting the collar of his cloak to better conceal his features.

"It's a risk, for sure. But if we can sell even a few of these pills, it'll be worth it," he replied, his tone determined.

As they entered the auction house, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Avin glanced around nervously, taking note of the various buyers and sellers bustling about.

"Alright, let's do this," he said, steeling himself for the task ahead.

Henrich offered him a reassuring smile. "We've got this, mate. Just stick to the plan," he said, his voice calm and steady.

With renewed resolve, Avin and Henrich approached the auctioneer's stand, ready to test the waters and see if their high-grade Solar Soul Grass Pills would garner any interest.

As the auction house appraiser examined the strange pills Avin and Henrich had brought in, his interest seemed to pique.

"These pills are quite remarkable," he remarked, turning them over in his hands.

"What exactly are they intended for?"

Avin and Henrich exchanged a quick glance before responding in unison, "They're for bidding. We're here to sell them at auction."

The appraiser nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "Ah, I see. Well, if the quality is as high as it appears, there's no doubt they'll fetch a handsome price," he commented, eyeing the pills with a keen gaze.

"We'll make sure they receive the attention they deserve."

With that assurance, Avin and Henrich felt a surge of hope. Perhaps their risky venture into the world of auctioneering would prove to be successful after all.

After carefully posting their pills for bidding, the duo retreated to their respective rental rooms to prepare for the tasks that lay ahead. They understood the importance of efficiency in completing their missions, knowing that swift action could potentially yield additional rewards, such as spins on the roulette wheel offered by the system.


Avin rose with the dawn, his morning routine already well-ingrained. As he began his day, he dutifully consumed his daily dose of Solar Soul Grass Pills, feeling their familiar effects coursing through him, bolstering his cultivation. With each pill, he felt a sense of clarity and purity settle over his spiritual roots, a sensation that brought him a step closer to his goals. The system duly rewarded him with an additional 125 exp for his dedication.

Though tempted to focus solely on leveling up, Avin heeded the system's advice to prioritize building a strong foundation. With patience and persistence, he knew he would ascend to greater heights in due time.

After completing his meditation, Avin readied himself for the day ahead. Today was no ordinary day—it was the day of the martial tournament, an event that promised both challenge and opportunity. With a determined stride, Avin set off for the tournament grounds, ready to face whatever trials awaited him there.

As Avin arrived at the venue, he was met with a bustling crowd of martial cultivators, each radiating an aura of strength and determination. The sight brought back memories of his days as an idol trainee, where every moment was a test of perseverance and resilience.

The journey to becoming an idol was far from easy, filled with grueling training sessions and intense competition. Yet, the allure of fame and recognition spurred Avin on, driving him to give his all in pursuit of his dreams. When his company was invited to participate in a reality competition show for aspiring boygroup trainees, Avin jumped at the chance, pouring his heart and soul into the audition process.

Now, surrounded by strangers who exuded power and skill, Avin couldn't help but feel a familiar sense of anticipation and excitement. Just as he had faced the challenges of the entertainment industry with determination, he was ready to confront whatever trials awaited him in the world of martial cultivation. With a deep breath, Avin stepped forward, ready to prove himself once again.