
Idol Brother System

Yuseong a 18 year old failed idol was stabbed by his Hyung Hwangje. "What the-" Yuseong said supprised by a floating transparent window in front of him. "Good morning Yuseong" Hwangje said gently while smiling "Go away m*rderer" Yuseong quickly replied to Hwangje dismay "So you remembered, goddamnit i thought you are not going to remembered what happened" [The Celestial succeeded to sent the host and the host brother back to their first day as a trainee]. They then look at each other and back to the system "Did we get sent back to the past together?" they both ask at the same time. - Follow their journey together as they both enter and exit a few different world Note : There will be two ML here and im a new author Neutralix pleased to meet you, welcome to my very first novel. Note 2 : I will remake the chapter's after this novel ended so please be patient Warning: Slight Gore, Swearing, S*icide mentioned (if your sensitive to this kind of topic then i kindly advice you to leave, i have no intention to make anyone to feel disturb)

Neutralix · Fantasy
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7 Chs

6 World Of Atos

"...Deity of Life sent me" after an awkward silence settle suddenly Sher voice can be heard, Sher is a impatient one even though people admired him as the most patient of all the archangel but it's not fully true, he is patient to some degree but he has human emotion too

"My, it's very rare of them to inquire help from other, i wonder how they've been" Niftyrll said without missing a single beat

"They've been okay so far-" Sher was going to say that his master was fine, Sher was a archangel with a bunch of master but his original master is the Deity of Life

"What happened!?" a firm voice can be heard and it was Niftyrll, Deity of Life is their friend but human's think that they are sibling so they play the act feeding from that very myth

"Don't worry they are not in danger" Sher was nervous about saying anything about this matter and suddenly...

"Liar!" a young man voice can be heard shouting 'Liar' though it was uncertain who or even what it belong to

"Who dare try to interupt-" Sher was angry by the interuption which showed that he is nervous

"I, Kuro dare" Kuro finally revealed himself bravely and proudly and jump off Yuseong shoulder bag, Yuseong was shocked even Hwangje didn't expect this

"Say, little cat why did you think so?" Niftyrll intrigued, ask Kuro why he think so Kuro then become silence before murmuring so just only Niftyrll can heard him

"I have the ability to sense bad luck and this news, that man was going to reveal is what you should not be hearing" 'that man' Kuro referring is Sher the 'archangel', Yuseong unintentionally heard this conversation but because of him going to acting class he can easily hide it

"I know what your going to say little cat, so please try to hide it" Niftyrll whispered back as it seem they knew what the kitten wanted to say and the Kuro nod in response, Yuseong heard all of it, even though he didn't read a lot of novel, manhwa, or manhua like his brother he could predict the direction this conversation is going because he watch a lot of movie's about betrayal

"Sher say what you want to say now" Niftyrll with the look of expecting something as betrayal was supprise to hear what happened and even more so after what Sher said then after

"Deity of Life decided to hand the role of 'Deity' to their desciple" Sher said while trying his best to avoid eye contact and Yuseong was left speechless by this, then....

"The new Deity of Life then now cast me as an angel and

it caused a lot of history in Atos to change" Niftyrll knew what this meant, Sher was asking them to be his one and only master

"WhØ Īs iŤ?" with an angry voice Niftyrll asked then what initially they think was not possibly true actually came true

"It was Renri" Renri is supposedly Deity of Life 'best' student while the truth is far from that


"FOR GOD SAKE!" Niftyrll angry at what he was hearing, Sher could not do anything to stop this he knew how naive his former master is but he expected much better from them

"Haah, it seem like we need to be prepared"

"What about us?" Niftyrll was sighing at their brother foolish decision just when Hwangje and Yuseong interupted

"Right...i forgot about you guy's" Niftyrll said as they realized what actually is important now

"I can't leave both of you here aren't you? so Sher can you take them to Atos?" Sher nodded, this mean he is accepted by Niftyrll even though he does not say it


Sher then teleport the five of them to Atos, supprisingly Atos is not that different from earth the only exception is the world layout and name of the capital 'Seoul' now is 'Ambroshia'

Sher also take form of a handsome korea-american with brown hair and a deep saphire blue eye's

"And if your asking if 1 minute's here is a year on earth then no it's quite the opposite" Sher was saying this as he knew what the brother would ask him

Yuseong look around and he see many people having some sort of human or hybrid to be exact following them

"Well then owner shall we?" a voice of a young man then can be heard

Hwangje and Yuseong flip their head toward the sound and to their supprise a white hair boy with a yellow eye's who seem to be 17 was flying of the ground, beside him there is a black haired boy with cat ear's and tail with blue eye's who seem to be the same age as Yuseong then has a hand on his hip

"What is-" the white haired boy was slowly descending to the ground before the black haired boy finally said

"Let's not take too long or the audition might end" the boy said as he was getting bored, truly an impatient one

"Then, Sher?" no one, like no one reacted to Sher name and he flinched because throughout his life or after he was created from light everyone would swarmed around him, Sher was feeling that he do not belong in this world or that is the exagerated summary


"Is this really SKY entertainment Hayan-nim?"

Yuseong look at the white haired boy, now if you wan't to know what happened let's go back 5 hour ago

¦5 hour ago¦

"Can you call us anything other than Kuro or Cloudy?" the black and white haired boy ask

"Then what should we call you?" Hwangje ask because they themself name both the black and white haired boy

"Just call me Sae Hayan" the white haired boy then said as the black haired boy then started to speak

"Park Jaesang" the black haired boy said in a bored tone


"Yes, this is SKY entertainment" Hayan said as they walk to the receptionist

"Are you here for the audition?" the receptionist ask

"Yes, indeed" Jaesang said in a confident tone

"Then, follow me this way" the receptionist said whitout wasting too much time

they walk for 2 hour when they stopped at a room seemingly a waiting room, the five of them are in awe because they never seen a waiting room this grand, it was reasonable for Hayan, Jaesang and Sher now called Lee Woojin to be in awe, they never tried anything like this but Hwangje and Yuseong were in awe not because it's their first time but how much effort SKY Entertainment put

Sniff Sniff Sniff

all of them could see a participant running away while crying and this make all of them nervous, they thought atleast the judge will be more loose but it seem like the judge will be more strict than any other judge well Hwangje and Yuseong met before the regression

"Participant Yuseong Taeyang, please come in" a staff then said motioned them to come inside just before the receptionist said...

"All five of you are lucky because we had five empty space left for the audition" the receptionist soon left the room

"Hello there, can you please introduce yourself?" the judge is the kind of judge to point out mistake left and right

and Yuseong knew this type of people much better than anyone because he himself befriended people like this for example he and his hyung dance coach

"Hello, my name is Yuseong Taeyang and im 16 year old" the judge look shock because a 16 year old wanted to audition for their company just then a judge then said

"What are your specialty?" the judge ask as they were curious about Yuseong specialty and the judge wanted to pry Yuseong secret open

"My specialty is singing" a specialty is basically an active skill but Yuseong didn't know what it meant so he just sing a ballad because his special passive ability now raise his singing by 0.5 for every second

[Name : Yuseong Taeyang]

[Age : 16]

[Level : 20 (45/1000) exp]

[Apearence : Have a handsome yet innocent face complimented by a black colored hair and striking hazel gold eye's]

»Singing : 6.3

»Dancing : 7.1

»Acting : 5.9

»Rapping : 13.6

»Charisma : 7.6

»Producing : 8.1

[Special passive ability: Angelic voice]

[Effect : Everytime the host sing a ballad or a melancholic song, singing stat is raised by 0.5 for every second]

[Active Skill]

[Eye's on me lv 1]

[Everyone is enchanted by the host even the people on the other side of the wall is not safe]

[Charisma raised by 0.2 for 5 minute's]

[Singing and Dancing raised by 0.3 for 5 minute's]

[Activation Word's : Light's on me!]

it was now September 17th in both of the world and Yuseong was nervous because if he make any mistake even small one the judge will surely criticize him and eliminate him on the spot

'I will be your light'

'I will surely get you out'

'Of that dark place...'

'I will be your guiding light'

'I will destroy all the monster

if i had to'

'Don't let go of my hand'

'And if your scared just shout my name'

'I will be there for you'

'No matter where you are'

Yuseong sing for 1 hour and then he said the final lyrics

"I will light the path..." Yuseong, scared he might show some mistake decided to shut his mouth after finishing the song

"My, i never seen a participant make less mistake before"

"It's been so long since i heard a ballad, is this an original song?" one of the judge complimented Yuseong while the other was asking Yuseong about the song

"It is, im glad all of you like it" Yuseong already ask Wangja about the song 2 hour ago and he said that the song exist 4 year later in Atos, so this mean only he and his hyung know this song

"I see, then you could move on but this does not mean that you could rank 1st" Yuseong then walk out of the room and open a door in the right and was astonished, infront of him he could see a many human with animal characteristic even mythical creature characteristic
