
IDEMILI (the water goddess)

After the Great War in heaven, heaven was destabilized so the gods came to live on earth. The heavenly race was divided into two, the gods and the abominations. The heavenly war had ended, but the feud between gods and abominations seemed eternal. After coming to earth, The abominations created a god-hunting organization called against gods. Abominations were servants who had rebelled against gods. Idemili was a young goddess whose parents were murdered by abominations when she was two years old. Idemili was raised by a servant whom she called mother, the servant was in real sense, her guardian angel. Idemili grew like every other young girl, until against gods came back to finish what they started 17 years ago. Idemili uncovers secrets about abominations as she grows stronger and battles for her race and the life and freedom of all humans.

Krystal_george · Fantasy
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33 Chs

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Idemili suddenly remembered seeing a dagger hanging from the abominations waist, the abominations that infiltrated her home that night had come with a dagger. It was possibly this same three that attacked her home. and here she was, facing them again.

The memory must have been too traumatizing for a two year old so my brain automatically shut the memory off. Idemili thought to herself. or was it mmachi that erased the memory of that night, seventeen years ago and it's preceding days?

The abominations were just too secretive. Idemili wondered how many more things they had yet to uncover about abominations. Could the abominations be affiliated with the catastrophe? Maybe he was some sort of existence that helped the abominations to fight in the war against gods? And he had come for his pound of flesh? What if this was the reason abominations refused to relay his return to the gods?

Somehow, Idemili knew her analysis was wrong. As a literature student, Idemili knew when something was missing in a story or when something was wrong with an analogy.

The tale of the catastrophe was too complicated for her to figure out so easily, not to talk of figuring it out in a place like this and under such a short amount of time, while under such a crazy amount of pressure from this elite assassins.

gods were stronger than abominations, Quite alright. But that might not be the case with elite assassin abominations. They were in no way inferior to gods, they defied all of the limitations presented to normal abominations. Their only downside was their numbers. They were very small in quantity, this was because of the type of training and the number of years that an abomination needed to train for to achieve this rank.

Yemoja quickly spoke as the team slowly closed the distance. We might not have much of a chance if we take on each of them individually, let's fight as a team. Even though they are obviously leagues above us fighting as a team because they are assassins, we still have a better chance fighting as a team than fighting them individually. After all we have special powers that they don't possess.

Idemili and ogun reasoned yemoja's idea. It was the only plausible thing that they could do right now. They certainly couldn't go back right now, else their mission would be a total failure.Alright then, let's go! Idemili said as they attacked.

Yemoja struck the the three assassins who stood together with lightning. Idemili followed up with a water ball. Ogun sent iron spears flying their way.

The three assassins broke up their up their alignment and jumped towards different directions.

In the twinkle of an eye, two assassins had circled Idemili and yemoja while the remaining one jumped forward towards ogun. Their speed was astonishing.

Ogun feared the distance at which the assassin jumped from. Targeting him from such a distance…ogun really didn't know what the assassin was planning.

The assassin still in the air, swung his arms backwards, dagger in hand.

If he released a sword strike with that amount of charged up energy, and it touched ogun, it was sure to cripple him for life.

Ogun created a metal shield that had spikes on it. The shield shot metal spikes at the air-borne assassin.

The elite abomination, still in mid air. With one hand swung backwards, possessing a dagger. He dodged the spikes while stepping on energy stones and still flying towards ogun. His energy control was magnificent.

The Assassin kicked the last two spikes away, and the two spikes both fell towards his two companions. one spike falling to the left and the other to the right.

The assassin who was still in mid air was still reasonably far from ogun and the shield created by ogun.

Surprisingly, he still released his hands as he now swung it forward towards ogun.

The sword didn't leave his hand. Instead, it was a very powerful shockwave that erupted from the sword-swing.

The shockwave landed directly on ogun's spiky metal shield.

The shield vibrated violently. And in the next second it had shattered into tiny metallic, crystalline fragments.

The elite ranked engaging yemoja caught the spike that was sent flying towards him by his comrade.

He performed a super-fast spin and flung the spike towards yemoja from a trajectory that aimed at yemoja's neck. The strike was very difficult to dodge but yemoja was already prepared for such an attack. Anything less, and she was going to be disappointed by the assassin rank. The assassin was very fast. But yemoja was affiliated with lightning, the fastest thing ever.

Yemoja ducked and the spike tore through the air above her head.