
IDEMILI (the water goddess)

After the Great War in heaven, heaven was destabilized so the gods came to live on earth. The heavenly race was divided into two, the gods and the abominations. The heavenly war had ended, but the feud between gods and abominations seemed eternal. After coming to earth, The abominations created a god-hunting organization called against gods. Abominations were servants who had rebelled against gods. Idemili was a young goddess whose parents were murdered by abominations when she was two years old. Idemili was raised by a servant whom she called mother, the servant was in real sense, her guardian angel. Idemili grew like every other young girl, until against gods came back to finish what they started 17 years ago. Idemili uncovers secrets about abominations as she grows stronger and battles for her race and the life and freedom of all humans.

Krystal_george · Fantasy
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33 Chs


The elite assassin wasn't done yet. He released his grip on the metal spike as he threw it up lightly.

The elite assassin swung his other hand containing the dagger downwards, towards yemoja's head.

Yemoja tilted her head to the side to avoid the sword strike. She stood up as she stretched her hands towards the incoming dagger.

As yemoja's hand was about to make contact with the dagger, She shifted her hand In way that made it glide across the blade. Gliding accross the sides of the blade that wasn't sharp.

The elite suddenly tightened his grip on the metal spike that was falling beside him.

He stabbed the blade downwards towards yemoja's shoulder.

Yemoja was already out of space and balance for movement. Anymore uncanny movement and she was certainly going to fall. And falling now was never a good option.

Yemoja had no choice but to embrace the attack with gusto.

The elite assassin had a malicious glint in his eyes as he gripped tighter on the dagger. The energy around the dagger became heavier and the dagger moved much faster.

The dagger struck yemoja's shoulder with triple it's original force. Yemoja felt immense pain exploring the corners of her body, from her shoulder right to her ribs.

The blood around the vicinity of yemoja's shoulder was instantly blown away by the energy that pervaded her body and she lost the feeling in her shoulder immediately. Yemoja was feeling terrible pain but...she wasn't going to show despair in front of this ugly abomination.

Yemoja gritted her teeth as she sent lightning shooting up from the dagger towards the elite assassin abomination.

The assassin let go of the dagger as he pulled the metal spike out of yemoja's shoulder.

Once again, yemoja felt nerve-wrecking pain permeated her body. But she immediately felt blood rush back to her shoulder and she was able to move it again. The blood that was gushing out of her shoulder was still a problem though.

The assassin kicked the side of her face as he threw his hands up to avoid the lightning strike.

Yemoja put her hand across her face to block the leg strike. She successfully dispersed the damage but she was still sent flipping over to the side.

Despite being out of balance Yemoja still managed to send a streak of lightning flying towards the elite.

The elite had surprisingly fast reflexes as he managed to dodge the streak of lightning.

Yemoja generated another lightning as she fell. She swung the lightning around towards the abomination and fell.

The assassin's super fast reflexes still saved him. Even though the last thing he expected was that the beaten-up yemoja would turn around to deal a final blow. The elite assassin jumped back to avoid the attack.

Surprisingly yemoja smiled as blood traveled down her lips. I've got you exactly where I need you!

As she finished speaking, lightning suddenly appeared above the assassin. It showered on him thunderously like rain. It came with a deadly power that yemoja had never exercised before.

Yemoja got up slowly. On a closer look yemoja noticed that the lighting was not in anyway touching the assassin. There seemed to be a very high dense energy moving around the assassin.

Yemoja was shocked. Maintaining that high level of energy density….such powerful energy manipulation….. yemoja muttered absent-mindedly under her breath.

A sudden realization hit yemoja. This guys are way above general rank!

As this realization dawned on yemoja, something very shocking happened.

The elite assassin who protected himself with energy under the lightning rain suddenly disappeared.

Yemoja couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the lightning surge to the floor with a loud bang. These guys also had energy manipulation? Yemoja had already come to the conclusion that these assassins could handle a general rank, seeing them also use energy manipulation was way above her expectations. these assassins were already overpowered, she thought the wouldn't be able to use things like energy manipulation. But on deeper thought, she realized that that a very wrong assumption, an assassin needed silent steps or an ability that allowed them to teleport. So energy teleporting was probably the first thing these assassins learnt.

As she was still deliberating, A wispy voice blew softly on yemoja's ear. It said: you've tried your best against me. As a reward, before I kill you you will be granted the opportunity to know my name. My name is Ikuku. As a bonus reward, you will also be opportuned to know the names of my comrades. The name of my comrade beating up the blue hair is Mmuo while the name of my comrade facing your male companion is Oku.

Yemoja stayed frozen in place as the voice ended it's talk.

Ikuku slid a dagger over yemoja's throat. The coldness of the dagger sent even colder chills down her spine.