

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Support Pokémon

Short idea.

A system where you summon Pokémon for your store, your shop is an support animal shop, they can rent or after some training buy your Pokémon.

It would be cool if kid Naruto was sad and lonely, then suddenly he sees a new store, he goes in then after hearing what the store does rents a cute eevee to spend the day with him, think of how adorable that would be.

You could make it one of those dimensional stores to have fun interaction's, kid luffy after sabo 'died' finds the store and leaves with the fire monkey Pokémon(I have forgotten the name) to have fun running around for the day haha.

As always have fun with it.