

Just idea’s and thoughts for story’s. Hope they can inspire some authors.

Bardok32123 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

My hero dc

Short idea.

Someone wakes up in the dc universe with a hero training system, there are several options given to the mc to choose from.

1. The master path: this path allows you to find and train apprentices, while also giving you strength. This is the path with the most freedom, you can travel anywhere and do whatever you'd like, as long as you are training even one apprentice in something that will help them be heroic.

2. The hidden path: this path gives you a hidden dojo(you can choose where, for example on a mountain with a small fish pond, also the shape and design such as the jade palace from kung fu panda), protected by magic, that has all you need to train martial hero's.

You will also gain all of master splinters and master oogways experience in teaching and martial arts. This path allows you to create a loyal and strong but small hero group, you will be limited however to the area around the dojo.

3. The school path: this path will insert a school for heroes into the world for you to train people at, in can copy the U.A. campus or whatever you can think of(even Hogwarts if you really want), this school will be already accepted by the local government and they will be guaranteed not to do anything for the first five years.

Hopefully by then you will have the first 2 generations of graduates out and doing good so many will back off. (It's a lot like my hero academia in function) To help in this path you will be given Nezu's intelligence and experience in running a school and dealing with politics.

The systems way of getting points will be up to you to figure out, and what rewards will be given whether it's for teaching or for yourself. With the dojo and school you could ask for fees for the training with which you can upgrade the facilities, either the buildings themselves or even hiring hero's from other dimensions to teach.

You could in the case of the school be able to hire DC hero's to teach if you can convince them, maybe even some villians if you feel it's worth the trouble, or want some sort of romance with a villainess(I don't judge lol)

It was supposed to be a short idea but I got inspired and the words just kept coming hahaha, as always have fun with the idea and make it yours haha.