
Ice scorpion

Luke, a high school student in his final semester, had always dreamed of becoming a pilot. However, fate had other plans for him. After a tragic incident, Luke discovered a hidden truth about himself - he was a werewolf. As he delved deeper into the supernatural realm, he found himself facing a new challenge: protecting his family from the Ice Scorpions, a group of ruthless hunters who targeted supernatural beings. With each passing day, Luke's journey became more intense and thrilling. He navigated the complexities of his newfound identity, honing his werewolf abilities while struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy in his everyday life. The weight of protecting his loved ones rested heavily on his shoulders, driving him to push his limits and confront the dangers lurking in the shadows. As Luke's story unfolds, he must navigate the treacherous path of the supernatural world, forging alliances, facing enemies, and uncovering the truth behind his family's connection to the Ice Scorpions. Will he be able to protect his family and come to terms with his own destiny? Only time will tell. Schedule :- 4 chapters/week (unless am ill or stuff happens Chapter length :- 600- 1,100 words

John_145 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Supernatural Academy

The days went by as Luke had graduated from high school. 

Luke and his friends, Anthony and Jasmine, strolled down the road, a sense of accomplishment filled the air. The weight of high school was finally lifted off their shoulders, and they couldn't help but reflect on the bittersweet memories they had made.

"Can't believe we're finally done with high school," Luke exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nostalgia.

"Yeah, it was good while it lasted," Anthony chimed in, his tone carrying a hint of wistfulness.

Jasmine nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with a sense of pride. "Definitely," she added softly.

Just as they were reveling in the moment, Luke's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. It was his dad, Kelvin. Luke answered, his voice filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"Hello, Dad," Luke greeted warmly.

"Hi, son. Where are you?" Kelvin's voice resonated through the phone.

"We're with Jasmine and Anthony, on our way to the mall to grab some stuff," Luke replied, his excitement palpable.

Kelvin paused for a moment before speaking again. "Oh, cool. I actually wanted to tell you something important. Since I'm on my way home, how about I pick you and your friends up and drop them off? It's getting late."

Luke's face lit up with a smile. "That sounds great, Dad! We'll be expecting you at the mall then."

"Alright, son," Kelvin responded, ending the call.

As Luke, Anthony, and Jasmine made their way into the bustling mall, the air was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Luke's eyes were immediately drawn to a display of headphones, their sleek design and promise of high-quality sound calling out to him.

"I believe I have found my match," Luke declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm as he pointed towards the headphones that had caught his attention.

Anthony, however, had his gaze fixed on a different prize. His eyes widened with awe as he beheld the latest PS3, its cutting-edge technology and immersive gaming experience captivating his imagination.

Jasmine, ever the practical one, interjected with a question, seeking to understand their purpose in the mall. "So, my friends, what brings you here today? What are you hoping to acquire?"

Luke wasted no time in responding, his desire for new headphones evident. "I am in dire need of a new pair of headphones. My old ones have met their unfortunate demise."

Curiosity piqued, Luke turned to Anthony, his voice filled with anticipation. "And what about you, my Anthony? Are you considering acquiring the illustrious PS3?"

Anthony shook his head, a tinge of regret coloring his words. "Alas, my recent expenditure was directed towards a pair of stylish shoes. The PS3 will have to wait for another day."

Understanding his friend's predicament, Luke flashed a sympathetic smile. With a sense of satisfaction, he carefully picked up the headphones that had captivated his heart and made his way to the cashback counter. Handing over the money to the woman behind the counter, he eagerly anticipated the moment he could immerse himself in the world of music with his new acquisition

As they stepped outside, the sound of a car horn caught their attention. It was Kelvin, Luke's dad, trying to get their attention from his car.

"Oh, my dad is here," Luke exclaimed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Let's go, I'm sure he can drop you both home."

Luke and his friends hopped into Kelvin's car, greeted by the familiar voice of Luke's dad. "Hi dad," Luke greeted warmly.

"Hey son, what did you go and get at the mall?" Kelvin asked, his curiosity evident.

"Just this brand new headphone," Luke replied proudly, showing off his recent purchase.

"Cool, and what about your friends?" Kelvin inquired as he started the car engine and began driving.

Luke glanced at his friends in the rearview mirror, then turned back to his dad. "Well, nothing really. They just escorted me on the way."

"Oh, alright," Kelvin acknowledged, focusing on the road ahead. Luke seized the opportunity to ask his dad about the reason for their conversation.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about, dad?" Luke asked, his curiosity piqued.

Kelvin paused for a moment, looking at Jasmine and Anthony, before deciding to reveal the truth. "Well, I guess they already know about our true identity, so no need to beat around the bush. Son, you're getting admitted to the supernatural academy tomorrow."

"Admitted?" Luke asked, a mix of surprise and intrigue in his voice.

"Yeah," Kelvin confirmed. "You're getting admitted to the supernatural academy, where you'll learn more about your werewolf heritage and make new friends."

Luke's excitement grew. "Oh, nice! I can't believe this is all happening. It feels like it was just yesterday when I had no idea about the hidden world of supernatural beings."

Kelvin nodded, a sense of nostalgia in his voice. "Yeah, it does feel sudden. But tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter for you, where you'll delve deeper into the supernatural realm and connect with others like you."

"Exactly, dad. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm eager to meet other people who share my experiences," Luke expressed, anticipation evident in his voice.

Kelvin smiled, proud of his son's enthusiasm. "Yeah, son. It's going to be an exciting journey for you, learning more about the werewolf world and forging new friendships along the way.".

"gonna miss you Luke" jasmine and Anthony said 

"Yeah, gonna miss you too, Jasmine and Anthony!" Luke said with a hint of nostalgia. "But hey, don't worry, I'll definitely keep you both updated about everything that happens at the supernatural academy. It's gonna be a whole new world!"

As they arrived at the drop-off point, jasmine and Anthony thanked Kelvin for the ride. "Thanks, Mr. Silvermane," Anthony said, Luke waving goodbye to Jasmine and Anthony . "I'll make sure to stay in touch with you guys through our mobiles. It's gonna be an exciting adventure!"

The next day, as Luke woke up with excitement, his mom Jessica helped him pack his things. "Gonna miss you, dear," Jessica said, giving Luke a warm hug.

"I'll miss you too, Mom," Luke replied, feeling a mix of emotions. As Kelvin's car honked outside, Luke gathered his luggage, ready to embark on this extraordinary journey. As Luke stepped out of the house, he caught sight of his sister Sandra, who greeted him with a warm hug. "Gonna miss you big bro," Sandra said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Luke returned the hug, a smile on his face. "Miss you too, sis. And remember, no mischief from you while I'm gone," he playfully reminded her.

Sandra smiled and nodded in agreement, promising to behave herself. 

With the farewell exchanged, Luke got into the car, ready for the next chapter of his journey. His father Kelvin spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, I guess it's time, son."

Luke replied, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice, "Yeah, dad."

Kelvin started the car and they began their drive. The journey seemed long, but eventually, they arrived at a forest. Kelvin announced, "We're here, son."

Luke, a bit confused, asked, "Hm, what?"

Kelvin explained, "Yeah, we walk from here."

Luke nodded in understanding, preparing himself for the walk ahead. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the darkness started to envelop them. Luke couldn't help but express his concern, "Dad, it's really getting dark. How much further is the place?"

Kelvin reassured him, "Soon, my son. We're almost there."

Finally, they reached a cliff. Luke observed, "Dad, this is a dead end."

Kelvin smiled mysteriously and said, "Let's go."

Luke, puzzled, asked, "Where?"

Kelvin simply replied, "Just do what I do." He confidently walked towards the cliff wall and disappeared through it.

"Dad! Dad!" Luke called out, worried.

Kelvin's voice came from the other side, "I'm fine, son."

Luke couldn't believe his eyes. "Did you just go through the wall?"

Kelvin explained, "The wall isn't real, Luke. It's just an illusion. Now, come on, just do as I did."

A mix of fear and disbelief, Luke cautiously stepped through the wall, amazed to find himself unharmed. "Woah, damn, this is cool, Dad!" he exclaimed, marveling at the magical experience.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Luke asked, "Where are we now, Dad?"

Kelvin's voice filled with pride as he replied, "We have arrived, son. This is the supernatural school."

"Wow" Luke marvelled 

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