
Ice scorpion

Luke, a high school student in his final semester, had always dreamed of becoming a pilot. However, fate had other plans for him. After a tragic incident, Luke discovered a hidden truth about himself - he was a werewolf. As he delved deeper into the supernatural realm, he found himself facing a new challenge: protecting his family from the Ice Scorpions, a group of ruthless hunters who targeted supernatural beings. With each passing day, Luke's journey became more intense and thrilling. He navigated the complexities of his newfound identity, honing his werewolf abilities while struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy in his everyday life. The weight of protecting his loved ones rested heavily on his shoulders, driving him to push his limits and confront the dangers lurking in the shadows. As Luke's story unfolds, he must navigate the treacherous path of the supernatural world, forging alliances, facing enemies, and uncovering the truth behind his family's connection to the Ice Scorpions. Will he be able to protect his family and come to terms with his own destiny? Only time will tell. Schedule :- 4 chapters/week (unless am ill or stuff happens Chapter length :- 600- 1,100 words

John_145 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A visit

As Luke arrived home, he found his sister Sandra engrossed in the TV. Taking a seat beside her in the living room, they both continued to watch the captivating scenes unfolding on the screen. 

Curiosity got the better of Sandra, and she couldn't help but inquire about Luke's movie night at the cinema. "How was the movie night, big bro?" she asked eagerly.

Luke smiled, reminiscing about the enjoyable time they had spent together. "It was quite a nice experience. We watched 'King's War'," he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Sandra's eyes lit up with recognition. "Oh, I've heard of that movie! It just came out two days ago. I can't wait to download it," she exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice.

Luke, eager to share his thoughts, began to mention a particular scene from the movie. But before he could utter a word, Sandra playfully interrupted, "No spoilers, bro!" she exclaimed, covering her ears. "La la la, I can't hear you!"

Luke chuckled, realizing he had to respect Sandra's wishes. "Alright, my mouth is zipped," he assured her, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Settling down on the couch, the brother and sister continued to enjoy their quality time together, engrossed in the captivating world unfolding on the TV screen. As the night grew late, they eventually retired to their respective rooms, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Not long after, their parents returned home, finding Luke and Sandra already fast asleep. Jessica, their mother, couldn't help but express her affectionate amusement. "Aww, they're already asleep," she remarked, her voice filled with warmth.

Kelvin, their father, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it seems the night got the better of them," he replied, joining Jessica on the couch.

As Jessica fetched two cold beverages from the fridge and poured them into glass cups, a sense of contentment filled the air. "You know, Kelvin, this all feels like a dream to me," she confessed, a hint of wonder in her voice.

Curiosity piqued, Kelvin inquired further. "What do you mean?" he asked, his tone filled with intrigue.

A smile graced Jessica's lips as she took a sip from her glass. "Well, our son and all this werewolf stuff

" yeah still feels like all a dream " Kelvin said 

Kelvin and Jessica engaged in a heartfelt conversation, reminiscing about past events that had shaped their lives. As the clock struck midnight, they both felt a sense of exhaustion and decided it was time to rest.

Kelvin reflected on the challenges he had faced when he first activated his curse. The guilt and the struggle to accept his new identity had led him to leave school and seek solace in a new city. However, he found himself lost and devoid of purpose until he crossed paths with Jessica.

Jessica, with a tender smile, recalled the time when Kelvin had come to her house one night to bid her farewell, as he embarked on a journey to start a new life. Little did they know that their destinies would intertwine in a way that would bring light and hope into each other's lives.

Kelvin's path led him to the discovery of the supernatural academy, where he learned to control and embrace his transformed self. Jessica admired his resilience and strength throughout his journey, acknowledging the immense growth he had undergone.

As the conversation came to a close, they both acknowledged the power of their connection and the impact they had on each other's lives. With a sense of gratitude and contentment, they bid each other goodnight. 

As the morning sun gently streamed through the windows, filling the kitchen with a warm glow, Jessica busied herself preparing a delightful breakfast for her family. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and the comforting scent of toasted bread filled the air.

"Good morning, Mom!" Luke and Sandra greeted in unison, their voices filled with the excitement of a new day. They eagerly settled down at the table, their hunger piqued by the delicious spread before them.

With an affectionate smile, Jessica cautioned Sandra, who was already diving into her slice of bread, "Oh, dear, take it easy with the bread. We wouldn't want you to risk choking." Sandra nodded, her mouth still full, acknowledging her mother's concern.

Luke joined them, savoring the warm tea and the satisfying crunch of the toast. Kelvin joined the breakfast gathering, his footsteps echoing down the stairs. As he sat down and took a bite, the familiar sounds of their morning routine filled the room.

The simple pleasure of sharing a meal together, the clinking of cutlery and the gentle chatter, created a comforting ambiance that reminded them of the love and warmth within their family. 

As the morning sun cast its warm glow upon the cozy breakfast table, Jessica couldn't contain her excitement. "So, Sandra and Luke," she began, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, "your dear Aunt Maria is gracing us with her presence this afternoon. She just returned from her enchanting escapade in Paris last week."

Sandra, momentarily taken aback by the news, replied with a simple "Oh, nice." Luke, ever the agreeable one, nodded in agreement.

Jessica, with a hint of sternness in her voice, cautioned them, "Remember, my darlings, let's not bombard Aunt Maria with endless questions and requests. We must give her the space she deserves after her travels." Sandra, confident in her innocence, chimed in, "Don't worry, Mom. We won't disturb her too much."

Jessica shot them a knowing look, raising an eyebrow. Luke, unable to resist the truth, confessed, "Well, I suppose we do have our moments of curiosity."

With breakfast now behind them, the family dispersed to their respective corners of the house. Jessica settled into the living room, indulging in some well-deserved TV time. Meanwhile, Kelvin retreated to his room, engrossed in important work on his trusty laptop.

In the midst of it all, Sandra found solace in her own sanctuary. She entered her room, the door closing softly behind her. The rhythmic melody of a song filled the air as she swayed to its enchanting tune. Lost in the music, she sang along, her voice carrying the joyous echoes of beautiful memories. 

Luke, Anthony, and Jasmine found themselves engrossed in a lively video call, their voices carrying through the digital realm. Anthony, with a mischievous glint in his eye, suggested that Luke join him at his house for an afternoon of gaming on the venerable PS3. However, Luke regretfully declined the invitation, citing the impending arrival of his Aunt Maria as the reason for his unavailability.

Anthony, surprised by this revelation, remarked, "Oh, I thought she was still traveling."

Luke, his voice tinged with a touch of amusement, responded, "Indeed, she returned last week, and now she's paying us a visit."

A chorus of understanding murmurs traversed the virtual airwaves as the trio contemplated their upcoming final year exams. Jasmine, ever the diligent student, inquired about their study strategies. Luke, with a hint of determination, shared his intention to embark on a late-night reading session. Anthony, echoing his friend's sentiment, concurred, "Aye, I shall do the same."

In the midst of their academic discussion, Anthony veered into a more peculiar topic, raising the question of whether Aunt Maria possessed knowledge of the mysterious "werewolf stuff." Luke, his voice filled with uncertainty, admitted, "I cannot say for certain, but the answer may reveal itself in due time."

Their conversation continued to flow, the bonds of friendship strengthening even through the digital medium. Suddenly, a knock resonated through the physical realm, interrupting their virtual camaraderie. It was Aunt Maria, her presence heralded by Jessica's welcoming voice.

"Kids, your Aunt Maria has arrived," Jessica announced, her words carrying a mix of joy and anticipation.

Sandra, unable to contain her excitement, descended the stairs with a spring in her step, embracing Aunt Maria in a warm and heartfelt hug. The reunion was a testament to the deep affection shared between them.

Luke, too, made his way downstairs, his voice filled with respect as he greeted his aunt, "Hello, Aunt Maria."

Aunt Maria's eyes widened with astonishment as she took in Luke's maturing appearance. "Luke, my, how you've grown since we last met," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with warmth and pride.

Jessica, ever the gracious host, urged everyone to take their seats, ensuring their comfort and facilitating the continuation of their cherished family gathering.

Maria, with a warm smile, asked the kids how school had been. Sandra, quick to respond, replied, "Good, Aunt Maria." The conversation then shifted to Luke, who was about to graduate. Maria congratulated him, saying, "Heard you're graduating soon, Luke. Congratulations!" Luke graciously thanked his aunt for the kind words.

Just then, Kelvin walked into the room, taking a seat on the couch. The atmosphere became livelier as Jessica chimed in, asking Maria about her trip to Paris. Maria's eyes sparkled as she described the beauty of the city and how she had brought back gifts for Jessica's children. Sandra couldn't contain her excitement and exclaimed, "Oh, really?" Maria handed them a bag filled with presents, and Luke and Sandra eagerly delved into it, finding exactly what they had hoped for.

As Luke and Sandra reveled in their newfound treasures, Maria brought up the topic of Luke's admission to the supernatural academy. The mood in the room shifted, and Luke couldn't help but wonder if Aunt Maria knew about it. Before he could stop himself, the words slipped out, "Wait, you know about it, Aunt Maria?" Luke's surprise was evident.

Maria nodded, acknowledging her awareness. "Yeah, of course. Though when I found out, I must admit, I was shocked and filled with disbelief." Luke's eyes widened, realizing that his aunt had gone through a similar reaction. "Yeah, it took me a while to accept the truth, but I guess it's time to embrace my new identity," Luke confessed.

Maria, understanding and supportive, reassured him, saying, "Alright, dear. It may have taken some time, but I believe you'll find your way." The conversation flowed on as Sandra filled Maria in on what she had missed during her trip to Paris, while Maria shared exciting stories from her adventures. 

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the room, Maria sensed that it was time for her departure. With a gentle smile, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the cherished moments they had shared. The family gathered around her, enveloping her in a warm embrace, reluctant to let her go. Maria's eyes welled up with bittersweet tears as she bid each family member farewell, promising to keep in touch and visit again soon.

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