
Ice Age, I stockpiled ten billion goods

Apocalypse + Rebirth + Explosive Stocking of Supplies + Gou + Infinite Space + Blackened Revenge of Not the Virgin The world has entered the Ice Age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human race on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress! When the apocalypse comes, everyone will freeze like a dog, and they will give up everything just for a bite to eat. But Zhang Yi is living more comfortably than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me enter your house, I promise to be your girlfriend. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I am willing to use all my money to exchange for a meal in your family! Animal neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share supplies with us, and shouldn't be so selfish! …… Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi lay in the safe house and lived a life like a paradise. Zhang Yi: What does it have to do with me whether you die or not? I won’t give you my stuff to feed the dogs!

jianbing · Sci-fi
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376 Chs

Chapter 265 The Strong Enemy

After getting Xu Fatzi's promise, Xu Lili was very happy and went back after thanking him.

Xu Fatzi looked at the back of Xu Lili's departure, clenched his fist and said with firm eyes: "I must protect this home!"

He got up his courage and went to Xu Dongtang.

At this time, Xu Dongtang is diligently arranging people to serve the rescue team soldiers at Xishan Base.

Not only arrange accommodation for them, but also let every household take out food and prepare food for them.

His beaming expression is especially like a traitor dog a century ago.

Of course, he harvested not only the villagers in his own village, but also five or six villages in Xujia Town.

On the contrary, in order to show loyalty to Xishan Base, the village heads of other villages took the initiative to increase the amount of food and materials offered.

So when Xu Fatzi arrived, he found that the door of Xu Dongtang was crowded.

Xu Dongtang stood in the snow at his doorstep, looking proud. If he didn't know it, he thought his son had been admitted to the No.1 Scholar.

Xu Fatzi took a few deep breaths to cheer himself up.

He came to Xu Dongtang and shouted, "Grandpa Six!"

Xu Dongtang's face changed slightly when he saw Xu Fatzi.

"Why are you here?"

He scolded with a frown.

Xu Fatzi is their secret weapon in Xu Dong Village. Xu Dongtang is not going to let people in Xishan Base know his existence for the time being.

Mainly worried that people in Xishan Base took a fancy to Xu Fatzi's talent and took him away, so Xu Dong Village was missing a top tool man.

"Come with me!"

Xu Dongtang took Xu Fatzi to a secluded place and said seriously, "You are a different person, but the secret of our Xu Dongcun. Don't let others know! Don't go out casually in the future, wait for my orders."

Xu Fatzi smiled and said, "Grandpa Liu, do you think you can hide this matter? Now you have dragged the whole Xujia town down. If you don't say it, people in other villages won't say it?"

"I am a different person's things will be revealed sooner or later, so it is better to admit it generously."

Xu Dongtang kept a straight face and was silent for a moment before staring at him and saying, "Chunlei, your wings are hard now. Do you have your own ideas?"

Xu Fatzi didn't speak, just stared into his eyes.

Xu Dongtang was helpless and educated: "It's okay for you to climb high branches, but don't forget that you are a member of the Xu family!"

Xu Fatzi said, "Grandpa Liu, I don't really want anything else. I also want to help you share the pressure, at least let me enter the inner circle of our family?"

"For example, when you receive the leaders of superior organizations, you didn't inform me. I really take me as an outsider, hey, I am also very sad!"

When Xu Fatzi started bargaining with Xu Dongtang, he was still afraid in his heart.

After all, for many years, the concept of clan elders made him an otaku have no courage to talk back.

However, when he opened his mouth, he found that things were not as difficult as imagined.

Most importantly, he found that Xu Dongtang was really scared and retreated!

This greatly increased his confidence.

What clan elders are bowing in front of the soldiers in Xishan Base.

He Xu fat man somehow is also a different person, is worse than those people?

Xu Fatzi looked hesitant when he saw Xu Dongtang. He stepped forward and said, "Even if you want to hide me, people in Xishan Base will find out that there are different people in Xu Dong Village sooner or later."

"When the time comes, people will think you are hiding something. It is better to let me meet them directly, which is also your sincerity."

Xu Fatzi must approach them in order to obtain the intelligence of the troops at Xishan Base.

Xu Dongtang hesitated for a long time and said uncomfortably, "They will take you back after they know your ability! Chunlei, my good grandson, the Xu family needs you!"

Xu Fatzi's vanity has been greatly satisfied.

The head of the family was so polite to him that he couldn't even think about it in the past.

"Grandpa Liu, you can rest assured that I will not leave the Xu family."

He still has his beloved Lili here. How can he leave?

Xu Dongtang can see that Xu Fatzi's mentality has changed, which is not so easy for him to control.

So he had to say, "Well, I'll introduce you to the superior officers! But you must remember your promise and don't leave with them."

Xu fat man nature is readily agreed to come down.

Xu Dongtang reluctantly led Xu Fatzi to see Shen Hong and Yu Lang and others.

At this time, Shen Hong and his party are trimming in the snow house.

There was a fire in the middle of the igloo, and a group of people sat by the fire, warming themselves while eating.

Seeing Xu Dongtang come in with a fat man, the soldiers looked over one after another.

When Xu Dongtang saw them, his face was full of flattering expressions.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wonder if you are satisfied with the food we have prepared?"

Shen Hong nodded: "Not bad."

Yu Lang said with a smile: "Thank you very much, uncle!"

He pointed to Xu Fatzi. "Who is this next to you?"

After Xu Fatzi entered the door, he didn't forget to help Zhang Yi collect intelligence. So the eyes looked at someone in the place.

This kind of strange eyes naturally attracted the attention of Lang Xu.

Xu Dongtang smiled and stretched out his hand to introduce: "This is Xu Chunlei, the grandson of my family. He is a different person, and I will introduce him to the officers."

When I heard that Xu Fatzi was a different person, more than a dozen soldiers at the scene suddenly stopped their actions and looked at Xu Fatzi in surprise.

The probability of finding aliens in the outside world is very low. Most people die after mutation, and only a few show positive mutation and become aliens with powerful powers.

Even in the whole Xishan base, there are not many born aliens nowadays.

And all the people present, although they are well-trained warriors, are born with no strangers.

As for Shen Hong and Yu Lang, they also became different people after paying a huge price.

Therefore, after they heard that Xu Fatzi was a different person, their eyes were full of curiosity, envy and jealousy.

Shen Hong immediately stood up and went to the front of Xu Fatzi: "Are you a different person? What are your powers?"

In order to gain the trust of these soldiers, Xu Fatzi said, "I can control some ice and snow. You see, I built the whole snow house in Xu Dong Village!"

As he spoke, his right hand stroked gently, and the snow layer on the ground immediately floated up and condensed into a snowball in his palm.

Shen Hong and others widened their eyes, and there was no doubt in their hearts.

Shen Hong, in particular, excitedly walked over and put his arms around Xu Fatzi's shoulder and shook it hard.

"Good, good, I didn't expect to have such a talent as you in this small village!"

It's a great credit to find a different person!

In this way, the sin of his failure to lead the team can be offset.

Can Shen Hong be unhappy?