
Ice Age, I stockpiled ten billion goods

Apocalypse + Rebirth + Explosive Stocking of Supplies + Gou + Infinite Space + Blackened Revenge of Not the Virgin The world has entered the Ice Age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human race on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress! When the apocalypse comes, everyone will freeze like a dog, and they will give up everything just for a bite to eat. But Zhang Yi is living more comfortably than before the end of the world. Bai Lianhua: Zhang Yi, as long as you let me enter your house, I promise to be your girlfriend. Rich second generation: Zhang Yi, I am willing to use all my money to exchange for a meal in your family! Animal neighbors: Zhang Yi, you should share supplies with us, and shouldn't be so selfish! …… Looking at these people who had betrayed him in his previous life, Zhang Yi lay in the safe house and lived a life like a paradise. Zhang Yi: What does it have to do with me whether you die or not? I won’t give you my stuff to feed the dogs!

jianbing · Sci-fi
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376 Chs

Chapter 264 Dark Lines

Xishan Base is more than 50 kilometers away from Yunque Manor.

In the ice and snow, they can't always travel so long.

Therefore, if you want to fight against Zhang Yi for a long time, you must have a base nearby.

Then there is no doubt that Xujia Town is the best choice.

There are free labor and materials stored by villagers, which can be used at will.

However, Xishan Base can think of using them, and Zhang Yi also has this idea.

It is better to let Xu Fatzi stay and be his undercover to help him inquire about the actual situation of those people.

Xu Fatzi was reluctant when he first heard about it.

"I can't do this kind of thing, boss! Those soldiers are murderous one by one, and I am afraid to see them."

Zhang Yi is speechless to Xu Fatzi.

Clearly has so strong combat effectiveness, as long as Xu Fatzi is willing, it is easy to kill those ordinary soldiers.

But he is so unintelligent.

Zhang Yi said: "Don't worry, I don't need you to have a head-on conflict with them. You just need to help me find out about them quietly."

Xu Fatzi is too timid. If there is a conflict, he will be killed easily.

Zhang Yi also don't want to kill him, for Xu fat this fat house, Zhang Yi or quite like. At least he's silly and cute.

"After the job is done, I will not give you less rewards."

Xu Fatzi heard that he didn't have to fight, and suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Well, that's good! As long as you don't let me go to the fight, you can say anything."

Zhang Yi walked to a game collection room on the second floor while talking on the phone.

This is left by Wang Siming.

Within the space of more than 80 square meters, there are all kinds of rare hand-made products, many of which are limited to less than 10 sets in the world, or even out of print treasures.

Zhang Yi picked up a gold saints hand-made of pure gold, took a photo and sent it to him.

"As long as the trouble is successfully solved this time, I will send you a complete set of pure gold handmade in the Golden Zodiac!"

Xu Fatzi received the photo sent by Zhang Yi, and suddenly his eyes were straight.

"This... this is the Golden Zodiac issued in 2035! Made of pure gold, it is said that 5 sets have been sold in limited quantities worldwide."

"Boss, I must do this thing beautifully for you!"

Xu Fatzi's excited face is full of fat.

In the past, this thing could sell for more than 3 million Chinese dollars!

Not to mention a whole set, he can't even think about it!

The happiness of otaku is so simple.

Zhang Yi hung up the phone, and he regretted not being able to get Xu Fatty to the shelter.

With the help of his ability, it will be much more convenient to deal with Xishan Base.

However, he also has his own relatives, so Zhang Yi can't insist. If he asks hard, it may be counterproductive.

Zhang Yi doesn't want people with two ambitions in his shelter.

"It doesn't matter. It might be a better choice to leave you there."

"However, if you think that the soldiers at Xishan Base can live in harmony with you, the consequences may be very heavy."

Zhang Yi shook his head, feeling that people in Xujia Town are still too naive.

They really treat Xishan Base as an official organization.

Zhang Yi can't say anything. After all, not everyone has the channel to learn higher-level information like him.

Ordinary people in China have always been used to being managed.


On the other side, after chatting with Zhang Yi, Xu Fatzi knew in his heart that he could no longer lie flat.

Only by providing Zhang Yi with sufficient information according to Zhang Yi's orders can we ensure that people in Xu Dong Village will not be settled by Zhang Yi after autumn.

After much thought, Xu Fatzi planned to have a good talk with Xu Dongtang.

Xu Fatzi put on his wool hat and went out of the house.

I was going to find Xu Dongtang when my eyes suddenly lit up, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a wisp of beautiful shadow running towards him from a distance.

"Xu Lili!"

Xu Fatzi's heart beat faster, and his face was filled with a happy smile.

This is the first young girl to take the initiative to greet him in five years.

From that moment on, Xu Fatzi's heart was completely occupied by her.

"Brother Chunlei!"

Xu Lili happily ran to Xu Chunlei, patted his chest, breathed, and then showed a bright smiling face.

"Lili, how did you come out? In cold weather, it is not warm at home."

Xu Fatzi asked with concern.

Xu Lili looked in the direction of Xu Dongtang's home in the distance and said to Xu Fatzi: "Grandpa Liu said, let every household take out food and provide it for those soldiers."

"My parents took the bacon pickled at home. I came by to give you something."

Xu Lili said, and took out a pair of cotton gloves from his pocket and handed them to Xu Fatzi.

"I knitted this with my own hands!"

Xu Lili said shyly.

Xu Fatzi's heart shook, and the gloves looked ugly. At first glance, they were sewn by hand.

Thinking of the girl in front of him doing such a thing, Xu Fatzi's heart became more and more moved.

"She is really in love with me!"

Xu Fatzi was happy in his heart.

"Lili, thank you! You are so kind to me."

Xu fat silly laughs.

Xu Lili smiled sweetly: "As long as you like it! Come, try it on."

Xu Fatzi put on gloves and tried it. Although it was tight, his heart was warm.

"Brother Chun Lei, do you say that these soldiers are coming, is it a good thing or a bad thing for our village?"

After a few pleasantries, Xu Lili suddenly frowned and asked in a low voice.

Xu Fatzi is also a move in his heart.

"Lily, why did you think of asking this question?"

Xu Lili sighed and said, "In these days, everyone is having a hard time. Before the soldiers came, we relied on the food at home, at least we were not hungry."

"But when they appear, these dozens of people have to let us support them. A meal or two is fine, and I am afraid of them..."

Xu Lili didn't go on, but looked around cautiously.

The villagers are afraid that these soldiers will stay, and they are even more afraid that they will rob food.

After all, they have guns in their hands!

Xu fatty smell speech, looking at Xu Lili scared appearance, male chauvinism mood emerged.

He looked at Xu Lili and said with firm eyes: "Lili, you can rest assured! No matter what happens in our village, I will definitely protect your safety!"

Xu Lili said happily, "Thank you, Brother Chun Lei! I knew you were a good man. Then you will protect my parents, right?"

"Well, of course! I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Xu Fatzi said: Your parents will be my parents in the future, so of course they must be well protected.